Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pit Bull Of The World

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


(This article is dedicated to Buddy, a dog that just assumed we were all good people...including himself!)

When economist and politicians get together for a chat for one reason or the other, you would think it was authoritative and principled.

When you take a nation like the United States, wondering why we are so deliberate and consumed with sticking our fingers into everyone's mud pies while we run a 27+ trillion dollar deficient...and is still doing pretty damn well against most foreign exchanges...well, it has a lot to do with the Pit Bull theory!

Conversion ratios, cooking the books, and trying to blame everything on the Republicans is pretty much old school...everyone's taking credit on this one...

The Pit Bull theory is, if the dog bit you on the ass, why didn't you just have him destroyed?

Simple, the dog might voluntarily come to your yard one day and save your ass!

You'll remember that day, perhaps you remember that particular day in the past...doesn't really matter...it will come. An event when you thought the whole world was falling apart either due to a environmental or political calamity, and there's help from the U.S. to one way or another get your ass out of the mud!

The current thinking is that the dissertation of the Iranian talks, the immobilization of common thought toward toning down the radical dissolution and viewpoints of prophesies that are believed in and practiced...with them application is principled and regarded as law.

We in the U.S. don't agree that Israel needs to be annihilated...yet!
However, over there, they will not rest till the task is done

Based on thousands of years of unfiltered hatred and misunderstanding...the Islamist Left still believe, they all still agree that Muhammad will not show up to the party till the Jews don't exist anymore...left to their own patterns of behavior...it shall be done!

It's like a neighbor who continues to smoke weed, tobacco, whatever...until he is eliminated, there will be no clean air for anyone!

Our CIA sticks their nose into anything that looks politically unstable. They don't care that maybe other systems might operate a little differently, it's not what they want...so let's trash the place. They don't care that they're probably screwing up alliances, age-old tribal agreements, long cultural elements of understanding leading the ability to tolerate differences of religion and politics. 

No, the CIA is hell-bent on fraud and injustice. They just move in whenever and wherever, flood the local markets with boxes full of freshly printed c-notes and sit back and watch the fun begin!

The Pit Bull, that being the United States Loves to influence by handing things out...what is it you want?

Here...take, then only after your at a moment of competences...we come in and start manipulating your markets to the point where the people involved are overwhelmed. Then, as the falling apart of their society starts to happen, as the dispersion of those holding U.S. dollars occurs...the rest are just left to rot and fight over crumbs while we move on to another country in need. We do this all the time, it sickens me!

ISIS is a good example, where we started off with good intentions, giving them weapons and money to off shoot elements of Russia and Syria. A radical off shoot of the Islamist Radical Left...great move there. You can thank Senator John McCain and John Kerry for their influences on the house and the senate for starting that mess!

Of course, now that it has gotten out of hand, nobody wants to take credit for all the horrible mayhem that's taking place as I write this! Anybody home there in the Senate? No, they're scrambling jets from countries all over the place to attempt to extinguish the flames we started!

It always rolls me when people can't believe that the CIA is responsible for a good percentage of the cocaine and heroin trafficking that takes place within our borders. If there's a market, you can bet the CIA will be in there with operatives...eventually!

It's what the Pit Bull does best!

No sleep for the timid, keep the pot stirred up, don't let any countries sit idle...ever, and yes, keep everyone guessing!

The big focus seems to be, trying to take the Pit Bull down! Good luck with that one...

The U.S. is so fragmented and intertwined with everyone's shit, no one can get the job done!
It's also pretty well known (with even the radicals), that a nuclear weapon has it's disadvantages, in that the fallout from a detonation would float down wind and end up poisoning their own people...plus and most importantly...who would China sell their crap to? Hell, Wal-Mart would have to cease operation completely! 

The Pit Bull...unstoppable, we lead by bullying the world. I doubt anything will change, at least in my life time. Have a good day!

Kirk Carter
SOHO, New York