Sunday, September 21, 2014

Triacs (31) Finding Purpose

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Finding Purpose


(2 Years Later)

After recovering original schematics and assembly data from confiscated computers, it was

 decided by officials to let Siemens go ahead and build some modified high power Triacs, for

                research and study. Finding that the three harmonic frequencies were useful                                                                                                                                                                                in scattering large

 areas of Hydrogen molecules, the Department of Defense decided to turn the project over to

 the Department Of The Interior for testing, development, and field study. 

By doing some careful modifications, they constructed a movable beam antenna for the high

 band (microwave region) for spot area focusing. Engineers found out that it was excellent for

 putting out forest fires in dense rugged terrain.

The original Triac design by the late Doctor Broach found purpose by being the first line of 

defense in protecting our nations forest and national parks.

The End

Kirk Carter
Chew Bear Productions
Burbank, Ca
Copyright 9/21/2014 

Battle Of The Triacs (30)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Battle Of The Triacs

Int: FBI Central Headquarters-Los Angeles-Saturday A.M.

Agent Ellison and Crum looking over some crossbows brought in by special weapons expert Agent Brut Bentley from England. 

Agent Bentley (heavy English accent)

"Well...yes, as you can see here just a standard Crossman main issue, very common in the states you see, that although it will only shoot one arrow at a time, a bit shall we say toward your target as lob if you will, quite effective even though the product itself is barely of hunting grade, will hold relatively true to about 40 pounds of pull!"

Agent Crum

"So these devices are the answer to getting close and making a take down?


"Most assuredly, this will create complete chaos for the fugitive on the attack, as they will be completely defenseless against the distance, power, and the sheer accuracy of this old but steady device for taking down one's prey from a safe distance...a mere slingshot would never do!"

Agent Ellison

"I like the idea and the concept, but would we be limited to one shot...looks like reloading the cabling would be somewhat of a that correct?"


But the intelligence we are getting from the Korean authorities is that tycoon Ken Ron will be arriving at Bob Hope airport in Burbank at approximately 10 a.m. We have to move quickly and be in place as we have an arrest warrant for him, too!


"Well, if we have everything we need, let's go get set up...who else is in on this?"


"Currently, because of the sensitivity of this ordeal, no other agency's have been briefed nor will strictly be bidding amongst yourselves so to say!"

Agent Crum

"Well, all's the better in this case, cause I don't need any stray officer getting in the way of those signals, the Sheriff's department is still dealing with those who fell for no other reason than their lack of sad!"


"That's so true...however, shall we get a move on, we only have two hours here before the plane arrives...shall we?"

(Scene Switch)

Ent: Jerry's Condo

Jerry and Jennifer have both taken their showers and ate a light breakfast, now making last minute preparations for the airport.


"I can't believe my Father never emailed those specifications and schematics...even if they were fudged with a bit."

She calls on Jerry's phone, but all she gets is his voicemail


"Yea, this will be a big load off your back, if you can make this deal fly!"


"Yea, it's a bit nerve wracking, but it's all about the anticipation, like New Year's...and before you know it, your going home for a while...nothing new..."


"Well, come on...let's take the freight elevator in the back, drops right down from my car."


"How do I look (wearing blue skirt and heels)?"


"Like every man's dream...then again, you'd look hot in a potato sack, hey...who's the comedian here?"


"I worry about you Jerry, no you have air pockets in your brain, nothing but space!"


"Getting dropped on my head was not a good way to start, but I don't think it got any worse?"


"But, it's not getting any better either!"

(Scene Switch)

FBI Agents pull into back entrance with crossbows in tow. They start setting up on one side as Ken Ron's jet is just starting it's descent into L.A. county. He's sitting at the little office table in the back of the jet just staring at his Bank Of America International check made out for $5 million dollars for Jennifer. His co-pilot We Huon makes commit.

"You know Ken Ron, this device, this will make you most powerful ever consider consequences?"

Ken Ron

"Everything I perform and do has consequence, I like test study, lab rat...always reaching out, getting myself into things I never perceive before, but that passion has made me very wealthy, must keep good fortune in check and not just sit and watch world pass, too quickly we blink and miss opportunity...this will be that day to show world that Ken Ron will collect on many who waited too long, and now must kneel to Ken Ron, all good things achieved by no hesitation!" 

