Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Number Nine, Number Nine

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Number Nine, Number Nine

So, all the minimum wage earners are pulling in that big $9 dollars an hour now, huh?
(At least here in California) 

Well, I remember when it was $1.25 when I was coming up...how times have changed.
The president was shooting for $10.10 an hour, but currently the congress isn't budging...must be those pesky Republicans, spoiling the party for everyone...again!

In my opinion the minimum wage was nothing more than a 90 day paid internship back in the day. Now it is considered a living wage, a mainstay...you are advancing no more, this is where you will sit and stew...for the rest of your pathetic existence! 

Nobody seems to make any attempt to further one's education...I mean there are programs and opportunities for those that actually want to get off their butts and seek it out. But, what's the point...I'm making $9 dollars and hour now, I'll just wait and let the wages come up to me. Like government controlled rent and programs, it's all assumed, yet in reality...it's all out of control!

A payed 90 day internship, what's in it for me?
Well, that's about how long it takes for one to get the practical skills, learn the ropes about the position you were employed for to start with.
It's two-tiered, you get to scope out the Boss, the place you work, giving yourself a chance to improve your self-esteem by seeing if you actually have the self discipline to get up and make it to work each morning...consistently! 

And the Boss gets to see your job habits, work ethics, ability for stability, and weather you smell or not, here's some soap and water...prove to me that you know how to use it! The best parts about scoping each other out, is that your not wasting each other's time...don't want to miss that new show on tv now. It's like the whole mindset seems to be not to try "too" hard and wear yourself out. Just enough is good enough  for you...right? I know that this doesn't apply to everyone, but you get my point...it's a pretty high percentage of the participating workforce.

It should also be mentioned that the minimum wage is tied to Union contracts. Minimum wage goes up and the Union contracts are automatically adjusted, too!
The whole thing is inflationary either way! The whole scope of paying Peter to pay Paul, so Mary then has to come up with more coins to pay them both to even up the difference!

So, between the overdrawn pension funds, cost of living, and the out of control printing of U.S. notes continues to continue, we are spiraling ourselves out of control, to the point where a loaf of cheap bread will set you back 10 bucks or more...

It's all happening while you read this. So, buckle down and get prepared for the inevitable sticker shock, it's coming faster than you think!
Let's see...your making $9 bucks an hour...damn, your still a buck short on that loaf of                                                                             bread!

                                                                                                      Don't spend it all in one place!
                                                                                                                Kirk Carter/ Burbank, Ca.


1 comment:

  1. What does a c-note taste like anyway? Seems like you'd want a little mustard on that big boy!
