Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hemp Tech Farms

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Hemp Tech Farms

Hemp...while being clearly misunderstood, that wasn't the case for our forefathers, and probably millions of years of untold civilizations before them. It was commonplace from rope to teas, to construction, and medicinal. Wasn't much that Hemp couldn't provide.

So much so,  that it was feared by early industrialist who pursued other materials to blend into the fabric of design and marketing. The so-called nonrenewable products came in and replaced the almost limitless use of this wonderful off shoot (being the male) of the cannabis family.

With it's fibers being stronger than steel (processed into strands & Hemp bricks), insulating better than fiberglass, but yet when (processed correctly), provides silk like fibers for fabrics, creates fantastic paper, and is the ultimate in bio-fuels for cars, trucks, and power plants.

The seeds are high in magnesium, Omega-3's and has trace minerals, some of the most therapeutic properties known by man, many still are being discovered as I write this.
Along with the wonders of Hemp oil, which has been used to cure diseases, improve one's physical and mental health, and has been shown to extend longevity. I have a little Hemp tea each morning and I feel a wonderful feeling of vitality. Despite what you may think, Hemp is not to be confused with female has no THC or hallucinogenic affect. Just pure energy in the form of a vast array of mineral and vitamins.

Currently, Hemp Farm Bill "S359", is in the Senate right now, and a vote is expected soon!
Currently, the only areas which are approved to grow and farm Hemp is (as you would figure), Colorado and Washington state. However, this bill would allow for Hemp to be allowed to be grown for industrial and health related study and research in any state, so long as it was connected to the activities of a research university or a college which encompasses horticultural programs. 

If we are serious about the environment, then it only makes sense to reintroduce this "miracle weed" back into our culture. The use of opiates for pain relief and the continued altering of amino acids to replicate true cell repair has to be tailored back for what Mother Earth has already provided.  As I write this, High Tech Hemp Farms are already being planned for future development. And like in Canada, where Hemp has always been grown, it still remains the only country which produces great quantities of high grade Hemp oil!
It's time for the general public, industrial interest, and even the pharmaceutical companies to pull together and take a look at what could end up being our saving grace.

Kind of an odd statement's been growing wild out there the whole time, in the back woods and the has in essence, been under our noses the whole time. If you feel strongly toward it's effects on our country, our economy, our general well being, and as a resource, a needed addition to the being the perfect renewable natural resource, then I encourage you to do a little research into what I speak...and if so convinced, sit down and write your local Senator supporting Hemp Farm Bill S359. Together, we can make this happen...

                                                                                                           Kirk Carter
                                                                                                           Chew Bear Productions
                                                                                                           Burbank, Ca.
                                                                                                                    June 19, 2014


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