Monday, December 7, 2015

Three Bears For Christmas

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


Bob was a Black Bear who lived in the forest right outside of Syracuse.
His wife Paula met him at a creek a year back and quickly fell in Love with him after he shared a fish with her during the terrible cold of the winter's past.

Sadly, she had lost her previous Cubs including their Father to Wolves.
For some strange reason, she was due again, in the dead of Winter, as she was now carrying an unexpected Cub. They decided to break early from hibernation to find a place to give birth.

Bob was reluctant at first, but the cave they had selected was cracked and leaked sub-surface water into the area. He still couldn't figure out how or why she was giving birth so out of season? "Paula", he said "Tell me how is it possible to be having babies so far out of season...was it something I did?" Paula could only smile with a nod, as she followed her Man into the forest.

Coming upon a sign that read, "BLACK BEAR HUNT TODAY!", Bob could only shake his head, "Why would they want to kill us...for just being, just existing?"
Paula looked down, "Perhaps...there are too many of us, we've become a  problem, maybe they feel threatened by us being around...I know, it's not fair, but it is what it is!"
Bob growled, "They don't know us, they got us all wrong!"

Suddenly, Bob's fur split into a bloodied gash, as the delayed sound of a gunshot sounded.
Bob and Paula started running, zigzagging through the trees and into deeper brush.
Shaking now, Bob was trying to examine the wound. Paula pawed at his injury, "Don't worry Honey...just a Fur Gash, I don't think you got'll live!"
Bob complained, "Yea, but this sucker hurts, what can I do?"

Another bullet whizzed by, with an even quicker delay. They were closing in!
Paula said, "If we don't get going, we're going to end up as matching rugs, let's go...can you run?" Bob stood up, "We'll find out..."

Running again, they came upon a clearing where sat an old cottage. Some smoke was billowing out the chimney. They both stood there panting, as they looked for activity. Bob asked, "Whatta ya think?" Paula replied, "Only one way to find out!"

So, the two came up to the cottage and looked around. Bob saw the back door, and giving it a good push...magically, it opened! They hurriedly ran in, just as the Hunters entered the clearing. Looking around, they saw a pot on a fire in the fireplace, with the smells of a hearty vegetable stew drifting through the air.

Bob, "Are you hungry?"
Paula, "I'm starving...I've got to eat something!"
Bob couldn't get his paws around the ladle, but did manage to tip the kettle to it's side, plopping some of the stew to the brickwork floor, where they quickly gobbled up the offering.
Resting for a second, Paula's eyes suddenly got big, and she started uncontrollably panting.

"Oh Lord Bob, I think I'm having my baby!"
Bob could only stare in wonderment as she started to tense up, trying to catch her breath.
Bob could only assist by counting out her breathing.

Suddenly, the back door opened to a man, a man with a rifle, but still looking back at his friends who were following him in, "Hey guys", the Homeowner said, "Come on in for a toddy!" Bob and Paula laid perfectly still, as they still hadn't been detected. 

As the hunters came in, one by one, they spotted the pair of trespassing Bears by the fireplace.
They all raised their weapons to fire.
The Owner of the house, looked at the situation and said, "Them fur critters got into my stew, and I didn't even tag me a Bear today, these two are mine!"

Raising his rifle and taking aim, Paula groaned and started hyperventilating.
Something suddenly came over the Homeowner, he sensed mercy on the Mother, as all the other hunters put their guns down, too as Paula started giving birth to a lone Cub!

One hunter said, "This far out of season, they ain't suppose to be havin any youngens!"
Another hunter gave an observation, "Her clock be all screwed up!
As another hunter chuckled, "The only one that's been screwing is the old man!"
Everybody laughed as they focused, quieted down, and stood silently as she completed her task.

The Homeowner just said, "Christmas is tomorrow...somethings going on here...I tell you guys, this is a sign of a higher power! They all seemed suddenly overcome with Spiritual Passion...they all out put their guns down, one by one, falling to their knees.

And as a improvised prayer closed out by the Homeowner, he closed with..."And you bestowed to me a miracle, for before us lay the 3 Bears Of Christmas!"
Everyone said "Amen.", as they clanked glasses of wine together.
The new born Cub could only yawn, running up to the Hunter's legs, rubbing himself against each one, validating himself to them and the new world around him.

That night, as the Homeowner sat in his rocking chair sipping his toddy, he silently made a cross with his hand into the air, thanking God for this unusual miracle of birth, as the Bear's rested in quiet, peacefully next to the fire!
Merry Christmas!

                                                                       Kirk Carter

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