Friday, December 13, 2013

Deep Thought-Watch Me Write

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions-Copyright 2013


The other day at the park, penning in yet another page;
My character's weren't working, I was all in a rage!

When I looked up to see a couple or two;
Just sitting there watching me, guess they had nothing to do.

So, for whatever reason, I questioned their stare;
They had all just smoked blunts, how dare that I care?

But, I questioned the interest, perhaps seeking insight;
Of why you came here, to just watch me write?

And a girl of one couple, said "We so envy you...
Your characters and emotions, we don't have a clue...

Of where your ideas come from, we feel helpless and blank...
Is it some drugs you are using, is it something you drank?"

"I said neither, it comes from a spiritual source;
I can't say how it works, it's a cosmic force!

And as far as origination, I bring my thought in, too;
But it's my Guardian Angels, that tell my pen what to do!

I turned back to my writing, feeling they were all satisfied;
Of knowing I was different, my purpose I not hide.

And soon they all got up, as dusk turned into night;
One girl came up and hugged me..."I just Love to watch you write!"

Based on a true story...Film at eleven!                                                      Kirk Carter

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