Monday, June 30, 2014

Art Bell And Me

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Art Bell And Me

It was the summer of 1987 and I had just returned to Las Vegas, coming out of Dallas. Previously I had just moved my Mom out there, got a chance to see the scenery and thought I'd give it a shot!

My father had just passed away, and we thought it would be good if she came someplace new to get a fresh start, a new perspective on things. Odd that she chose Vegas as her new place to call home, finally leaving New Orleans basing her decision loosely on the fact that Wayne Newton lived there! I make jest of that, but she did like the vastness of the desert and the mountains, too...

Anyway, upon showing up to Vegas, I was informed that I needed to get to work...get a job man!
Taking my first gig climbing ladders and installing cable signal extenders for Prime Cable (now Time-Warner). One of the guys I was working with was Art Bell. Pretty interesting guy, a ham radio operator, talked a lot about being a medic, stints in Vietnam such as operating a pirate radio station out in the jungle, transmitting rock music to the troops. Found out later that they used elements of his activity in Robin Williams "Good Morning Vietnam"!

So, one morning in the middle of the hot July, we were up high on a telephone pole installing connectors for the amps. Art started making his move to the other side of the pole to mount the brackets for the device. This required him to disconnect his belt for a second so that he could get through the flow of wires. I guess when he went to reconnect his belt, he didn't get the prongs all the way through the belt holes, so that when he leaned back, putting weight on the belt, it slipped open, and Art slipped out, falling backwards, falling some 25 feet, landing perfectly on his butt in a patch of grass below, as tools rained down around him from above. As I looked down, he seemed a little shaken, but otherwise okay. The next day after the MRI was performed, he found out that he ruptured some of the vertebrae in his back. Art's climbing days were over...

Hadn't really heard from him in a while, so I called his apartment. The phone rang for a while, then finally Art answered after about 20 rings. I thought that was odd since it was 5:30 in the evening. He said that he was a day sleeper now, as he just took a night job doing a talk radio show for KDWN 720, a 50 thousand watt clear channel power house that you could actually hear all the way to Hawaii on a good night. 

I was already a fan of all their shows, listened to it all the time. He told me it was from ten to two, but it changed up here and there as time went on. It was generally listed as open-format, so topics were all over the map. When I asked him how much he was getting an hour, Art laughed "That's the weird part, I get paid by the phone call...sixty-five cents for each one!"

So, it was decided on to come up with topics, that would generate calls. The first thing Art came up with (the guy was a genius), were topics discussing the paranormal, his experiences with the government, seeing UFO's, and taking full advantage of Vegas being so close to so many military installations...many being top secret (like Area 51) full of rumors and curiosities, along with the people who worked at these installations, now and the past. A lot of call-in guest were identified by a "handle" (mine was Mount Charlston) if they were current, while those long retired usually just just said, "Screw The Government...this is who I am!"

Needless to say, it didn't take long for Art to develop an avid fan base, and it soon drew attention to a young and upcoming broadcast genius himself, Craig Kitchen (the guy who brought Rush Limbaugh to the breakfast table). Craig had a little company called Premiere Broadcasting, and they agreed to contract a couple of affiliates on the west coast just to see how it went.

What turned into the now Coast To Coast-AM is worlwide with 670 something U.S. affiliates, armed service radio, shortwave, and the internet, remaining number one in it's time slot since I can remember. It's the only natinal talk show that is replayed in it's intiraty twice in the same sitting.

George Lorrey now host the show, as Art has long since retired, after living a short stint in the Phillipines, and now living back where he started on his ranch in Parump, Nevada.
I still keep in touch!

