Monday, January 6, 2014

Blue Monday

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


The holidays have passed, even Kuanza's over;
Now we start the year, all frozen in clover.

And we see the new calender, all shiny and thick;
How quickly we forget, the visit from Saint Nick!

A prosperous beginning, to a past done before;
You've survived the holidays, and now hit the door;
Of striving to be, more successful than before...

But, people complain, they yell at their spouse;
Over divided opinion's, the money and the house.

And those without direction, are as confused as can be;
You only have yourself to blame, your the only one you see.

So, Blue Monday will pass, the calender thins;
How productive will you be...just how many wins?

Till we cycle again, the holidays return;
Will our dreams be realized, will we crash and burn?

So, do the best you can, with what's been given to you;
Blue Monday is just a mindset, so don't be so blue!

And as I close, think the quote, "Just Winning!"
It's just a Blue Monday, it's just the beginning!

 Good luck, take care, and be good...

Kirk Carter

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