Thursday, March 31, 2016

Get Out The Lead

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


As I sat in the ER, waiting for the word;
The Nurse said, "You might not make it!", I thought, "How absurd!"
My time was up, or so I thought;
The drinking reached it's peak and I got caught!

But...turns out, that wasn't the case;
The worst had happened, but it still was such a waste.
So, why such a destructive fool;
"We're here to help!", they sad, "It's the Hospital rule!"

I questioned myself, "God can you hear me, are you near me?"
Waiting for an answer, seemed like wasted time;
Would the Lord actually go drop a dime?

And, why save me...when so many deserved the chance;
They were better than me, but for second dance!
How grateful I felt, with reserved thought;
Did I just make a deal with the Devil, did I just get bought?

Turns out, it was none of that, I had purpose being here;
It just didn't include drinking Vodka and Beer...
To accomplished said goals, leaving a Legacy behind;
Being someone important, really blew my mind!

Having an epiphany of sorts, it all came together;
God guides me, not you, not me, or the weather!
A new beginning, without sinning, no needle or bowl;
My habits almost did me in, put me six feet in the hole.

I'm happy, healthy, and joyous,my future all reborn and new;
I will not go back to the booze rack, simply too many things to do...

So, have a purpose, it's a smile in God's eyes;
Live your life with forward thought, and not one full of lies.
You were put here for a reason, focus on the task ahead;
You stayed here for a purpose, now go Get Out The Lead!

                                                                             Kirk Carter

Looking Back

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Coming into this world, destiny already sewn;
Things you didn't see coming, things you couldn't condone.

Brief reflection of Spiritual guidance, just follow the trail;
As your experiences into adulthood, suddenly start to fail?

Wait...what happened to my auto-program, as you begin to fall from the tree;
Can I stop this sudden collapse, falling down on me?

And then you reach the bottom, lonely to be for sure;
As you find yourself in the muck, so deep in the manure!

But, as you find your spirit, guiding you up the rope;
As you get better, no longer a debtor, the promise, and the hope...

Back to normal you become, your starting to get the knack;
Of finding sobriety, being yourself, and never ever Looking Back!

Image result for man falling out of tree

                                                                     Kirk Carter

You Won The Fight

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Down day of sorrow, elementary in it's beginning;
Your told of avoiding excess, yet you think your really winning!

What confusion of the senses, what turmoil to the soul;
Your sickness multiplying, as you light up another bowl...

How simple it could have been, if you could have quit that early;
Trying to chase that first high, as you get all mad and surly.

So, as you see yourself again, coming in, off the stage;
Trying to put effort in being straight, rather than self-pity and rage!

You'll be OK, with God's Love, everybody has a chance;
Of cleaning up, renewed again, invited to the dance.

You've got too much to give, and you can do this, too;
Put your request to your higher power, in everything you do!

Dreams will come to the surface, as reality starts to set in;
You'll forget about days gone past, your forgiven of all your Sin.

Restart your winning elements, those things of who you be;
You'll be floating on self-success, for everyone to see.

And don't reflect, but rather direct, your energy toward the light;
Be proud of yourself, as your moving forward, in victory You Won The Fight!

                                                                          Kirk Carter

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Standing All Alone

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Phone's 7:30, my morning reminder to write;
Get something down that they will like, do it by tonight!

Room goes small, can't see out the window at all, thoughts already worn;
Ice cubes have melted, bug bite's have welted, my pages all torn.

To conceive under pressure, time moving fast, hope my pen holds out;
Script seems wrong, like an ill conceived song, let's twist and shout!

Writing seems amusing, as long as they're not accusing, what I have to say;
If it works out, knock on wood, I'll see some pay!

By myself, yet not alone, I turn off my phone, things seem to gel;
All I see is blank paper, being filled line by line, the Writer's Hell!

More than a topic, kind of myopic, think outside the box;
Looking down, I make no sound, where in the hell did I get these socks?

Who cares about the weather, pollens up, yet I do not sneeze;
Getting into the passion, creating satisfaction, just trying to please...

Coherent potion, to fantasies in motion, I create the Candlelight;
To keep you glued, I first get you removed, from the twist of Moral Blight!

A Dream weaver, making you the believer, what's next on my plate?
Could be made up, looks real yet funny, something you like or hate!

And just where have I been, pretending to Sin, the Pen never lies;
Suicidal with a false idol, yet no one really dies...

