Thursday, November 19, 2015


Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015


Taking what I want, taking what I need;
My selfish appetite, my intended greed!

And yes it did continue, all my needs came first;
The more the better so I thought, so much unlimited thirst.

And then one day, everything fell down;
There wasn't a giving person anywhere around.

Looking for givers, the roster was bare;
No one around that seemed to really care.

I called for God, but he was preoccupied;
My one vestige of hope, I curled up and cried!

Finally looking in myself, I turned things around;
God saw my efforts, my feet were on the ground.

And he told me of giving, putting forth for common good;
Helping others first, just like it always should.

Slowly things put forth, were suddenly gifted back;
Unprovoked as a showing, found goodies in my sack!

Many, many times what I did. all came back to me;
Everyone is happy, it's fairly plain to see!

So, it does pay off, when you do something nice;
How rewarding the effort, in a little Sacrifice...

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