Monday, August 4, 2014

Triacs (25)-Bloody Mary

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Triacs (25)

Bloody Mary

Ext: Queen Mary ship tourist parking lot, Long Beach, California-6 a.m.
Jerry Barns on free shuttle from downtown Long Beach minutes away from his destination to the Queen Mary parking lot. Jennifer Connolly (now alias Marcia Quinn) approaches down Ocean Boulevard in a rented red Dodge Challenger. FBI Agent Ellison and Lieutenant Crum wait down by the park in an unmarked van equipped with long throw audio laser mikes which can pick up a whisper at a hundred feet by merely shining the laser onto a windowed surface. They wait in anticipation for the prescribed meeting. The seagulls are fighting over a bag of Doritos in the parking lot. The air is humid as the coastal sea breeze fights against the drone of mosquitoes and flies which are seemingly endless. Jennifer pulling up in Challenger, power drops window, leaning over to make comment to obvious Jerry Barns with homeless back pack and precluded disposition to even being there to start with, very nervous, looking around as Jennifer brings him to her, inviting him to presence.


"So, you decided to make the date, cool boy...I like you already!"


"Well, what did you expect, I wasn't really expecting something like you, man your pretty!"


"Thanks, I try to take care of myself...I'm not from Paris, try to shave once in a while, look pretty for my slaves...they tend to amuse me more when I pretty up for them."


"Your slaves, what the hell are you talking about?"


"Oh, I'm sorry...did I say I was a dominatrix...kinda a sideline, where I beat you naughty boys in to submission?"


"No, I missed that on your email, and I'm not interested in being one of your naughty boys, I just want to get rid of a device which has been burning through my existence."


"It can't be that much of a struggle...has it?"


"Yea, it's pretty bad...I only did some drugs and stuff, but now, all has went to hell, everybody just dropping off the map, it's got me all confused, I'm hungry, confused, thirsty, and I'm all alone here."


"You have me, I think your cute and I would do you in a New York second, what you want my follow up or did you want to close the deal, like where are we at?"

Barns (scratching face, adjusting old underwear)

"Well, it's just...I dunno I'm wondering what we're going to do, got everything I'm going to need?"


"Show me your goody's honey love, I got your coins right here!"

Barns digs around, finally finding the stereo shaped portable speaker that is the "Triac". 
He brings it to her attention, as he presents it. Jennifer see's the device and doesn't even flinch or hesitate, but grabs it from his hand, with a cross slap of her other hand!


"What was that, you freaking bitch?"


"Just waking you up, are you going to be okay...seemed like you were zoning out for second?"


"I'm fine, but what are we doing here?"

Reaching down, Jennifer pulls a high-heeled mule from her foot and bashes it into the cerebral cortex (center of the bottom of the back of the brain), Barns goes into immediate unconsciousness, and bleeds to death. Jennifer exits car with Triac, looks around and starts up the ramp to the Queen Mary, pretending to be a tourist and mix in with the families and such.

(Scene Switch)

FBI agents Ellison and Lieutenant Crum wake up from just sitting there parked in the back of the Queen Mary parking lot in Long Beach, eating cheap donuts and cold coffee... suddenly realizing that the transaction has just occurred with the Triac and that Jennifer has abandoned her rental car and has decided to mix in with the staff and the tourist. A beautiful women is easy to track, nobody questions motive if your one of the pretty people!

FBI Agent Ellison

"Well, I'm not sure what happened, but anymore of your honey buns and insipidity crap, you know your turning me diabetic?"

Lieutenant Crum

"Not sure why you pulling this on me, but that Jennifer girl is making her way up the ramp, did you want her, need her for anything, like goods or services...did you completely forget why you were here to start with?"


"No, I was just zoned on all this sugar crap...I need to stabilize a bit...where did you say she was?"

(Pointing to service ramp)

"Sir, the bitch from hell, your bitch from hell is boarding now, were you interested or what?"


"Okay, call security and give them the 2120 code, we're right behind this..!


"Thank you for being so observant. right away!"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer runs up to ticket gate and explains that her husband has been waiting on her, but she doesn't know the bed or cabin number. The officials look at her beauty and immediately try to comply to her demands.

Ticket Agent

"Sorry Mam, did you say need to find your boyfriend, husband, what?"


"Yea, something like that, stay there for a second, I'll be back..."

Running through crowed entry way, Jennifer looks up to see basic outline of hallways and upper staterooms, she quickly evacuates and disperses into crowds as they criss-cross.

(Scene Switch)

FBI Agents Crum and Allison try to go up ramp, only to be stopped by thug looking security agents who just came on duty that morning.


"Excuse me sir...FBI, we are railing an investigation?"

Security Thug

"Uh, huh, it's $38 bucks if you want the tour, don't be chasing my line, bro?"


"Perhaps you don't understand, but you just allowed a girl on board your lovely ship to look for a husband or something without any i.d. or reference to who she did know what a Triac is?


"Girl...Try what?"


"Triac...a military device which causes...never mind, where is that girl in the blue dress that went on board?


"I don't kmow sir, but she was looking for a husband or boyfriend, something like that, I mean she could have just been a hooker...I don't even ask if their pretty like that!"


"Yea, sorry kid, I see your point in the looks, she is easy on the eyes...very easy...

(to be continued)
Part Two of "Bloody Mary" 

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