Complexity too complex, simple...yet no allure, does your Hero even care;
Just get through the show, did he cheat, who would know, do you wish to share?

Just dropping Jargon, on a Bargain, cheap thoughts always fulfill:
Moments out of your day, now "Whatta Ya Say", this ending I have to seal...

So, there's the magic to looking tragic, my Plot line is now Sewn;
To hearing voices, with so many choices, yet here I am...Standing All Alone!


                                                                                            Kirk Carter


Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Curse the way time limits us, to be that of which we wish;
It's elements perplex, the spirits within, it's purely selfishness.
Not fair, I proclaim, I feel so alone, yet we are all the same!

And devotion is key factor, in obtaining what we desire;
The trilogies, the avenues, the courage, and the fire!
To see what could be, beyond just allure;
The Heavenly purpose, to promise what's pure.

But,I still balance issues, is it really worth the trouble;
Of placing so much hope, to what could turn to rubble? my heart, no matter how much I show;
I count my blessings, say a prayer, and just let it go...

I'm sad, but glad,to have shared these times;
Two passing on their way, the wayward minds.
But remembrance is important, as our future unwinds;
There may be reason for the distance, please release these binds!

And through prayer, all I can do is be purposeful and be Me;
Hoping your safe, knowing that your free...
And although, one would think I would be sad and blue;
I'm spirit, we're together, too!


                                                                 Kirk Carter

Promise Me Tomorrow

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


As time moves forward, some days seem to drag;
Other days are off running, like an uncivilized game of tag.
Through it all I try to get the most out of each and every day;
Take time to worship God, see what he has to say...

As I take my first step forward, pushing agenda, constantly pacing the floor;
Seeing results as projects end, always wanting more.
I hold your hand in my heart, validate me with warming touch;
This is all too true to believe, so please...let's not rush!

We are only here for the moment, by ourselves, or together we share;
Learning each other's idiosyncrasies, is the challenge we must dare.
Our shrine, our focus concludes, that just doing nothing is not the cure;
To be interactive, our primary reactive, the challenge is the real allure.

So, as the clock ticks and you wonder, what could we make out of this;
What a remarkable calling, when we find ourselves falling, into what could be wondrous bliss!
Put value to creative, be reactive and avoid the sorrow;
Of days all alone, no hand hold, no phone, please just Promise Me Tomorrow!

Image result for promise me tomorrow

                                                                      Kirk Carter

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


It was a cold wintry morning in New York City, as Jennifer eagerly packed her Cello into it's carry case. She was a senior at Julliard and had placed 5th out in her final recital, which barely qualified her for the New York Music Commission's annual annual charity drive.

She was allowed for one day to play her instrument amongst the certified musician regulars down in the bowels of the subway system. Her chosen charity was Saint Anne's Orphanage. She had pledged to raise $2500 dollars toward the cause. Getting down to her selected placement, she was to sit between stairway #1 and #2 off the "A" train. Wearing a flowing Chiffon dress, proper heels, and a white rose in her hair, she unzipped her case and began to pluck her strings for tuning.

She started with "Hark The Herald Angel Sing", then segued into Bach's "French Suite #3", then back with a rendition of "Jingle Bells" and so on. Business seemed good, as her case had accumulated about $700 by lunch time. Some people would hustle by dropping a 5 or ten dollar bill, and still others would actually stop, gazing on Jennifer's angelic qualities...she was a stunning woman, but her artistic style, her fingering and bow balance was simply amazing!

And then it happened, quite out of the blue, her "E" string popped at the beginning of Handel's "Messiah". She became frustrated at first, trying to work around the problem with unstructured sixth chords and improper phrasing, then to just simple notes. Her concern about the situation was starting to show, her admirers were not stopping, fewer and fewer bills were falling into her case...she was starting to get worried!

She became increasingly overwhelmed and beside herself. At one point, she actually stopped, undid the broken string and literally tied it back together. It actually made the sound even worse. It soured and lacked any resemblance of harmonic voice...the stress was overbearing...then, she simply stopped.

She made an unconscious cross to her forehead and ask God to forgive her. She asked to "Please let Sister Anne know how hard she had tried, but she had no money for new strings, it was her heart to play, but her tools and resources had failed her."