We Huon

"I have always envied, very amazed at how you connect the deal with total would scare me to do that, to place so much money into energy like that...but for you, just common place, another deal struck, another deal completed. I honor you Ken Ron!"

Plane makes finally lock onto glide path and is coming into Bob Hope-Burbank

(Scene Switch)

Jerry and Jennifer just arriving at Bob Hope airport.


"What I need you to do is pull over to the side of the freight gate by the Executive terminal, have you been there before?"


"Yea, bunch of times, that's where I pick up my paintings and stuff!"


"Well, whatever you do, just wait...this won't take long..."


"You sure your not going in there and start talking about the good times with this dude, maybe a congratulatory beating or something?"


"I don't think we have time for that, he's into...shall we say candles, like hot wax and prolonged drip-drip of the candle, very prolonged, bores the crap out of me!"


So why put up with it?"


"Ten large an hour overcomes my disgust, I deal with it...but I do make him bring his own candles...guy is so pathetic, but I Love him!"


"Gees, sorry I asked!"

(Scene Switch)

Int: Doctor Broach's House

Broach to Wife

"Dog gone it, can't believe I overslept, completely forgot to send those schematics to Jenn!"

Ms. Broach

"Have been meaning to tell you that two gentlemen from the FBI came over the other day looking for you?"


"What in the hell did they want?"

Ms. Broach

"I don't know...connections, kind of vague really...I mean, I told them where to find you, so if they didn't follow up that's their problem..."

Broach, now suspicious and a little paranoid, goes to safe and retrieves other duplicate Triac, talking to himself,

"Never can be too careful...if I'm going down, I'm taking a few with me!"

Ms. Broach

"Where are you off to this morning Dear?"


"Oh, just some office runs, I'll be back before lunch...thought you might like to do a nice brunch over at the square?"

Ms. Broach

"Sounds wonderful, your so thoughtful..."

Giving her a kiss, he takes diagrams and the duplicate Triac with him, drives to the airport.

(Scene Switch)

Agent Ellison and Euro Agent Bentley are behind a row of cargo boxes watching Ron Jon's Grumman pulling up to the parking slot. 


"Now remember, if they don't submit, then we take a shot!"


"Precisely, try to hit a thigh, some part of the leg, we don't need to kill the poor chap!"

Agent Crum on radio

"Hey Ellison...just out of curiosity, but why am I over here by myself?"

Ellison on radio

Because you didn't shower this morning, excessive body a word, you stink!"


"No, really, what's the point?"

Bentley on radio

"My good boy, we have only 2 crossbows, hence two arrows which calculates into only two placing you down range, you become the back-up to a possible misfire!"


"Thanks for your intellectual viewpoints Bentley, your quite proper with your could at least give me someone to talk to, I'm bored over here..."


"Sorry chap, body odor speaks for itself, you must squat in your own drool I afraid!"


"Okay, both of you just stop it!"

Talking to himself

"English Asshole!"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer and Jerry pull to the side of the freight gate. Official of Airport Security notices Jerry's "out of place" BMW and calls in suspicious car to patrols. Suddenly, all binoculars focused on BMW, not knowing the FBI is even on site.

(Scene Switch)

"Grumman comes to stop. Crew unlocks door and pulls step-ramp toward door of plane. Ron Jon waits for all clear. Jennifer watches for Ron Jon. She decides to call him on his phone.


"Ron Jon, you moving out or am I moving in...what?"

Ron Jon

"Bring device to entrance, I not feel safe leaving perimeter, the plain safe, you not enter, you not see me, not bring candles, my assistant bring check, we clear?"

Jennifer"Give me a second, I've got this thing stuck in my boobs, let me wrap it up in something."

Wrapping the Triac up in a scarf, she exits car, walking over to gate.

(Scene Switch)

Airport Security Chief gives order to have Jennifer detained. She see's officer's approaching, reaching under scarf preparing to energize Triac.

(Scene Switch)

Doctor Broach arrives with schematics and the duplicate Triac in coat pocket, see's Jennifer at gate, start's to walk over, not seeing approaching officers from the other side of the fence.

