Sunday, December 13, 2015

Earl The Christmas Skunk

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


The Wilson family had just finished their Thanksgiving dinner.
It was the family custom, that after the dinner to pile in the car with the chain saw in tow and go up to Calvert Mountain to find the perfect Christmas tree for the living room.
They were running late and Mister Wilson's normal practice of checking the future weathercast was furloughed, as they only had so much daylight to work with.
So, everybody hurriedly piled in the car and off they went!

Earl was a Skunk that lived on Calvert Mountain, lived alone, never had any kids (that he knew of), and for the most part, just a contented loner. He, like to do well...Skunk things, like chasing Wolves and the occasional Bear, and generally just being nosy about anything that entered into his area.

After two hours of driving, the weather started to take a turn for the worse. A Blizzard type storm was moving in. As it approached, the trails and roads were quickly snowed in, just as the Wilsons had found the perfect tree upon the mountain. Seeing how the weather had gotten so bad, so quickly, Mister Wilson hurriedly cut down the tree with the chain saw. Staying to custom however, he stopped for a moment, passing out slices of Sweet Potato Pie to all the members of the family.

But wait, this was Earl's area, and he had already taken notice of the intruders...the Wilson family, along with their tasty droppings. He knew himself, that he would have to leave the mountain for a while, at least until the snow had settled, but he just couldn't help exploring their offerings which sat on the picnic spread.

As Earl approached, the family (right on cue), did what most people do when they see a Skunk approaching...they run! In this case, to the car where they promptly slammed the doors. Earl was used to this, didn't bother him at all. After all, he was a smelly Skunk...he accepted himself for what he was!

Within minutes he had managed to scarf down the crumbs and tidbits when he spotted the rest of the pie still in the tin. He immediately got into it and finished off the whole thing. All full now, he rolled around the fresh snow where he had gotten crumbs, pieces of crust, and even the food receipt stuck into his fur.

He figured he should be making his way down the mountain before it got any colder. The Wilson family could only watch, still stuck in the snow and stranded.
As Earl made his way into the outskirts of town, crossing the main road, he had to avoid one car only to be clipped on a bumper by another, knocking him out cold!

Brenda, the lady that hit him, who worked as a Dispatcher for the local Police Department,  was very startled, exited the car and gathered up the putrid smelling Earl into her shawl and took him directly to the animal hospital. The Doctor said that the injured Skunk just had a concussion and should be okay in a day or two.

Noticing all the Sweet Potato Pie stuck to his fur, as well as a receipt which listed such an item, the doctor questioned where this little critter had been...but then, thought nothing of it.
But, for whatever reason, Brenda took interest and asked if she could have it, taking possession of the smelly receipt.
She thought to herself, that something was up, but couldn't put her finger on it!

The next day, a report came in that the Wilson family was missing. The Police checked the house and quickly concluded that they must have went up on Calvert Mountain to cut down their traditional Christmas tree. Finding a half full can of chain saw oil next to the garage, along with fresh drippings leading up to where they normally park their car, a search was called by the officers.

Brenda, who was back at the station calling in the team, couldn't figure out just where to assemble everybody, what side of the mountain's base? It was then she sensed a spiritual calling, an awareness she had never experienced.  For whatever reason, she thought about the skunk, that receipt, something pulled her to it. Looking at the wadded up receipt she had sealed in several sandwich bags, then getting on the computer, she quickly ran the debit card number and it came back from the Wilson account, yes! They would start their search where the Skunk was coming off the mountain.
That area the animal came down from, is where they started their search. Within the hour, they had given the Bloodhounds the scent from the receipt. This followed with howls of protest and disgust by the horrified K9's. Following a Skunk's scent was almost too much to handle, but they managed best they could. To avoid being overwhelmed they repeatedly dipped their sensitive noses in the fresh snow just to stay focused.

As the search team came to the crest of the mountain, the Wilson's car was finally spotted and a call for the Snowmobiles was called in. Within the hour, the whole family was rescued and brought down safely.

The next day, when the snow was cleared from the roads leading up the mountain, Brenda took it upon herself to take recovered Earl back up the mountain and releasing him to his "area".

And so the years have passed...eventually Earl finally found a mate, at least one who could tolerate him. They settled down and had a family, it was all good! The Wilson's still hold to their tradition of coming up the mountain once a year after Thanksgiving to cut down the perfect tree for Christmas. And to pay honor to the Skunk who saved their lives, they always leave behind a Sweet Potato Pie...just for Earl!

Merry Christmas


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