She sat in silence for a moment, picked up her bow and attempted "Silent Night", this time in "G", no chords, just a basic skeleton notion. Suddenly, a pair of feet in Sandles appeared in her cast down vision. She attempted to raise her head to see who it was, but all she could make out was a hand that seemed to glow, come to her fret board and seemingly grasp it. Holding the instrument in their hand for a second, the hand withdrew, leaving behind brand new strings, the instrument itself was also in perfect tune. "Simply amazing!", she thought.

She tried to speak, move her head, show emotion, anything...but she was watching all this take place as though watching it through a thick window where no one would hear or see her repeated request to identify themselves. No sooner had the new strings miraculously appeared on her Cello,  but the vision of Sandles was replaced with a pair of common tennis shoes, connected to a smiling boy who immediately asked if she was okay? 

Looking at the boy, she realized that he appeared to be about the same age as she was. She could only smile, as he gazed back saying, "Could you place something please?"with a smile, with a sense of passion to his tone of voice, "Hey, could you play that Peanuts song, that Charlie Brown thing...the one Linus plays on Christmas...can you do that on that thing?"

Jennifer smiled, completely overjoyed with everything that had just happened, his presence seemed to sum up many miracles that had been given to her, just out of no where, under the strangest of circumstances. She smiled, "Of's one of my favorites too!"
And with that, she looked down, trying to lock down her notation, and with a B flat index she proceeded to play. Da, da dat, dah, dah, dah, da, da dat, etc. She looked up briefly to see his 
expression, but he was gone, seemingly just vanished. She didn't stop playing however, as a crowd had generated around her, all in simple amazement at the brightness, the clarity of her notion, with an unusual strength and volume she had never witnessed, at least not from her hands.

As the night came to an end, one of the security guards came over to assist Jennifer with disassembling her little stage area, making sure she safely picked up her property. "Miss Jennifer, you did okay tonight...never heard anybody play like you got magic in them fingers, you surely do girl!" Jennifer smiled, "Well, thank you so much...and for helping me and everything...that's very sweet of you...but I think I can manage."

The security guard taking note on what was in her collection bag, and he gasped, "My goodness, sake's alive, somebody must like you, somebody an awful lot Miss Jennifer?"
With that Jennifer looked in the Cello bag herself seeing not one, but two large 1 pound bars of gold. She was now trying to catch her breath, as she put her hand out to touch these rare golden commodities, never having actually seen one up close. The trip back to her dorm was a long one, but she made it. 

After she ate some dinner, she went through the coins, and the cash, and of course those gold bars which she figured were at least 50 thousand dollars each, still shaking her head as to how those items appeared to start with!

When the final tally was calculated, she had somehow managed to raise almost $260, 000. Over ten times what she expected to receive for Saint Anne's Orphanage. As time past, the Parishioners had decided that they would extend the Orphanage and actually added a whole wing, calling it Jennifer's Row, in honor of her efforts to raise the funding. There was a festive reception in her honor, it was all quite lovely, and she even spoke a few words, even admitting  to herself that she still couldn't understand the miracles that had occurred that night she played in the subway.

The miracles continued when the New York Philharmonic had gathered to establish contracted placements for the Spring rotation, Jennifer was offered 1st spot Cello in the string assembly. She would go on head to teach music, and even to this day, always wonder the miracles alluded to her that day, in belief, she saw God at work, in her event that would stay with her forever, as she dedicated herself to God's work for the rest of her life!

                                                     Kirk Carter

Monday On The Straight Line

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Remembering those Monday mornings, getting ready for work;
Vodka in my water bottles, I was such a jerk.

My roommate packing his rig, his needle, and his stash;
Making sure he had enough supply, counting out his cash.

Then off to work we'd go, each in a different direction;
To my office I'd go, he's trying to get hold of his connection!

And the work it took, just to keep the daily high;
Trying to keep  down eggs, some pancakes, maybe a piece of pie...

Not being caught, not being seen;
Trying to look straight, trying to look clean!

Yea, I look back on it now, look how absurd;
Body's so dried out, can't even pass a turd.

And how many times, Boss asked, "You been drinking?"
"Oh, it's from last night", I said...just what was I thinking?

My Girlfriend complained, she wasn't satisfied;
It's pretty clear my wood, is all petrified!

So, as I look in the mirror, all pretty and straight;
Ate a good breakfast,cleaned up my plate.

Real juice in my bottle, sandwich, and chips;
I give my Girl a hug,  as I kiss her on the lips!

Everything turned well, everything turned out fine;
As I enter a new day, Monday On The Straight Line!