(Scene Switch)

Agent Bentley sets up shot and takes aim at Jennifer's lower body through scope.

(Scene Switch)

Agent Crum takes aim at Doctor Broach. Unforeseen by Crum, another group of officers from the L.A. Sheriff's department, flagged in by Cheif Security and approach Broach.

(Scene Switch)

Seeing what's occuring from inside of Grumman, Ron Jon goes further back into jet and takes his AK-47 and holds it, unlocking safety and securing banana clip.

(Scene Switch)

Officer orders Jennifer to put her hands up. Not saying anything she reverses back to Jerry's BMW, where Bentley shoots crossbow hitting her in the leg. As she falls to her knees, she activates Triac, airport officers with guns aimed at her, blow up in their hands and face.

(Scene Switch)

Doctor Broach activates his Triac as officer's from the Sheriff's Department also are killed instantly when their guns blow up. As he starts to back-track, Agent Crum shoots arrow hitting Broach in the buttocks, where he falls to the ground, active Triac still in hand.

(Scene Switch)

Ron Jon's AK-47 picks up patterns of Triacs and machine gun explodes in his hands, setting off extra clips along with some packages of C-4 explosives, blowing the whole jet up along with a near-by refueling truck. 

(Scene Switch)

As Jennifer crawls, struggling to get back to Jerry's BMW, her Triac cross-patterns and starts to feedback with Broach's Triac, causing both devices to both explode at the same time, killing Jennifer and Broach. Jerry takes off in BMW, but officer shoots through front window killing him too, when he refuses to stop.

(Scene Switch)

Bentley and Ellison stand up from behind cargo containers, looking at carnage, shaking their heads.

(Two Hours Later)

Ellison looking at report

"Well, the preliminary shows 15 dead, including Jennifer, Broach, some dude friend of her's name Jerry Brown, and of course the world smuggler Ron Jon."


By George, good show...seems to me, the crisis has taken care of itself despite the poor chaps who were sacrificed in the Malay...such a terrible loss!"


"That was a 30 million dollar jet that went up, too...crazy stuff!"


"Well, the Triacs are officially off the table...kind of looks like the designs, too...this case sort of closed itself!


"Care to go get a brewsky while we wait for the reports to get finalized, I'm not feeling funny right now, but I will try to be happy that all this is over with!"


"You chaps do a toddy for a closed case like this?"


"We do a toddy before, during, and's a..."


"It's tribute to work well executed, work well done, we are Agents of the Bureau, we are...


"Your all bloody crazy, out of your minds I'd say...professionals for sure, but men just gave their lives here today, and all you want to do is celebrate your case being closed?"


"Yes Bentley...sad but true!"


"Well, for bloody goodness, let's get to the pub, immediately, race to the pints I will!"


"We've turned him into a mad man..."


"We'll never be able to get him back to England now!" 


"Nor would I want to young men need assistance, guidance, courage...I'll show you the tricks of Scotland Yard till I go to my grave I will...


"Looks like we have a new drinking buddy!"


"Pull up a chair, my old chap!"

Everybody Laughing

(Scene Close)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Triacs (29) Ice Lady

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Ice Lady

Int: Jerry's Condo P.M.  Jennifer is satisfying her part of the deal by flogging a tied up Jerry with a singletail whip.


"Just like old times, huh Jerry?"

As she delivers several pops to his buttocks


"Yes Mistress, I can't tell you how much I missed your corrections

(another lash)




"Needed discipline..."


"Missing a key component here, don't piss Mistress off now?"


"Ah servitude...worship, ah, ah total submission?"

(another set of lashes)


"All right...close arm is getting tired!"

(As she unties his hands from the rafters)


"Oh Mistress, I have missed you so much...that really brought me back..."


"Yea, Mistress is a bit out of shape...forgot how freaking heavy that whip's a lot of work flogging that thing!"


"Well, I couldn't tell any difference, it still hurt like hell!"


Well good...I'm glad your all scarred and happy now...hey, mind if I use your phone?"


"Not the land line, here I've got my new Apple, just picked it's a pretty safe bet nobody hear you talking on this thing."


"What makes it so special?"


