Friday, August 8, 2014

Letter To Allah

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


There comes a time when personal attitude, belief in cause, one's belief in God, how one approaches and accepts their grievances must be addressed by the masses...

Such is the case of the mind set of the radical Islamist who simply will not rest till all the Jews and Christians are removed from the planet and put to death.

Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but this simply won't be allowed to happen!

For one thing, we're creative, we invent stuff, we have propriety for the future generations to have the advantage to push forth in this game called life, toward that toxic pursuit, to be better than the last generation, to balance out purpose, with joyful prestige and overall accomplishment of the human spirit. All our races and creeds shall move forth together, whether you like it or not!

Your radical Islamic principals take us backwards to an age where women were treated like cattle. The realization that if a female is left to her own abide, she would ascertain the situation, would not hesitate to take action, and  naturally organize control of said village or community. This is the natural flow of the sexes. Don't be offended, just accept the dominance as God has intended, it's not something you can control through violence and subjugation...

The natural laws of existence must be allowed to permeate here. No matter how much you may think you can just come in and eliminate your perceived problem through violent acts, as you are only bringing focus to yourself, drawing attention toward your convoluted hatred, your inability to accept the natural flow of fortitude and common decency. Shame you for even thinking there was any comparative to your barbaric guys make me sick!

So, if you don't wish to conform, let by-gones be by-goners and learn to just get along, then we of laws, justice, and compliance will have no choice but to turn on you, and demand your permanent elimination, basically smoking your ass into oblivion you fucking pieces of shit! 

It's simple really...either you learn to get along...or you radicals will cease to exist...sooner than you think, too!

Personally, my life has purpose, and I do plan on sticking around for a little while. I kind of like my women in charge by the way, totally cool with that one for sure!

                                                                          Kirk Carter/ Burbank, Ca.   

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