Friday, September 5, 2014

Master Of The Kitchen

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Master Of The Kitchen

This really has nothing to do with food, but rather the craftsman, the wordsmith. I was just hungry while I wrote this observation...seemed to fit my intended purpose!

Time will tell when a classic thought or writing comes to focus, goes viral, apparently it's driving all the marketers crazy, never knowing what will hit next! A rapper on the bottom rank out of Compton, living in back of a Burger King is suddenly popping Billboard 100, while the the talk shows scramble with check books in hand trying to place the new be the first to show off the hot property. It's commodity based, and if anyone taught all this shit to me at an early age, it was my dearly beloved, but very abusive father (God rest his soul), he never even appeared in a dream or nothing, just vanished like something had him already tagged. Never even picked up any energy ever (fuck), where did your spirit go? I see nothing!

With that off my table, as we applaud affluence and prosperity, we acknowledgment there is a God (interpretations allowed in this discussion), a creator, perhaps thee creator, one that looks over us for confidence, influence, and deployment of creative angst. You have all heard me preach about finding purpose, if you can't do anything else, don't dismiss what the Lord intended of your purpose. Find it and get busy, don't end up leaving nothing because you couldn't focus on moral truths about why you were placed here in the first place...don't end up like my dad! And he knows I mean that, too!

As a writer, post engineer in practice, I must admit it has been quite the trip to have been allowed safe passage forward to a new beginning. It's about being real, no substance without some sacrifice, a little hardship, I'm the real deal, too! I can't help you, you can't help me, however...within a pact arrangement, we can all learn to help each other...get me?

We can't subsist without the acknowledgement of others (networking of a spider's web of thoughts, hope, and amusement being quelled on the common thought?) Heavy shit, and does apply to you weather you like it or not, so listen up!

Anyway, it's pretty easy to get enthusiastic, to figure out that we must all cut out the media crap and cut our responses towards the logical, through curtailed thinking of purpose. Exclude your spouse, your kids, your dog, if none existed, where would, where would you be?

If I was to ever sit down and write a real book, it would be called, "I'm not responsible for this!", cause I know where my emotional signals come from, upstairs in a land of magnetic flux and spiritual wavelengths." How do you respond to the energy of the living spirits, that aren't dead. As a matter of fact, knowing some of these people when they were alive on this planet, they have more energy now in spirit then they ever showed when they were in human form. 

I think I have figured it out, if they don't help me out once in a while, they might come back as a bed bug or something. Can't prove it, just a theory. I'll conclude with the thought, that just like any good chef or experienced cook in the enthralls of the next great expression to those who serve the Love of good food, serve your pallet first. If your blend is new and expressive, people around you will be kicking your door down to share in the experience. Like life itself, if you don't bring your dreams to some stage of development, you'll never realise accomplishment towards your God given intended goals. This works for any thought or idea. It gets back to the old saying, "If you Love what you do, it's still hard work...only difference is, it doesn't feel like it. You are the Master Of Your Kitchen, now go forth and do what you got to do...

                                                                                                        Kirk Carter
                                                                                                        Austin, Texas

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