"it's an Apple 6, it's encrypted, even the Feds can't get into it!"

Jennifer calling her Korean Love Slave, Ken Ron Do.


"Yes, this is Ice Lady United States, Los Angeles look for Ken Ron, he there?"

Ken Ron getting on phone

"Hello, Mean Lady, you hard to find...move around very much, anything on the table?"


"And thanks for the warm welcome, too...look I have the device up for grabs!"

Ken Ron

"The Triac...really?"


"Yea, but many lives were lost, taken forever, so I take you for 5000 large if you wish to own it?"

Ken Ron

But 10 mill has been lost from syndicate, they not happy with you try double-dip!"


"I never received that money, I have no idea where it went or even if it actually existed..."

Ken Ron

"You slick and evil lady, I think you lie again!"


It doesn't matter, the past is the past, water under the bridge, I want 5 for the device, interested or not?"

Ken Ron

"Yes and no, but you don't honor agreement, seems buyer always end up in body bag, how do I trust this time?"


You must believe in second chances, you must try me again...the police are all over me, have to leave country soon, like again!"

Ken Ron

Again...nothing new, like girl of the world. what about mad Doctor, he know what you about?"


"Oh Dad, he just better keep himself in line or we're going to have a little session, and I'm not going to be very nice, so what's it gonna be?"

Ken Ron

"How long till offer close, can be in L.A. in morning, you wait?"


"Yea, that's perfect, anything else?"

Ken Ron

"Diagrams, schematics, data results, for replication, must have specs, okay?"


"Let me call the Doc, he can get you all that."

Ken Ron

"Where we meet?"


"You taking Grumman?"

Ken Ron

"Of course, my most happy joy!"


"Do Bob Hope airport Burbank, can you do 9 a.m.?"

Ken Ron

Better at 10, not so much I call you, be there no?"


"Yea call, this number, I'll be there, yes...and don't forget your BOA checkbook, the international one!"

Ken Ron

"Bye mean lady..."


"Stop that, it's Ice Lady, Ice Lady, you hear?"

Ken Ron

"You still mean!"


"Well, that's true, why fight the truth...I'm a bitchful, see you in the morning, bye.

Jennifer immediately pushes new number to Doctor Broach's phone.


"Hello Daddy!"


"Hello girl, haven't heard from you in a while, saw all your pretty pictures on the news, you got them damn cops flying around like what's up?"


"Got a buyer know...the thing!"


"I told you it would all work out, who's the lucky taker, we did get what we wanted right?"


Got 10, and he is own his way over in the morning, but I need a favor?"


"What could that be?"


"Need the research stats, specs, diagrams...they want to replicate."


"No can do young know I can't release this data, it's classified. it would give me away!"


"Well...just make something up, maybe send me a circuit for a microwave oven or the time they figure out, I'll be long gone!"


"Yea, but what about me, they'll hold my ass as hostage over this one?"


You do want me happy, don't you Daddy...after all, your getting too old anyway?"


"okay, let me see if I can dig something convincing up, give me about an hour!"


"That's a good boy, just fax it to this number understand?"


""Okay dear, be careful, Mother sends her Love...good luck!"


"Always Daddy...always...bye!"

Pushing phone off, she turns to Jerry

"Hey, would you mind playing chauffeur to the airport in the morning, it won't take long?"


"Hell no, I'm not getting caught up in your little conspiracies or what ever it is your doing!"


"Would a nice tip perk you up?"


"Look, it's bad enough I've got you here, I know were 12 floors up, but at least I can keep my eye on things."


How about if I give you 5 grand for your troubles?"


"Make it 10, do I hear 10...going once going..."




"Deal sealed, Ice Lady get a chauffeur...all right!

(giving each other a brief hug)

(Scene Closed)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Triacs (28) Tips And Treats

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Tips And Tricks

Exterior P.M.
Limo pulls over at third and Santa Monica Boulevard at Jennifer's request. She gives driver card, who slides it for $75. 


"Now slide it again for another seventy-five..."


"For a tip?"


"No, for wear and tear!"
(She hands him a c-note from her still damp purse.)
"Here...this is for you, you take care Hon!"


"Thank you nice Miss Jennifer...I will miss you!"


