Monday, November 9, 2015

The Bridge To Bliss

 Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2015
I saw you from a distance, reflected wet surface below;
Guess you must serve a purpose, something God would only know.
So, just what are you doing here, daring me to cross;
You sure look alluring, I must admit, my words were at a loss.
Purpose without equation, deep meaning to crossing streams;
Is this a new beginning, could this be what it seems?
I started walking circles, pondering to scratch my head;
Trying to figure out what to do, where would I make my bed?"
Things weren't changing over here, what's really over there;
A new type of existence, is it really worth the dare?
I said a prayer, taking first step, stepping stones that paved the way;
Onto the bridge, I progressed, I thought, "This will probably take all day!"
At midway point, I stopped for a look, at the flowing brook below;
I could have jumped off in a second, no one would ever know!
So, forward I continued, as curiosity drew me near;
I felt so at peace right then, no trace of fright or fear.
And finally I reached that last step, landing firmly on solid ground;
"What did I just do", I thought, "Maybe I should turn around?"
Then suddenly a feeling came over me, a voice came in the air;
"New life for you my son", I heard, "New Love for you to share!"
And there before me she stood, so beautiful...just like a dream;
She said, "I crossed the bridge too, we are his chosen team."
I reached and touched her hand, then caressed her face;
Only God could have brought us together, in such a lovely place.
She smiled in agreement, as we held an extended kiss; 
We both made the trek, God kept his promise,
We both crossed the Bridge To Bliss!
Kirk Carter
November 9, 2015

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