Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pardon The Gator

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2013


There was this Gator farm down in the south;
Plenty of Gator tail, plum fill your mouth.

It came down to Thanksgiving, when little Brenda Sue;
Wanted to pardon a Gator, but what's one to do?

She pleaded with Pa, the President let's one live;
A Turkey is pardoned, it's one life to give!

Pa shook his head...Brenda, this is a farm;
Gators are our living, don't be so alarmed!

But, she cried and she pouted, just let one go;
Back to the swamp, no one will know.

We can say it escaped, with blessings good-bye;
The Lord will bless it, back to Gator sky!

But, Pa still refused, his mind was made;
Gator meat for the table, Gator hide for the shade.

So Brenda Sue, snuck out back;
Gators in the pit, Pa had quite a pack.

She took a stick and poked around;
Trying not to fall in, trying not to drown!

And found one little Gator, who didn't have a clue;
Either busting for freedom or eating Brenda Sue...

But, she coaxed him out, put him in a sack;
Drug him over the road, don't you be coming back!

And proclaimed, "Here you go Gator, I pardon you free...
Go live your life, your life to be!"

Brenda Sue went back home and ate her dinner;
Only she knew the truth, one Gator was winner.

Yes, only she...knew the truth, she'll tell them later;
That every Thanksgiving, she pardons a Gator!

                                                                                                    Happy Thanksgiving!

                                                                                                    Kirk Carter 11/2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Deep Thoughts (2) Dream Applications

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2013



       What you have to look for when one awakes, are recollections of the dreams or the elements you had overnight. For those who are visioned enough to be able to recollect elements of their dreams, then I suggest the simple system of of writing as much down, as to what would be considered your spiritual outline...but alas, do it quick, as the images will disappear quickly!

From there, conjure up something fresh for breakfast, prepare your morning walk or jog, (if you have such disabilities as the bedridden, one must explore what works best with yourself, only you know these things), they're are specialized programs for just about anything these days. To give you a for instance, I just found out that my writing is translated into about 20 other languages, including secondary audio and braille! Wow!

Anyway, with this in mind, you will start to sense what you need to do, about your thoughts, your mood-swings and, your transgressions as to how you will explore your bottom line principles.
These are ideas and preconception's which lye within your spiritual realm, what has been expected of your purpose for this day, your waking hours as I like to call them. It's not important than you accomplish everything, but try to focus on the most coherent of thought, what's most buggy you, and follow through with an attempt at an least give it a shot!

With this internal thought going on, at least you will gift a purpose, an effort as to what you need to do or not do...your purpose is to stay aware of dangers, focus on your purpose, as we all slowly do the inevitable time out from the planet. Your not going to stay here forever, at least not in a physical state anyway, so get busy with a little self-progress. I don't care what you do or what your professions still counts, so make it so!

Now, with your securities focused...that meaning that you have conjured up enough guts to anticipate, find yourself up to the task, go forth and do that one project, at least that one project, that you've procrastinated on, pushed aside, or perhaps...too embarrassed to see the end many hate finding success in something they've always harbored as an impossible dream or concept. I know of what I speak, so listen...

Yes, I've been there, and more times than not, I walked away, with mission accomplished, wondering why in the hell, did I just go and do that earlier? 

For "Deep Thought", this is Kirk Carter in Burbank, California