"Well, I got your card, never know when I might come a callin, take care..."

Police helicopter at high altitude catching all their movement,

Air Service

Air Service three to dispatch, ten-four?"


"Go ahead three, ten-four?"

Air Service

"Looks to be female matching the description of one Jennifer Connors, heading north on Third St."

H.P. Unit 25 (breaking in)

H.P. Unit 25 to dispatch, ten-four!"


"Go ahead 25..."

H.P. Unit 25

Ah, I have Mile marker 6 on I-10, westbound...officer is down with severe trauma...considered deceased, ten-four?


"Sending wagons now, please 10-6 your location until back-up arrives, 10-4 25?"

Unit 25

"That affirmative Unit 25 ten-six!"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer goes up to the entrance to the foyer where one of her old Slave clients lives and pushes his doorbell. 

Jerry ( the old client, looking through monitor from camera)

"Is that you Mistress?"


"It be me, back in the big city, mind if I come up?"


"Well, I don't have any cash on me!"


"Trade you some discipline for a place to hang?"

Jerry (buzzes her in)

"Sure, come on up!"

She goes to the 12th floor where Jerry is already waiting by the elevator door like some lost and lonely dog waiting for his owner. They walk over to his condo and shut door.


"The place is a mess, so what's the pleasure of your visit, quite unannounced?"


"Well, it's a little complicated, but it has everything to do (pulling Triac out of cleavage) with this!

Jerry starts laughing

"Does it play music, get hold of some bad tunes know, Norwegian Om-pah sounds a lot like Mexican Rockabilly, can't tell em apart I tell you!"


"Stop it Jerry, it's called a Triac, it vibrates gun powder causing it to explode within range of it's signal!"


"Your kidding me mean like bullets...still "in" the gun?"


"Yea, a lot of people have already met Jesus in the wrong way on this look...I just need a place to hang for a few days, they already raided my condo, and the Feds are hanging all over me, they want me and my..."


"I'm sure they would like to have their little Triac back, too!"


"Exactly...just need to chill, get my bearings, and try to contact my Korean Love Slave."


"Love Slave?"


"Yea, the buyer, he's the only one I know of that has the kind of coin I want for this thing!"


Korean Love Slave sounds like a euphemism for a really bad foreign porn, who is the connection is business...hey you want something to eat, I'll whip you up something?"


"Yea, I am kind of empty, feel like I've been running on adrenaline for the last day...this morning was so crazy, I'm so stressed out that I'm really right there...on the edge, just about ready to lose it, but..."


"No girl,  you need to go take a shower and wash off whatever that is on your dress."


"Yea, it's blood, blew up an Officer this morning, purely self-defense...he thought he try his luck at taking me in..."


"Apparently not too successful!"


"His hand cuffs lay empty!"


"I can't even imagine you in hand huffs..."


"I almost became a switch...oh God no, anything but that!"


"Look, go take your shower, I'll make you some breakfast, okay?"

Jennifer (tearing up)

"Thanks really, thanks!"

(Scene Switch)


FBI Agent Ellison and Lieutenant Crum are trying to figure out next move.


"Well, we've got the area she went into, but nothing conclusive...and with all the people she knows in that area, the world is her Oyster!"


"Something just doesn't fit, with the way this device managed to get into so many hands."


"You've got the same suspicions that I've got, always had them, but now everything is starting to come up to the what was the deal with the Private, the vanishing General, prostitutes, the Doctor & his wife...where's the tie in with Jennifer?"

Crum (getting on computer)

"Let's Google into stats and records starting with good old USC, old U of Southern California...say the past 5 years in student enrollment for one Jennifer Connors...this is purely a hunch you understand?"


"Why of course, this is complete silliness at best, but then there would be motive, especially if it's exclusive to say a patent, an idea, something he's not allowed to discuss openly but still wants to show it off...pure brilliance if it's what I think?


Wow...Bingo, It show Jennifer took several semesters in Quantum Physics in the good Doctor's classroom, looks like they had more than just a classroom affiliation!"


"Okay...has devious business model written all over it!"


"Why don't we pay the Doctor a good visit and get his angle to things?"