Barometric Wind And Power Tunnels

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Barometric Wind And Power Tunnels


 How many times have you walked between a corridor of buildings or hills and felt the compression of a constant force of wind? That friction against your body as you struggle to move forward...
    No surprise, it's the Earth's natural atmospheric pressure being forced to make it's way through a surfaced corridor. It's the Earth's natural movement, the imbalance of temperate regions of cold air moving down, while hot air attempts to rise. It's this constant which dictates the seasons, climate variations, and from anyone who has ever lost anything during a bad storm...complete disaster!
    Question is, this natural phenomenon seems to be completely least underused, somewhat ignored by all the theoretical engineers, at least of our era! They instead place highly inefficient wind mills in the middle of nowhere, where they can only really spin when there is severe turbulence, or a shift of pressure systems. Problem is, they not only interfere with the wildlife that attempts to get by, trying to migrate on predictable magnetic corridors, but they're noisy, with constant "whoop-whoop" which is annoying to the ears. As though that wasn't enough, they clutter up the landscape, not particularly pleasing to look at!
    My answer to all this is Barometric Tunnels. The same technology which brought you the L.A. and Boston tunnels can be applied to making a one of these systems. The idea is to create a naturally constant drafting tunnel which doesn't that doesn't depend on climate trends to generate it's current. By using the constant of barometric pressure, there will always be a breeze. By putting a turbine in the tube, and controlling flow gates on each end of the tube, you will always be able to set the perfect amount of convection for maximum flow and compression.

The first thing you need to do is drill a tunnel (about 10 feet in diameter) from the base of a mountain or hill, drilling up at about a twenty degree angle, clean that out, and construct a tube skeleton of rebarb, then spraying concrete to secure the walls. From a costing standpoint, you could also do a steel sleeve type insertion, it would depend on the tube length and environment, as most of these tunnels need to be at least 150 feet in length in order to create the necessary induction. From there a track is installed which will hold a flatbed train car, which is pulled up the tunnel from a cable which is controlled from a winch at the top of the tunnel.

Placed at the center of the tunnel, brakes set, holding a 20 kilovolt generator complete with two opposing sets of turbine blades. Being on the track allows for easy installation, maintenance, and quick replacement. This is why I encourage the installation of a two tube system, so that electricity is constantly being produced, although at half the potential.

The turbines themselves would be free spinning, with a traditional relay engaged high speed starter just to get things going. At each end of the tunnel, there would be a computer operated motorised vent gate mounted on hinges for opening, it's frame firmly secured to the opening walls of the land mass. Senors for wind velocity, temperature, and of course barometric pressure would be fed to a computer which would calculate at any given time how much air to let in from the bottom vent and how much to let out from the top vent. The average velocity should be around 50 miles per hour.

Power cables from the generator would be fed down to a grid of IGBT rectifiers which would convert the direct current into alternating current while smoothing out the purity of the signal waveform, eliminating spikes and spurious emissions. This could be placed anywhere along the path, but it's best placed as close as possible to the source of generation.

Depending on the distance, most any township or community could set a couple of these up and not have to worry about energy sources or drop out latency due to environmental matters, or fuel prices. It would be especially useful for large scale water supplies where high-current demands become necessary for pumps and where traditional desalinating is being considered. The new school of thought seems to be using pulsed laser technology which neutralises sodium and other impurities, to be safely vented off to the atmosphere. 

The average price for a dual tunnel system would be in the $100 million range, depending on the topography, length of tunnel, and weather conditions during the construction. Contact me at for more information. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Sis!

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ June 2014
4/6 (Beastie Boys

Kat My Birthday Sis!
Kat my birthday sis, only one I got...
When you break her down, pretty cool too;
Not anybody's business, she do her own thing
She's fire, she's spirit, she's everything!
But, she take care of this Bro, when no one else would;
You think I wasn't savable, but she said she could.
And amazing feat of effort, uncommon place;
I am your sister, as she spoke upon my face.
For I remember the crap, you'd put me through;
Turntable with a flashlight, what's a sister to do!
Better jump up, do the bump up, or the light will sear your skin;
Do the hop and the pop, avoid the win!
Silly stuff that follow along;
My Birthday Sis, her Birthday song!
Would lead me to days, of when I broke her hand;
Accidental moments, not quite what I planned...
But, she bounced back proud, never blaming me;
Stuff can happen, we were young and free!
And what about the times when she played bolsters with me;
Up in the window for Shannon Road to see...
You'd think the neighbors, they all be jolly...
Cause our Dad was on the tv and the radio;
He'd brag on us all day;
Used to mess with his recorders, hey...give your Sis something to say!

So, when there was no one there, who gave a care;
Kat was my Savior, she was always there!

