Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Red Leaf

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


Walking along a well worn path, I saw a leaf a leaf so bright with colors;
Many leaves I had seen, it seemed so different than the others.

A deep red pronouncement, contrasted hues, so iridescent it glowed;
Where it came from, just one tree, figured no one really knows?

But, I thought, "What travels, the time it took from seed to final rest;
It might have been a hundred years, it survived Mother Nature's test!"

Oh my friend, I feel I know you, so brilliant you speak to me;
You may be another leaf to others, but myself in you I see.

Thinking of the work you did, collecting sunlight with leafy others;
You worked together for the sake of the tree, the unity of focused brothers.

But, you seemed to have worked much harder, your brilliance shows so bright;
You could have been just average, for perfection one must fight!

I thought, "Much like people, we put to task our life long work;
We separate through focused indifference, our focus makes us perk!"

Singular conclusion, to all illusion, no simple path for those that shine;
I see your glow, for all to know, so similar yours and mine.

So I pick you up, your memory I'll keep, in Spirit I carry belief;
That my life will carry importance and full of promise,
like you my special Red Leaf!

Kirk Carter
October 27, 2015

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