Maybe stay for tea...let's go grab some lunch, since the Sheriff's department is having no luck at tracking her down, we might as well go and try to make ourselves look productive anyway!"


"I hear you, let's go chat and socialize man!"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer coming out of shower, walking up to front window, she looks down seeing Sheriff patrols walking about looking around!"
"Boy, if this doesn't suck, them pigs probably been following me in the air, I don't think that Limo driver would have ratted on me."


"For what, your location, the device, you've hurt people, what did you think they were going to do...oh they want you bad, real bad on it, just be real with yourself, what's up?"


"Jerry...what you don't know about all of this is probably better than me just making something up...out of site, out of mind, okay?"


"Yea, well you always were the pride of the international underground...guess you didn't get that way be Pauly Pure Bread."


"Isn't that that wacky Secretary that would follow that flying dog around?"


"There's no need to fear...


"Underdog is here...oh God, I think I'm getting a headache!"


"Well here I made you a nice breakfast burrito and a real thick vanilla milk shake...just like the old you might as well settle in, looks like your not going anywhere for a while!"


"Just great, I've always wanted to know what it was like being a kept woman!

(Scene Switch)

An hour later, Ellison and Crum show up at Doctor Broach's house, Ms's Broach answers.

"Hello, afternoon...may I help you?"

Both showing badges


Yes Mam, this is Agent Crum and I'm Agent Ellison FBI Central Los Angeles, we were wondering if we could speak to your husband Doctor Broach I presume?"

Ms. Broach

"Well, he's at the university now, but if you run over to the Siemens Science Lab you can probably still catch's his pride and joy you know."


"Well Mam, if you don't mind (holding up picture of Jennifer) you recognize this person?"

Ms. Broach starts trembling, her hands to her face

"Is she in any trouble?


"Do you know her Mam?

Ms. Broach

Why yes...that's my daughter!"

(Everybody Silent)

Ms. Broach continues

"I haven't seen her in years...she just jumped up one day, up'ed and vanished...for Heaven's sake I just couldn't get her to settle down, find a good man, maybe have some babies...I tried, I really tried (crying), my other sibling was still born, and Jen just went bad after my first husband John Connors had a stroke and died, and I..."

Lieutenant Crum 

"We understand Mama, this is just an investigation, nobody's being implemented here."

Ms. Broach

"Well anyway, then I met Mister Broach and we ended up getting married."


"Does the Doctor have a good relationship with your Jennifer?"

Ms. Broach

"Well, that I really can't say...they go off together once in a while for doing signings and pitching ideas, things like that...otherwise they don't hang out at the house or anything...she doesn't speak to me at all...oh well, I'm past being sad now, what's the point?"


"These pitches, who are they to, what is he pitching?"

Ms. Broach

"Well...projects, crazy ideas he thinks up, and I think he likes to take Jennifer, she ah kind of goes as "eye candy", she has I must admit, turned out to be a most attractive woman."


"Well, that will be all Mam, we really thank you for your time!"

Ms. Broach

""Oh, that's quite all right, I hope I was of some help?"


"More than you know Mam..."

Ms. Broach

"And if you see Jen, tell her I miss her, and that I send my Love?"


"No problem Mam...will do, have a nice day and thanks again!"

Walking back to staff car


"Isn't that something?"


"What...biting off more than you can chew?"


Funny boy, very happened soldier, you see that's why they update my pay grade each and every cycle, but I must admit something between you and me?"




"Who would have seen that really, just cracks me up sometimes how cases just gel when they are looking so damn hopeless!"


"So, it "was" funny how this fell into place?"


"When you've been with the agency as long as I have, you come to a very obvious conclusion?"


"What's that?"


"You just can't write this stuff!"


"I've heard all that before...hey you wanna get a beer?"


"Are you going to be funny?"




"Cause I don't want to drink a beer with you unless your going to be funny?"


"Ellison, shut-up, I'll have you cracking up on the floor at mid-way!"


"Tears in my eyes laughing?"


Crap man, we'll both have tears in our eyes...oh yea!"


"If it's that good, we may not even need a beer for this...but I'm not taking any chances!"


"Why's that, you don't trust me to pull off the comedy?"


"Doesn't first, then funny!


"Gotcha chief...hang on for dear life now."


