Monday, September 15, 2014

Triacs (27) Celebrity Circus

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Triacs (27)

Celebrity Circus 

EXT: Long Beach California Marina-P.M.

Interviewer from NBC talking to Jennifer about incident


"Miss Jennifer right?"


"Actually, I'm Marcia, Marcia Quinn...why do you ask?"


"Okay, well Marcia, we had detailed information that you were the harboring of a federally controlled hydrogen refractor, a Triac if you will?

Jennifer (laughing)

"Harboring what...I guess you could call it whatever, it makes bullets explode where they're at, that's about all I know about the silly toy, what's the deal?


"Well, if this is true, where do you manage to, what would be your goal in keeping it?"


"At this point your just blowing smoke up my ass...but I kind of liking your angle here, keep going!"


"Okay, so your not out on anyone, best we can figure, right?"


"So what the crap is this all about anyway, I never had control of the device, I didn't invent this thing!"


"Yes, but are you still in possession?



"You mean this thing?"

Everybody pulling back a step as they really see the device close up.


"Ah yea, so that's the real deal, wow, small and..."


"Totally deadly as a..."


"Yea, we get your drift Miss Jennifer, back to Eyewitness News back in the newsroom Marcia... 

(Scene Switch)

FBI Agent Ellison and Lieutenant Crum are in route to the pier at Seal Beach. As they are nearing they spot several media groups from local tv stations waiting in anticipation for Jennifer's arrival.

FBI Agent Ellison

"This can't be happening, she's already got the press eating out of hand!"

Lieutenant Crum

"Yea, this wouldn't look to good, if we tried taking her in over here, what's the next move?"


"Just lay back, maintain surveillance, and when everything calms down, we make our move."


Knowing this bitch, she'll probably claim that we've been stalking her!"


"Yea, harrasement or something...but she's still has possession of that device, don't even know if it still works or not, but..."


"No offence, but I don't want to be one of her testes, if you know what I mean, kinda like that surveillance idea..."


"Thought you would..."

(Scene Switch)

Back on the water taxi, Jennifer has already got the crew bringing her snacks and glasses of wine. The first mate is rubbing her back, while a crew grunt is rubbing her feet.


"You boys are amazing...first saving my life, and now treating me like royalty...a girl could really take a fancy to this kind of service, I really appreciate you saving me like you did!"

First Mate

"We welcome you Miss Jennifer, your beauty takes me in, like a butterfly who came through the air...such energy, and loveliness!"


More like just fell out of the sky (everybody laughing), but I see your thoughts, I know my perfection, I have been blessed with sweets like you to worship me if you must, I tend to have that effect...but the important thing is that I am here now, please enjoy my company while I'm here, time is fleeting...

Sea Taxi starts to approach pier at Seal Beach. Media Circus starts to develop as reporters await Jennifer's arrival. Ambulance on stand-by. They tie up ferry, and Jennifer makes her debut, her exit to the ramp. Making her way down the ramp, reporters are clamoring with questions. 

Mixed Media (All At Once)

"Miss Jennifer, how did you survive the fall?", "Are you all right, did someone push you or something?", "Are you being stalked for your beauty?", "Do you need a date tonight?", "Can I buy you a drink?", "How do you like Long Beach, you tasted the water...any good?", "Have any sisters?"

Jennifer says nothing, just smiles and waves. She spots an executive limousine, walking over to the well dressed driver taking a smoke just outside the car.

Jennifer To Driver

"Care to give a girl a lift, seems I'm being stalked here?"

Driver To Jennifer

"You have dinero, nobody ride for free?"


"I have a little black AMEX with your name all over it."


"Well then...we depart pronto...good?"

As they drive off, reporters running to their associated vehicles, taking route behind Limo that's now speeding away.

FBI Agent Ellison and Lieutenant Crum just staring at each other, stunned!


"Did she just manage to escape?"


"Yea, you blinked...have to watch that...eyes wide open at all times sir, I tell ya...girl's a trip!"

Limo on Highway One-Pacific Coast Highway heading north back toward Long Beach.

Driver into Intercom

"Lady, what's your name, where are we going?"

