Sunday, December 7, 2014

Little Angel Of Perfect Pitch

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Within the harmonic balance of the Church Of Perpetual Persistence, there was a calling of a little angel named Sarah to sing in the Christmas choir.

The emotions were still fresh within her, as her recent tragedy had sent her spirit to this place so unexpectedly!

Although warm and inviting, she still couldn't understand the series of events that lead her here...she questioned why God had called her up so early?

The only thing that made sense was a missing voice in the Soprano section, there was to be only one available voice that fitted the missing serenade...and it was her, although she admittedly lacked the key element...Perfect Pitch! 

The conductor of the choir, Sister Mary had yet to witness the yet to be tested Sarah for the part. Being summoned, Sarah stood forth on the podium with only a worn piece of sheet music wrapped in a classic silver frame.

She cleared her voice, then attempted the first stanza, "Oh, come all ye faithful, joyous..."
Sister Mary immediately swatted her baton, making a most deafening crack, "No, no, no Sarah...your voice is so pretty, but yet so off key, you need to find your Perfect girl, will you be so good to work on that?

Sarah teared up up for a second, knowing that Sister Mary was right, she demanded perfection, after all...what was the purpose of her being there if she couldn't perform?

So, she went to the required classes at Angel School. It was a mandatory that she learn to bond with living souls on the Earth below, to help in times of trouble, to guide them toward their purpose.

Sister Mary was disappointed and frustrated with the audition with the audition given by her her youngest study, with the hopes of bringing to God the perfect choir, the Angelic Sound!

She went before the Board of Parishioners to plead her case, "I see no point in keeping this child at this level of propriety", she implored, "We need to send her back to the lower regions where she can at least be of service to the common folk...she absolutely has no place here!"

The Parishioners talked among'st themselves, then spoke...
"Sister Mary, of who we bespeak, on the belief's of one's purposeful existence, we must ask you to refrain from chastising such a young soul who has just begun her journey toward the truth!"

Sister Mary pondered their statements, then contended that some time should be spent with the child...with the original chorus, the Chorus Of Nature! The parishioners agreed...

And so, began the relationship between Sarah and God's creatures.
At first, it was the "Coo" of a Dove, the ranging variables of the Whippoorwill, and the "Clicks and Haws" of the Grackle.

Sarah reached out and harmonized with each, taking time to gently stroke their feathers, finishing out the phrases as each creature would mysteriously appear and then vanish when the lesson had been learned. "Most assuredly", she thought, "They were busy and had other's to teach, to learn of their wisdom, and their Perfect Pitch to harmonic phrase!"

The day had come and no one seemed to know where Sarah was, but she soon appeared from under the over growth of the Willows hanging over the back of the Convent.
She walked up the back steps of the Cathedral wearing a perfect white dress with a flowering train of rose pedals.

Her smile beckoned others to smile back as she asserted her presence with a gentle wave to all that looked at her. Her wings, although small...glistened in the early morning sun which shown through the floras of etched glass.

Sister Mary was completely caught off guard, not really knowing what to think. She simply clapped as Sarah confidently took her seat in the Soprano section of the choir box. She was handed a framed copy of the first piece, embroidered in silver markings.

Sister Mary graciously bowed to the followers, the Parishioners, and then to the Cross.
Tapping the baton, off into the could hear the "Coo" of a lone was for Sarah...middle "C", Perfect Pitch!

As the organ played out the first elements of the stanza, the choir came to life.

"Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, Glory To The New Born King"

Peace On Earth, And Mercy Mild, God And Sinner's Reconciled!"

And the harmony was perfect, with the Timpani in transgressing timelessly with each voice pure, yet only one could be heard, be distinguished above the rest! 

And then...Sarah stood up by herself singing, "Glo....oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh oh, oh oh,oh, oh, oh , oh, Glory!"

Sister Mary had a lone tear to her eye, as she bared witness to the performance before her...and she was so very proud of what Sarah had become!

In Perfect Pitch, the choir joined in as you could clearly hear Sarah's voice above all others. Her output and clarity clearly focused, as her voice aggregated and permeated the congregation before her.

For she had trusted in herself, the wisdom of God's creatures, and the commitment to her purpose...her Love for Christ.

God smiled from above, he was pleased!

Merry Christmas

Kirk Carter
SoHo, New York

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