In her own special way, without any suggest;
She made me see myself, she brought out my best!

And as I struggle, through my writer's bubble, only she knows my bliss;
Because only me, for all to see...Kat's my Birthday Sis...

(Bring It down now)

Happy Birthday Kathi...
All My Love, Kirk

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Close To The Edge-Yes-Lyrics

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Reprinted by permission 2014


(the lyrics from the original album)

"Close To The Edge"

[I The Solid Time Of Change]

A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace
And rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace
And achieve it all with music that came quickly from afar
And taste the fruit of man recorded losing all against the hour
And assessing points to nowhere, leading every single one
A dewdrop can exalt us like the music of the sun
And take away the plain in which we move
And choose the course you're running

Down at the end, round by the corner
Not right away, not right away
Close to the edge, down by a river
Not right away, not right away

Crossed the line around the changes of the summer
Reaching out to call the color of the sky
Passed around a moment clothed in mornings faster than we see
Getting over all the time I had to worry
Leaving all the changes far from far behind
We relieve the tension only to find out the master's name

Down at the end, round by the corner
Close to the edge, just by a river
Seasons will pass you by
I get up, I get down
Now that it's all over and done
Now that you find, now that you're whole

[II Total Mass Retain]

My eyes convinced, eclipsed with the younger moon attained with love
It changed as almost strained amidst clear manna from above
I crucified my hate and held the word within my hand
There's you, the time, the logic, or the reasons we don't understand

Sad courage claimed the victims standing still for all to see
As armored movers took approached to overlook the sea
There since the cord, the license, or the reasons we understood will be

Down at the edge, close by a river
Close to the edge, round by the corner
Close to the end, down by the corner
Down at the edge, round by the river

Sudden cause shouldn't take away the startled memory
All in all, the journey takes you all the way
As apart from any reality that you've ever seen and known
Guessing problems only to deceive the mention
Passing paths that climb halfway into the void
As we cross from side to side, we hear the total mass retain

Down at the edge, round by the corner
Close to the end, down by a river
Seasons will pass you by
I get up, I get down

[III I Get Up, I Get Down]

In her white lace, you could clearly see the lady sadly looking
Saying that she'd take the blame
For the crucifixion of her own domain

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

Two million people barely satisfy
Two hundred women watch one woman cry, too late
The eyes of honesty can achieve
(She would gladly say it amazement of her story)
How many millions do we deceive each day?
(Asking only interest could be layed upon the children of her domain)

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

In charge of who is there in charge of me
(She could clearly see the lady sadly looking)
Do I look on blindly and say I see the way?
(Saying that she'd take the blame
For the crucifixion of her own domain)
The truth is written all along the page
(She would gladly say it amazement of her story)
How old will I be before I come of age for you?
(Asking only interest could be layed upon the children of her domain)

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

[IV Seasons Of Man]

The time between the notes relates the color to the scenes
A constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man, so it seems
And space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love
As song and chance develop time, lost social temperance rules above
Ah, ah

Then according to the man who showed his outstretched arm to space
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place
On the hill we viewed the silence of the valley
Called to witness cycles only of the past
And we reach all this with movements in between the said remark

Close to the edge, down by the river
Down at the end, round by the corner
Seasons will pass you by
Now that it's all over and done
Called to the seed, right to the sun
Now that you find, now that you're whole
Seasons will pass you by

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

Hemp Tech Farms

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Hemp Tech Farms

Hemp...while being clearly misunderstood, that wasn't the case for our forefathers, and probably millions of years of untold civilizations before them. It was commonplace from rope to teas, to construction, and medicinal. Wasn't much that Hemp couldn't provide.

So much so,  that it was feared by early industrialist who pursued other materials to blend into the fabric of design and marketing. The so-called nonrenewable products came in and replaced the almost limitless use of this wonderful off shoot (being the male) of the cannabis family.

With it's fibers being stronger than steel (processed into strands & Hemp bricks), insulating better than fiberglass, but yet when (processed correctly), provides silk like fibers for fabrics, creates fantastic paper, and is the ultimate in bio-fuels for cars, trucks, and power plants.