                                                                    Kirk Carter

Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Your Spirit That You Share

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


We made promises to others, made promises to yourself;
Am I going to make a difference, be a man of wealth?

Depends on how you look at it, materials versus sin;
If all you look for is things to buy, you'll probably never win!

The good things are Spiritual, these things are not for sale;
If you place your God before everything, you'll probably never fail.

So, what is it you want, will you work it till you die;
And if it is so important, then why are you asking why?

The Love of finding your purpose, doing those things you Love;
Fall together nicely, the appreciative support from above.

Finding it should be easy, what most do you like to do?
Focus on that with all your heart, the money will follow, too!

If it all appears too simple, if it appears out of reach;
Then don't get confused, cause...even good listeners can teach!

And working your life, each and every day;
A portal to truth with no indifference, it will show it's way...

So, getting it together, is just a matter of trying;
Truth always wins the race, don't waste your time with lying.

Before all your time expires, please try to do your best;
The Law of Averages says, "You have already passed the test!"

And in Good Class you'll be,'ve made the dare;
When it all comes down to it, it's your spirit that you share!

                                                                                  Kirk Carter

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chasing That First Buzz

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Strange how we always reflect, that first time of getting high;
It becomes a social disease, you chase it till you die!

Like the anticipation on New Year's Eve, minutes till twelve midnight;
Buying your bag of dope, then scratching to find a light.

And as you close your eyes, through the bloody cries, is there really any hope;
To see your life in pity, cause the dope was so shitty, and how exactly do you cope?

Now if you put this advance and just take a chance, you can live your life free;
Passion of Sobriety, in tolerance with society, the better you will be!

You can still fly, on that emotional high, really surprise yourself;
As you make your gains, through the spiritual plains, the foreseeable wealth.

So, go on head and take the test, be your best, and not...just because;
You'll be flying like a kite, you've won this fight, of Chasing That First Buzz!

                                                                                     Kirk Carter

Friday, March 18, 2016

Goodbye My Little Town

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


When I first set my eyes on you, I felt such an emotional relief;
Your Churches old, but kept alive, no signs of social grief.
As I began to explore you, my sense of wonder suddenly grew;
Simple but timeless, days in the past, seemed so very new!

It's true, that some buildings were boarded up, no movement, no light;
While other's were allowed to live again, all painted pretty and bright...
And then, there were the People, seemingly all set in their way;
They asked nothing more, than just let it be, leave things as they lay!

Signs of prosperity were abundant, while history graced permanently;
The combination of old and new, was really quite something to see.
And yes, I made many friends while here, the memories are here to stay;
Some I will know forever, some only lasted a day.

But apparently, I left some emotions, me the traveler, passing through;
Asking me of my many ventures, "What else you gonna do?"
So, as I smile, "I'll be moving on, don't show such a frown..."
"For you have blessed me with memories that will last forever,
but for now, Goodbye My Little Town!"

                                                        Kirk Carter

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Good And Ready

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Captain Bobby left the infirmary, Detox was on his mind;
To get in the mood, just a couple of bottles, one last time to unwind...

"Got to get straight!", he thought, "Or I'm gonna die!";
Figured this gallon of Firewater, before he went in,"This autta get me high!". 

So, he came to the Detox center, they asked, "What ya got in the case?"
Bobby said, "I got just enough here, to get us all shitfaced!"

"You can't bring that in here", as she pointed to the door. ;
Either pour it out or leave, we're not asking you anymore?

So, he left with his bottles, found a curve down the street;
A place where Gangs and Losers gathered, a place where they like to meet!

They saw him with his bottles, slamming them hard where he sat;
Some Goons wanted what he had, and approached him with a Bat!

Captain Bobby was in no mood to scuffle, but when it came to his bottle;
He removed their Bat, Beat them to the ground, then down the street full throttle...

Seems the Police got a little curious, bunch of Losers laying in a pile;
They came up to him, "Say, you did all that, then come stay with us a while!"

But, they could not take him to jail, the Captain was plenty fried;
So, to the Hospital he went, his bottles checked in, "I want those back!", he testified.

After a couple of hours, he finally came to, it was time for his release;
As he was leaving, he stopped all his complaining, when his bottles were returned by the Police!

So, finally he was back where he started, standing out the rehab once more;
He said, "It's Final Call, I'm emptying those damn bottles, before I hit that door!"

So, finally he finished his Hooch, nerves all good and steady;
And Son of a Gun, he blew a Point thirty-one, Captain Bobby was Good And Ready!

