Monday, January 27, 2014

Smartphone Zombies

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


   There was a time when we used'd to use CB radios and pocket pagers to interact with the unknown public. Perhaps I could have figured out about digital, but anything using digital formats and the associated sampling and algorithms just associated, was beyond anything I had ever studied!

The important thing to note is that technology was moving at supersonic levels, we were taking open communications to the next level of access and availability. I'll never forget the first cell phone I was availed to. It was a Motorola 3000, about the size of a walky-talky and cost $1.75 cents a minute coming and going. Never forget my first bill was something like $360 for the first month, then I learned not to just receive calls willy-nilly!

Anyway, as time went on...I was introduced to the video games, the Internet porn push for wideband activity (yea, if it wasn't for porn, there wasn't much push to get beyond simple keystroking), anyway, as time developed...the technology pushed forward into the computer world where programs could be packaged up and sold as original works of thought. 

The idea of switching mechanisms for cell tower transfer became more and more improved until companies were able to provide phones that tapped into the Internet, provided a hot spot, created it's own GPS, web directory, IP, and identity. To simplify the discussion, within ten years we went from a cell phone to text and call, to this whole society of people that stare at their smart phones with more passion than anything or anyone around them.

In a sense, it's really sad watching a loving couple texting each other as they sit across at the same table. What has occurred when we all sit, staring at our screens while a potential friend, lover, or business associate awaits our attention? I could blame this on the gamers, but hey, at least they're doing something. But people who really don't move with purpose to start with, feel superiority and meaning when staring into the depths of the applications, somehow feeling important, of when people get on Facebook or Skipjack...such crap is such a falsehood that I'm really getting concerned about...where our society is heading here!

In the meantime, be aware that the slightest hick-up or solar flare could cause the system to flutter or fail. Wouldn't take much for the Smartphone Zombies (and that's just what they look like, too), to be driven to the realities of the real world where they have to interact and behave like social creatures again. Ever seen those without service, down on a charge, perhaps left they're charging unit at home, haven't paid their phone bills in time. It's really pathetic watching these people go through their withdraws.

This persistence to draw ourselves from normal conversation is slowing putting us into a co-existence of depravity and decadence. It's not healthy to put all our belief into a device that may be cancelled at any given burp of the sun, or at best...a tumor to our system from being so close to the microwave energy permeating from the device itself! Not to mention the money spent just sponsoring a popular cell-phone program that actually only benefits the well-heeled owners of the networks, cell networks, and their associated apps and systems!

I guess what's really sad, is seeing young kids and adults grow up without any real interaction to others, hiding behind the blare of their only discourages social and people interactions within our society. It's not a healthy trend, but those that know nothing else will hold on to these devices as though it is life itself.  And so, I have no Love for these devices, but I do understand the weakness toward them, they have no substance, weak people they are for sure, no self-esteem, but with a device, their smartphone...suddenly they feel important, I am someone! 

In closing, I did an Apple 4 for about 3months and turned it back in...damn thing was beeping, buzzing, reminding me when to take a shit, take the dog for a walk(and I don't even have a dog), when to plug it in,  it was like a cranky girlfriend I had to carry around in my hand. I have a flip-phone that I call and text with, I communicate with those who aren't buried into their devices, and yes...once in a while I smile and meet people in person. Unusual I know, but pretty cool when it happens!

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