Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Monday On The Straight Line

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Remembering those Monday mornings, getting ready for work;
Vodka in my water bottles, I was such a jerk.

My roommate packing his rig, his needle, and his stash;
Making sure he had enough supply, counting out his cash.

Then off to work we'd go, each in a different direction;
To my office I'd go, he's trying to get hold of his connection!

And the work it took, just to keep the daily high;
Trying to keep  down eggs, some pancakes, maybe a piece of pie...

Not being caught, not being seen;
Trying to look straight, trying to look clean!

Yea, I look back on it now, look how absurd;
Body's so dried out, can't even pass a turd.

And how many times, Boss asked, "You been drinking?"
"Oh, it's from last night", I said...just what was I thinking?

My Girlfriend complained, she wasn't satisfied;
It's pretty clear my wood, is all petrified!

So, as I look in the mirror, all pretty and straight;
Ate a good breakfast,cleaned up my plate.

Real juice in my bottle, sandwich, and chips;
I give my Girl a hug,  as I kiss her on the lips!

Everything turned well, everything turned out fine;
As I enter a new day, Monday On The Straight Line!

                                                                    Kirk Carter

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