                                                                 Kirk Carter

Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring In To Sunshine

 Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Cloudy Days, they so misled me, fore go my pass to a rainy day;
These walls have lied, they've deceived me, don't talk if you have nothing to say!

Let me just enjoy the Springtime wind, as I make amend, to my Passion for Song;
The Birds they sing, I'm renewed with Life, the wait is much too long...

I'm not cursed by the other Season's, so please understand my plea;
There's just such a vibrant beauty of colors, for everyone to see.

Your alive, place Love as your focus, each and every one of you;
You thrive, yet Time is of Essence, the very Blue.

With past days forgotten, the fresh air, new thoughts are allowed to Dance;
Take possession, find your obsession, please...just give it a chance!

Push your Memory to Record, let your fantasies play, here now, on a warm springtime day;     And oh, who will I meet, and does it really matter, it doesn't, there is no Script to this Play...

I feel at one, Soul Seeking I run, I search for a Clue;
And yet it's all right there, Sunshine in the Air, so many things to do!

My Dreams come to Life, open up to Live, the Promise I see;
Nature has so much to give, a simplistic Leaves on a Tree.

So, go out and explore, this time don't miss;
This day is all yours, so give it a Kiss!

And feel Blessed that it is real...really open up your Mind;
We take part in Nature's Glory, as we Spring Into Sunshine!

                                                           Kirk Carter

Friday, March 11, 2016

Why Are You The One?

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


You question yourself, as you question me;
Of all the people to devote one's self, what in you do I see?

More precious than time, yet it is time that is of the essence;
To show my passion, provide my emotional presence.

My thoughts provoke to thee, not being to myself...all alone;
You seek for things that are already here, your destiny is sewn.

You might not share the interaction, I can only show you the way;
Positive influence balances indifference, the road for you I lay.

I do not need to instigate, Loving you is being free;
If I do not make a statement now, then would become of me?

You may doubt our future together, the faithful would exclaim, "Why Not?'
One live's their life for a Rainbow, yet I be the Golden Pot!

So, while your busy with excuses, always being on the run;
Just stop and deeply consider, just Why Are You The One?

                                                             Kirk Carter

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Serenity Within

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Through turbulent times, our attempts to make peace, seem without merit;
The flaws we admit, are common to all, don't worry, we all share it!

When you think about Life, like a knife to butter, each slice holds our inner spirits and dreams;
But, when it all melts down, you hear a calling, a sound, at least that's what it seems...

Your Guardian Angels, the Lord selects, God can't do it all alone:
They keep you in check, warn of impending wreck, and Bless You when the trauma is sewn!

Please believe in the grief, like a moralistic Leaf, as one day you too will fall from the tree;
But at least, it's a test, do your duty, do your best, be Proud of all You be!

Quality aside, like the ever changing tide, just do the best you can;
Do things that matter, through the emotional weather...or just be another grain of sand...

Leaving a Legacy in whatever you do, push yourself that extra mile;
When it's all said and done, and you've had your fun, your work will make other people smile!

Your purpose of being here, is not drinking beer, or watching TV all day;
You have task to perform, but don't get alarmed, you get to do it your way!

So, next time you feel pent down and hopeless, when Lucifer has you covered in Sin;
Just say a Prayer, and challenge the dare, and look to the Serenity Within!

                                                                      Kirk Carter

Monday, March 7, 2016

In To Spring

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Was just at the Park, eating some Apple Pie;
When I got a visit from a Monarch Butterfly.
"Say my friend, how was Mexico, heard it was quite a trip?";
He sampled some of my Pie, I said, "Go on...take a nip!"

He must have been pretty hungry, cause before I knew it;
That sucker managed to eat right clean through it!
Then a bird flew down, saw a bug in the sand;
He got it and took off, took a crap on my hand.

Then the wind started blowin, the trees went insane;
Big 'ol Branch of Pine Cones fell, hittin me in the brain...
But, I continued writing, my drink spilling everywhere;
Felt something stinging, got Ants in my Underwear!

I tried not to be phased, it was such a pretty day;
Even with the constant bombing of a pesky Blue Jay.
Then a Spider came down, and landed in my hair;
And before I knew it, there were Cobwebs everywhere...

And even though I thought, I'd had my share of Triggers;
Started gettin bitin, by a Shirt full of Chiggers!
Then a Snake crossed my foot, and when I went to give it a whack;
I lost my balance from my seat, and Damn nearly broke my Back...