"Are we having fun now..."


"Beer first then..."


"Periods of random silliness..."


"Close enough..."

(Scene Close)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Triacs (27) Celebrity Circus

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Triacs (27)

Celebrity Circus 

EXT: Long Beach California Marina-P.M.

Interviewer from NBC talking to Jennifer about incident


"Miss Jennifer right?"


"Actually, I'm Marcia, Marcia Quinn...why do you ask?"


"Okay, well Marcia, we had detailed information that you were the harboring of a federally controlled hydrogen refractor, a Triac if you will?

Jennifer (laughing)

"Harboring what...I guess you could call it whatever, it makes bullets explode where they're at, that's about all I know about the silly toy, what's the deal?


"Well, if this is true, where do you manage to, what would be your goal in keeping it?"


"At this point your just blowing smoke up my ass...but I kind of liking your angle here, keep going!"


"Okay, so your not out on anyone, best we can figure, right?"


"So what the crap is this all about anyway, I never had control of the device, I didn't invent this thing!"


"Yes, but are you still in possession?



"You mean this thing?"

Everybody pulling back a step as they really see the device close up.


"Ah yea, so that's the real deal, wow, small and..."


"Totally deadly as a..."


"Yea, we get your drift Miss Jennifer, back to Eyewitness News back in the newsroom Marcia... 

(Scene Switch)

FBI Agent Ellison and Lieutenant Crum are in route to the pier at Seal Beach. As they are nearing they spot several media groups from local tv stations waiting in anticipation for Jennifer's arrival.

FBI Agent Ellison

"This can't be happening, she's already got the press eating out of hand!"

Lieutenant Crum

"Yea, this wouldn't look to good, if we tried taking her in over here, what's the next move?"


"Just lay back, maintain surveillance, and when everything calms down, we make our move."


Knowing this bitch, she'll probably claim that we've been stalking her!"


"Yea, harrasement or something...but she's still has possession of that device, don't even know if it still works or not, but..."


"No offence, but I don't want to be one of her testes, if you know what I mean, kinda like that surveillance idea..."


"Thought you would..."

(Scene Switch)

Back on the water taxi, Jennifer has already got the crew bringing her snacks and glasses of wine. The first mate is rubbing her back, while a crew grunt is rubbing her feet.


"You boys are amazing...first saving my life, and now treating me like royalty...a girl could really take a fancy to this kind of service, I really appreciate you saving me like you did!"

First Mate

"We welcome you Miss Jennifer, your beauty takes me in, like a butterfly who came through the air...such energy, and loveliness!"


More like just fell out of the sky (everybody laughing), but I see your thoughts, I know my perfection, I have been blessed with sweets like you to worship me if you must, I tend to have that effect...but the important thing is that I am here now, please enjoy my company while I'm here, time is fleeting...

Sea Taxi starts to approach pier at Seal Beach. Media Circus starts to develop as reporters await Jennifer's arrival. Ambulance on stand-by. They tie up ferry, and Jennifer makes her debut, her exit to the ramp. Making her way down the ramp, reporters are clamoring with questions. 

Mixed Media (All At Once)

"Miss Jennifer, how did you survive the fall?", "Are you all right, did someone push you or something?", "Are you being stalked for your beauty?", "Do you need a date tonight?", "Can I buy you a drink?", "How do you like Long Beach, you tasted the water...any good?", "Have any sisters?"

Jennifer says nothing, just smiles and waves. She spots an executive limousine, walking over to the well dressed driver taking a smoke just outside the car.

Jennifer To Driver

"Care to give a girl a lift, seems I'm being stalked here?"

Driver To Jennifer

"You have dinero, nobody ride for free?"


"I have a little black AMEX with your name all over it."


"Well then...we depart pronto...good?"

As they drive off, reporters running to their associated vehicles, taking route behind Limo that's now speeding away.

FBI Agent Ellison and Lieutenant Crum just staring at each other, stunned!


"Did she just manage to escape?"


"Yea, you blinked...have to watch that...eyes wide open at all times sir, I tell ya...girl's a trip!"

Limo on Highway One-Pacific Coast Highway heading north back toward Long Beach.

Driver into Intercom

"Lady, what's your name, where are we going?"

