Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bottle On The Wall

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


Coming home with my first date, she saw this bottle on the wall;
Just sitting by itself, on it's on little shelf, weirdest thing she ever saw.

The bottle was empty, nothing in it, some cobwebs around the neck;
I just said, "It reminds me of a time when I was a total social wreck!"

"But why keep it", she said, "Doesn't it make you want to do it again?"
"No my Dear", I responded, "Just reminds me when I was full of sin!"

The evening wore on, she beat me at Scrabble, as the lemonade tampered down;
And I was beginning to wonder...should we do another round?

But, suddenly she began to carress me, so pleasant to say for sure;
"Can't believe you had these problems, your thoughts just seem so pure!"

"I chuckled, "If you could see the leaves, of this old tarnished book,",
"You might have had second thoughts, might not have taken a look..."

As the night progressed, we got frisky, sans whiskey, very very nice;
I felt her in my arms as we blended, my cherished sugar and spice.

So, finally the morning came, we showered, getting ready for the day;
We enjoyed each other's company, there wasn't very much to say.

Making our way up the hallway, she touched the bottle, my make shift shrine;
"So, by giving up this, you gave me a kiss, for that I'll make you mine!"

"Promises my sweet", I said, "Promises make me feel tall!"
And if I ever question what could have been, I just look to the Bottle On The Wall!

Kirk Carter
October  29, 2015

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