But finally, what did me in, what finally made me flee;
Was a gang of Crazy Hornets, and one pissed off Bee!
So, here comes warmer weather, hear Mother Nature sing;
Be thankful that your here to sense it, as we all go In To Spring!

                                                 Kirk Carter

Twenty Spot

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Back in Vegas, I spent my rent on the girl from next door;
We had a good time, she passed out on the floor.
As I came to the next morning, I just didn't care;
She kicked me in the head, so I drugg her out by the hair!

Now focusing my dilemma, my rent was due at dawn;
All my money was gone, needed something to pawn.
Had my old CD player, let's give this a shot;
Didn't get quite what I thought, a measly twenty spot...

So, off to the casinos, the Sahara, Double-Down Blackjack to 40;
Was kicked out for counting cards, by a Pit Boss named Shorty.
Then to the Desert Inn, back and forth to 165;
Changing tables, Double-Deck Shoe, was all that kept me alive!

At the Frontier I played two spots, came out with a 350 split;
Scratching my head, didn't know if I should stay or quit?
So, 10 hours later, left the Riviera with a cool 720;
Couldn't believe how I managed to win all this money.

So, I paid my rent, still scratching my head;
Been 24 hours since I had been to bed.
And I had a dream, of how God will provide;
And for our sins, his only Son had died.

That my luck with the gambling wasn't me;
He gave me a Gaming Pass, he heard my plea!
So, now I'm straight, no Gaming on my plate, I learned a lot;
When God turned me around with a Twenty Spot!

                                                      Kirk Carter

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Granola Hippy

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016

Granola Hippy

Early morning dew from a delicate leaf;
Smoke layers the Virginia mountains, God's Motif.
From these wonders, her beauty springs to existence;
A rarity of a woman, so lovely in her persistence...

She refuses to change, her heritage, country style;
Tempting one to take a cold lemonade and stay a while.
Blue Blood in purity, a wonder from Heavenly Skies;
Her smile creates pleasant thoughts, the look within her eyes.

A purest of nature, she changes nothing, time stands still;
She caresses with her thoughts, encouragement you will feel.
But, to really appreciate, why she's so kind;
Merely take a moment, and read her mind...

Smart and alert, always good things to say;
To listen to her speak, she takes your breath away!
She eats healthy too, Granola is her snack;
The freeness of a Hippy, now she's taking Me back!

Clearly, she is one with God, with pleasant content;
Her future looks bright, her lessons well spent.
She talks of her childhood, her family the factor;
When they all went to Church, even rode on a Tractor!

All grown up now, she's someone to admire;
Every Girl looks up to her, it's She they aspire!
All I know is that she was bred in the Mountains, where the air is quite nippy;
But, she will always be my special Granola Hippy!

                                                                                                                       Kirk Carter

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Loose In The Pants

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016

Loose In The Pants

Was out at the Honky-Tonk Saturday night;
Had some Beers, shots of Whiskey, even got into a fight...
When a friend, her name was Gwen, lit up some Crack;
The night started churning, there was no turning back!

She took me to the dance floor, and boy did we dance;
When suddenly I felt something, loose in my pants.
Now, I'm not trying to be crass, but something was coming out my ass!

So, I excused myself and ran to the can;
Getting cleaned up, that was the plan.
In I go, through the bathroom door;
Toilets overflowing, there was Crap on the floor!

So, I doubled back, waved good bye to Gwen;
Down to my friends house, but I couldn't get in.
Now, it's going down my legs and into my boots;
Wondering how in the Hell I got into this Cahoots'?

I'm sloshing and squishing, some Girls said, "Hello";
As I waddled past the Bar, like some walking Jello.
Found a hose behind the Bar, where I tried to get clean;
Trying to avoid being detected, avoid being seen!

Walking out, I spotted my Brother driving his Truck;
Flagged him down, Thank God, finally some good luck...
Went down 'bout a block, my brother started having a fit;
"What you doing Man, Did you just take a Shit?"

I answered, "Yea, a little while back, you can still tell?"
"Man, you smell like a Skunk that came straight outta Hell!"
So, he stopped the Truck saying, "Get you Ass in the rear!"
"Getting out this smell is 'bout all I fear!"

And I finally got home, all renewed again;
Never doing Crack again, that's never a win.
So, now I'm all clean and back to the Dance;
But, I'll always remember something Loose In My Pants!

                                                       Kirk Carter