Jennifer trying to find transmit button, starts yelling from back of Limo, looking out back window at trailing media circus.

"My name is Jennifer, hit the 5, then get on the 10 to Santa Monica...we're being followed, step on it...lose them understand?"


"Okay Miss Jennifer, but this is a Limo, not a race car!"

(Scene Switch)

Limo picks up speed, starts doing series of lane changes, going in and out of emergency lanes. Picks up interest from lone Highway Patrol cruiser, who also notices the large circus of media trucks in chase.

Highway Patrol Officer on radio

"Dispatch, unit 23, in pursuit of Limo on 5, marker 17 going north being pursued by media trucks, ten-four?"


"Ten-Four 23, I'm contacting air support for observation, ten-four?"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer busily removing the two nine volt batteries from the Vivitar camera strobe she stole from the man she accosted on the Queen Mary. Fitting the batteries into the bottom of the Triac. Jennifer talking to herself.

"Come to Mama my sweets, there you go!"

She turns switch on seeing three led's turning bright green.

Jennifer to herself

"There you go, a little water didn't hurt you at all, now did it?"

Limo proceeds to go in and out of traffic, driver seeing Highway Patrol car with lights blinking, coming up quickly.

Driver On Intercom

"Miss Jennifer, the police want me to pull over, I don't want any trouble...sorry!"

Jennifer Smiling

"Don't be sorry, no trouble at all, let's see what the nice officer wants..."

Limo makes stop, officer get's out with media circus now pulled over too, some 100 yards back.

 Driver rolling window down


"Yes officer, I sorry, but client demanded that I be quick!"


"A little too quick, let's see that licence and registration if you don't mind?"

Driver handing him documents.


"I really sorry, I never been in trouble before!"


"We'll see, who you got back there anyway?"


"It's Miss Jennifer, very pretty..."



"No, no I don't know, I not see her before, but she popular with TV people."

Officer looking at line of trucks, walks over to each one telling them to leave or they will be cited. Walking back to patrol car he enters Driver's data into computer, notices recent All Points Bulletin in side box for Jennifer Quinn listing aliases.

Officer starts to laugh to himself

"That couldn't be the same bitch that's in back there, no way?"

Walking back up, hands documents back to driver


"Look, I'm going to cut you a little slack here, but I'm going to need to talk to talk to your rider first, okay?"


"I don't care, thank you for being nice, not shoot me, I need to keep day job...many Chihuahuas to feed...clean record stay, very good."

Driver pushes intercom

"Miss Jennifer, officer says he talk to you, okay?"

Jennifer"Oh really, well bring him on!"

Officer tapping on back door of Limo, Jennifer powering down window.


"Yes Officer, how may I help you?"

Officer recognizing printout photo as being her.

H.P. Officer

"Well, it seems that you need to come quietly with me, you match our photo here, and your the one the feds, heck everybody has been looking for."


"Really now...everyone, well isn't that something, looking for little 'ol me, wonder why...say, do you know why?"

H.P. Officer

"No Mam, I'm just trying to do my job here, now come on...I need to cuff you."

Jennifer produces Triac from between her clevage

"Ever see one of these?"

Officer shakes head

"No, looks like one of them powered speaker things for your radio, I don't know?"


"No, it's not a speaker, but it does speak!"

H.P. Officer (getting frustrated with her games)

"Mam, would you please exit the car now!"

Jennifer laughing

"Why officer, don't you want  to see how it speaks?"

Officer reaches into inside of door to unlock it

"Mam, I've had just about enough of come..."

Jennifer switches Triac on causing the 9 millimeter gun the officer's wearing to blow the complete clip, ripping open the right side of his pelvis, bleeding him out, killing him instantly. Blood splattered onto left side of Limo, with Jennifer catching splotches, too.

Jennifer hitting intercom

"Now hit the road, we don't have all day here!"

Driver confused and nervous. floors Limo, leaving deceased officer laying partially in the street


"What happened Miss Jennifer, why did he blow up like that?"


"I don't know...bad timing I guess, who get to Santa Monica, you don't want me late for my hair tip for you otherwise, you hear me?"


"Of course, no late...I hurry, I hurry!"

(scene close)