The seeds are high in magnesium, Omega-3's and has trace minerals, some of the most therapeutic properties known by man, many still are being discovered as I write this.
Along with the wonders of Hemp oil, which has been used to cure diseases, improve one's physical and mental health, and has been shown to extend longevity. I have a little Hemp tea each morning and I feel a wonderful feeling of vitality. Despite what you may think, Hemp is not to be confused with female has no THC or hallucinogenic affect. Just pure energy in the form of a vast array of mineral and vitamins.

Currently, Hemp Farm Bill "S359", is in the Senate right now, and a vote is expected soon!
Currently, the only areas which are approved to grow and farm Hemp is (as you would figure), Colorado and Washington state. However, this bill would allow for Hemp to be allowed to be grown for industrial and health related study and research in any state, so long as it was connected to the activities of a research university or a college which encompasses horticultural programs. 

If we are serious about the environment, then it only makes sense to reintroduce this "miracle weed" back into our culture. The use of opiates for pain relief and the continued altering of amino acids to replicate true cell repair has to be tailored back for what Mother Earth has already provided.  As I write this, High Tech Hemp Farms are already being planned for future development. And like in Canada, where Hemp has always been grown, it still remains the only country which produces great quantities of high grade Hemp oil!
It's time for the general public, industrial interest, and even the pharmaceutical companies to pull together and take a look at what could end up being our saving grace.

Kind of an odd statement's been growing wild out there the whole time, in the back woods and the has in essence, been under our noses the whole time. If you feel strongly toward it's effects on our country, our economy, our general well being, and as a resource, a needed addition to the being the perfect renewable natural resource, then I encourage you to do a little research into what I speak...and if so convinced, sit down and write your local Senator supporting Hemp Farm Bill S359. Together, we can make this happen...

                                                                                                           Kirk Carter
                                                                                                           Chew Bear Productions
                                                                                                           Burbank, Ca.
                                                                                                                    June 19, 2014


Friday, June 13, 2014

Strawberry Moon

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


The harvest was plenty, red spheres like a Prune;
Close to Summer Solstice, must be the Strawberry Moon.

How far we've traveled, and time is quick;
To feel this emotion, the bogs are thick,

And harvest awaits us, for Rye and the Pot;
Must get to it early, otherwise it will rot!

Be thankful to the Earth, it gives...then gives again;
We assume it's always there, assumption of the wind.

But, as you dine upon abundance, enjoy the morning light;
Save some for when your hungry, deep into the night.

And remember source of origin, as we be blessed;
Mother nature provides the chalkboard, her drawings the best.

For memories abound, without thought, times not so good;
Complacent round, we go around, just do what one should.

So, summer's coming, long days before us waits;
Trimming back the growth, the Dander Weed...unkempt it will seal the gates.

You now thrive in abundance, you've been given silver spoon;
We're blessed with much to thank, on this glorious Strawberry Moon!

                                                                                                                      Kirk Carter
                                                                                                                      June 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

My Sycamore Tree

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

My Sycamore Tree

When I was a kid, I liked to climb a certain tree;
In the corner of our backyard, a was bigger than me!

A hundred feet tall, with tan waxy limbs;
Climb it fast or slow, it really all depends.

Getting to the top I'd look around, swinging wild and free;
Neighbors already knew, just that crazy boy we see!

But, creatures lived up in there, the squirrels, the bees, and the birds:
Watched them make their families, my emotion too much for words.

Big green leaves like clover, every spring would sprout and glean;
Never saw such color, the contrast of which I'd never seen.

But, I'd climb that monster every day;
It was my high, what can I say.

And yet, a two-thousand mile journey, I tell no lie;
Came from a happily passing Monarch Butterfly.

"What you doin out here, it was last like you;
You fly all this way, have your babies...does it give you something to do?"

So, I crawl down exhausted...tired and look above;
God created the Sycamore, just showing me his Love...

I don't climb the tree anymore, when I stopped I can't remember;
Big leaves I see in Spring, bare branches in December.

That tree was fun to climb, holds some great memories for me;
That's a lot to ask for, of that special Sycamore tree.

My special moments, and yes they're all mine;
I wonder if life would have been different, if I just favored a pine?

                                                          Kirk Carter

                                                                                                     June/ 2014