Jennifer trying to find transmit button, starts yelling from back of Limo, looking out back window at trailing media circus.

"My name is Jennifer, hit the 5, then get on the 10 to Santa Monica...we're being followed, step on it...lose them understand?"


"Okay Miss Jennifer, but this is a Limo, not a race car!"

(Scene Switch)

Limo picks up speed, starts doing series of lane changes, going in and out of emergency lanes. Picks up interest from lone Highway Patrol cruiser, who also notices the large circus of media trucks in chase.

Highway Patrol Officer on radio

"Dispatch, unit 23, in pursuit of Limo on 5, marker 17 going north being pursued by media trucks, ten-four?"


"Ten-Four 23, I'm contacting air support for observation, ten-four?"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer busily removing the two nine volt batteries from the Vivitar camera strobe she stole from the man she accosted on the Queen Mary. Fitting the batteries into the bottom of the Triac. Jennifer talking to herself.

"Come to Mama my sweets, there you go!"

She turns switch on seeing three led's turning bright green.

Jennifer to herself

"There you go, a little water didn't hurt you at all, now did it?"

Limo proceeds to go in and out of traffic, driver seeing Highway Patrol car with lights blinking, coming up quickly.

Driver On Intercom

"Miss Jennifer, the police want me to pull over, I don't want any trouble...sorry!"

Jennifer Smiling

"Don't be sorry, no trouble at all, let's see what the nice officer wants..."

Limo makes stop, officer get's out with media circus now pulled over too, some 100 yards back.

 Driver rolling window down


"Yes officer, I sorry, but client demanded that I be quick!"


"A little too quick, let's see that licence and registration if you don't mind?"

Driver handing him documents.


"I really sorry, I never been in trouble before!"


"We'll see, who you got back there anyway?"


"It's Miss Jennifer, very pretty..."



"No, no I don't know, I not see her before, but she popular with TV people."

Officer looking at line of trucks, walks over to each one telling them to leave or they will be cited. Walking back to patrol car he enters Driver's data into computer, notices recent All Points Bulletin in side box for Jennifer Quinn listing aliases.

Officer starts to laugh to himself

"That couldn't be the same bitch that's in back there, no way?"

Walking back up, hands documents back to driver


"Look, I'm going to cut you a little slack here, but I'm going to need to talk to talk to your rider first, okay?"


"I don't care, thank you for being nice, not shoot me, I need to keep day job...many Chihuahuas to feed...clean record stay, very good."

Driver pushes intercom

"Miss Jennifer, officer says he talk to you, okay?"

Jennifer"Oh really, well bring him on!"

Officer tapping on back door of Limo, Jennifer powering down window.


"Yes Officer, how may I help you?"

Officer recognizing printout photo as being her.

H.P. Officer

"Well, it seems that you need to come quietly with me, you match our photo here, and your the one the feds, heck everybody has been looking for."


"Really now...everyone, well isn't that something, looking for little 'ol me, wonder why...say, do you know why?"

H.P. Officer

"No Mam, I'm just trying to do my job here, now come on...I need to cuff you."

Jennifer produces Triac from between her clevage

"Ever see one of these?"

Officer shakes head

"No, looks like one of them powered speaker things for your radio, I don't know?"


"No, it's not a speaker, but it does speak!"

H.P. Officer (getting frustrated with her games)

"Mam, would you please exit the car now!"

Jennifer laughing

"Why officer, don't you want  to see how it speaks?"

Officer reaches into inside of door to unlock it

"Mam, I've had just about enough of come..."

Jennifer switches Triac on causing the 9 millimeter gun the officer's wearing to blow the complete clip, ripping open the right side of his pelvis, bleeding him out, killing him instantly. Blood splattered onto left side of Limo, with Jennifer catching splotches, too.

Jennifer hitting intercom

"Now hit the road, we don't have all day here!"

Driver confused and nervous. floors Limo, leaving deceased officer laying partially in the street


"What happened Miss Jennifer, why did he blow up like that?"


"I don't know...bad timing I guess, who get to Santa Monica, you don't want me late for my hair tip for you otherwise, you hear me?"


"Of course, no late...I hurry, I hurry!"

(scene close)

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