Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Smartphone Blues

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


As you may be staring at your Smartphone as you read this, realize the dozens of people throughout the day who simply want the opportunity to say "Hello", or introduce themselves to you? But no, you have your face dug down deep into someone else's content page.

Your little world of reading other people's content is carefully orchestrated to suck you in!

I know, because I write a lot of stuff under different pseudonyms.
I get 10 cents a click (yea, a whole 10 cents), each time you click a story or episode. There are a number of commercial websites I do this on...this is not a promotional ad, you either find them or not!

One particular site I do get's me an average of 7500 clicks, it all adds up, and yes...I thank you for reading my content...

Wasn't bragging there, but my point is either you produce content or you consume content.

The Smartphone Blues occurs like a symptom of psychosis, where one see's no margin line, you inherently feel no need to better yourself because you've managed to suck your own livelihood into the dilemma of social media...

It's sad really...when you consider that you have no original thought anymore...cause some one else is entertaining you. No wonder teacher's are scratching their heads with so few students showing any enthusiasm, no drive? With all this lost potential, our civilization will soon dissolve itself with even more haves, and a crap load of have-nots.

Let's all keep staring at the magical screen and your almost guaranteed to have nothing!

It's hard to be complacent when your allowing millions of slick content hackers (for the lack of a better phrase, "Media Whores"), who control the agenda with fancy and often times professional level post-productions.

If you think about it, what if your Smartphone died...no coming back...and as you looked over to the next person, their's died, too?

Suddenly, everyone starts to look around, perhaps at each other, starting to feel unusually uncomfortable. Talk about a dilemma, like what the f**k?

An electromagnetic flux has just occurred...
You previous readers know that I'm talking about an electromagnetic pulse, all man made, easily built, and yes...every major country has an arsenal of them ready to launch.

There's also a large move by radical groups to introduce one of these at about 20 miles above the United States...say around Kansas. The sun can also cause something like that, but not quite so concentrated, precise, and absolute in it's effectiveness.

So they manage to set one off, what would you see, feel? 
Probably see a quick pulse of light in the sky, maybe a delayed boom blast, nothing major.
It will feel like a spark, a quick shock, like when you cross an office room with thick carpet and touch the button to get on an elevator...you know that uncomfortable little zap you get when you discharge the body of your built up electrons you've accumulated?

Only difference is, all the lights would go out, the elevator would cease to work, any computer controlling anything (water, sewage, tv, radio, cell towers, gas pumps, automobiles made after 1979), and yes your Smartphone, would be off line for perhaps a year or so...

By the time all the chaos clears from people not being able to access their funds, and assuming you survive all the people going ballistic trying to find food (no trucks remember), then it will be a learning experience one will never forget. This by the way, is not speculative make-believe, it's only a matter of time before it occurs...

Point being...get into the habit of making yourself available for conversation, it's habit forming!
Be open-minded enough that you genuinely accept the fact, that despite your best intentions, your not living in a closed closet or box...we share this planet, get over it!

Try to get into the habit of saying "Good Morning" to total strangers, or just get the first shot off and kill them, somebodies got eat!

In my case, I'll orchestrate the idle chit-chat for a moment or two...depending on the response...well, it will have to be situational, depending on the circumstance, I reserve comment here...do I blast them and take the food, or do we share...like I said, very situational! 

Who know, these long lost social skills actually might come in handy when the Smartphone doesn't?

Kirk Carter
Soho, New York

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hillery Dillery Doc

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


Look who's now working the political mop?
With a $14 million dollar book advance, and nobody is buying her book, and $300 thousand per speech that no one wants to hear, somebody...please stop this woman!

It's not that I have a problem with Ms. Clinton personally, but you must admit she's a bit of a baggage whore...and yes, from last reports she's still married to Bill, with Chelsea leading up the major news groups, what a power trip they're on!

Like a good instigator, who can't find critical faults to her morality...yes, there I said it...morality, didn't even think it existed with her, but yes...there it is...at least some semblance!

In previous, just so much legal Eagle trailer trash who has risen to the level of a Utopian Queen, she's here to guide us through the realities of the real political state of where our country is, how it exist, and yes, don't fret, as only Hillary knows the real truth...we need not bother, she's here to save us or at least insure the status quo!

So let's bow down to out inept inability to find ourselves, to guide ourselves, the core principles being...you need not think, just follow me, I am Hillary, I know what's best!

And so, let's not waste our time talking about the scandalous days of her pre-Bill dramas and escapades that encircled her law firm down in Arkansas. Like Saddam and Gomorrah, I can only imagine what kind of mischief must have went on. And since no one dares to talk, the trees have apparently fallen into the forest, and no one was around to hear them fall. We may never know... 

Remember, in her own words, "It takes a village!", that is as long as she gets to rule it!
Along with a bunch of other issues, perhaps the one that burns my butt a little, is her insistence with political campaign finance reform. It apparently will only apply to all the others, but not her. She will be busily collecting international contributions from all her newly made buddy pals from her stint as Secretary of State...

Even though she might not reach her 2.5 billion dollar (yes, $2.5 billion!) campaign goal for personal contributions, she might get damn close!

In the mean time, I personally think it's time to have a woman in the White House. Considering the political and financial ramifications of the state of the U.S., I have to consider that       "Slick Willy" knew a few things about what was really going on in government...has it really gone to completely corporate?

The situation of Presidential leadership can be best summed up by the actions of our current leadership, lot's of Executive Orders, just let the Congress and the Senate twiddle their thumbs...no sense getting them involved with any decision making, just mucks everything up!

Who knows, history may show that Presidential mandates "are" best, at least for the short term...least we not forget, we owe a lot of hoodlums a lot of cash, and they are more than just a little hell-bent on breaking our legs to get even!

 I'm reserving comment on how we got ourselves into this mess in the first place...
And so, all disparity aside, I wish Hillary a good run, she's earned her Brownie points, and she's definitely got the balls to get the job done! You go girl...

Kirk Carter
Soho, New York