Saturday, September 13, 2014

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Electromagnetic Pulse

If your not familiar with the term or the device, then turn off your cell least a couple of years. This is technology of a device which is fairly easy to construct with cavities of plutonium and cesium 132, radio isotopes that when imploded above any ranging grid work (i.e. our power grid system) would cause immense damage to out social and economic system, life as we know it! 

An EMP would paralyse everything we know about our own existence. It's in the bandwidth of gamma rays, which when imploded above, say Kansas, would create a capacitive nightmare. All lifted ground systems such as our nation's power grid system, which typically runs at about 260, 000 volts, adjusted down through the communities on a 17,500 volt secondary stage, would all essentially ground out!

Electrons, they just love to commit suicide by going to ground. If they can't they hang around and collect to "like" charges until they get their chance to discharge. Like when one wears rubber shoes, even flip-flops, you walk across the carpet building that charge up, touch the elevator button, and zap...your electrons have just bit the dust through your fingertips.

Don't bother trying to call your friends either, cause your cell phone has bit the dust, atm's shorted out (no cash, no service), water won't run, pumps want work, can't get water, can't flush the toilet (isn't this cute), no radio, no tv, car won't run either (on-board computers been zapped), and like I said, that fancy smartphone you so much Love will just be a discarded piece of junk!

We will all be basically screwed, as the street people and the idle zombies (the one's on anti-depressants and the like), start wandering the dark neighborhoods looking for food since all the stores will be empty. After a short period, they may give up on regular food and just decide to eat you. The stories are real and you should pay attention to what I'm presenting here. Some have proposed a Faraday cage, where you can encapsulate your precious electronics, but there want be any electricity to run the cell towers, because the power supplies have all been short circuited. 

The Bilderburger Group, composed of no telling how many billionaires who control trillions say, We have a population problem of global proportion. The overall consensus seems to be mandatory reduction of our human inventory. You've got to freak a bit listening to the logic of these social elitists!

We can only synthesize food to a point. As it is, McDonald's dollar menu is little more than wood chips soaked in beef tallow. Mm, Um, no wonder I'm still hungry as the termites invade my body. Like I said most major countries have this this devise in their stockpile (including North Korea), it's only a matter of time before somebody sparks one of these guys up over the United States, instantly taking us back to the stone age. Boy, now isn't "that" a pleasant thought?


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