Sunday, September 21, 2014

Battle Of The Triacs (30)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Battle Of The Triacs

Int: FBI Central Headquarters-Los Angeles-Saturday A.M.

Agent Ellison and Crum looking over some crossbows brought in by special weapons expert Agent Brut Bentley from England. 

Agent Bentley (heavy English accent)

"Well...yes, as you can see here just a standard Crossman main issue, very common in the states you see, that although it will only shoot one arrow at a time, a bit shall we say toward your target as lob if you will, quite effective even though the product itself is barely of hunting grade, will hold relatively true to about 40 pounds of pull!"

Agent Crum

"So these devices are the answer to getting close and making a take down?


"Most assuredly, this will create complete chaos for the fugitive on the attack, as they will be completely defenseless against the distance, power, and the sheer accuracy of this old but steady device for taking down one's prey from a safe distance...a mere slingshot would never do!"

Agent Ellison

"I like the idea and the concept, but would we be limited to one shot...looks like reloading the cabling would be somewhat of a that correct?"


But the intelligence we are getting from the Korean authorities is that tycoon Ken Ron will be arriving at Bob Hope airport in Burbank at approximately 10 a.m. We have to move quickly and be in place as we have an arrest warrant for him, too!


"Well, if we have everything we need, let's go get set up...who else is in on this?"


"Currently, because of the sensitivity of this ordeal, no other agency's have been briefed nor will strictly be bidding amongst yourselves so to say!"

Agent Crum

"Well, all's the better in this case, cause I don't need any stray officer getting in the way of those signals, the Sheriff's department is still dealing with those who fell for no other reason than their lack of sad!"


"That's so true...however, shall we get a move on, we only have two hours here before the plane arrives...shall we?"

(Scene Switch)

Ent: Jerry's Condo

Jerry and Jennifer have both taken their showers and ate a light breakfast, now making last minute preparations for the airport.


"I can't believe my Father never emailed those specifications and schematics...even if they were fudged with a bit."

She calls on Jerry's phone, but all she gets is his voicemail


"Yea, this will be a big load off your back, if you can make this deal fly!"


"Yea, it's a bit nerve wracking, but it's all about the anticipation, like New Year's...and before you know it, your going home for a while...nothing new..."


"Well, come on...let's take the freight elevator in the back, drops right down from my car."


"How do I look (wearing blue skirt and heels)?"


"Like every man's dream...then again, you'd look hot in a potato sack, hey...who's the comedian here?"


"I worry about you Jerry, no you have air pockets in your brain, nothing but space!"


"Getting dropped on my head was not a good way to start, but I don't think it got any worse?"


"But, it's not getting any better either!"

(Scene Switch)

FBI Agents pull into back entrance with crossbows in tow. They start setting up on one side as Ken Ron's jet is just starting it's descent into L.A. county. He's sitting at the little office table in the back of the jet just staring at his Bank Of America International check made out for $5 million dollars for Jennifer. His co-pilot We Huon makes commit.

"You know Ken Ron, this device, this will make you most powerful ever consider consequences?"

Ken Ron

"Everything I perform and do has consequence, I like test study, lab rat...always reaching out, getting myself into things I never perceive before, but that passion has made me very wealthy, must keep good fortune in check and not just sit and watch world pass, too quickly we blink and miss opportunity...this will be that day to show world that Ken Ron will collect on many who waited too long, and now must kneel to Ken Ron, all good things achieved by no hesitation!" 

We Huon

"I have always envied, very amazed at how you connect the deal with total would scare me to do that, to place so much money into energy like that...but for you, just common place, another deal struck, another deal completed. I honor you Ken Ron!"

Plane makes finally lock onto glide path and is coming into Bob Hope-Burbank

(Scene Switch)

Jerry and Jennifer just arriving at Bob Hope airport.


"What I need you to do is pull over to the side of the freight gate by the Executive terminal, have you been there before?"


"Yea, bunch of times, that's where I pick up my paintings and stuff!"


"Well, whatever you do, just wait...this won't take long..."


"You sure your not going in there and start talking about the good times with this dude, maybe a congratulatory beating or something?"


"I don't think we have time for that, he's into...shall we say candles, like hot wax and prolonged drip-drip of the candle, very prolonged, bores the crap out of me!"


So why put up with it?"


"Ten large an hour overcomes my disgust, I deal with it...but I do make him bring his own candles...guy is so pathetic, but I Love him!"


"Gees, sorry I asked!"

(Scene Switch)

Int: Doctor Broach's House

Broach to Wife

"Dog gone it, can't believe I overslept, completely forgot to send those schematics to Jenn!"

Ms. Broach

"Have been meaning to tell you that two gentlemen from the FBI came over the other day looking for you?"


"What in the hell did they want?"

Ms. Broach

"I don't know...connections, kind of vague really...I mean, I told them where to find you, so if they didn't follow up that's their problem..."

Broach, now suspicious and a little paranoid, goes to safe and retrieves other duplicate Triac, talking to himself,

"Never can be too careful...if I'm going down, I'm taking a few with me!"

Ms. Broach

"Where are you off to this morning Dear?"


"Oh, just some office runs, I'll be back before lunch...thought you might like to do a nice brunch over at the square?"

Ms. Broach

"Sounds wonderful, your so thoughtful..."

Giving her a kiss, he takes diagrams and the duplicate Triac with him, drives to the airport.

(Scene Switch)

Agent Ellison and Euro Agent Bentley are behind a row of cargo boxes watching Ron Jon's Grumman pulling up to the parking slot. 


"Now remember, if they don't submit, then we take a shot!"


"Precisely, try to hit a thigh, some part of the leg, we don't need to kill the poor chap!"

Agent Crum on radio

"Hey Ellison...just out of curiosity, but why am I over here by myself?"

Ellison on radio

Because you didn't shower this morning, excessive body a word, you stink!"


"No, really, what's the point?"

Bentley on radio

"My good boy, we have only 2 crossbows, hence two arrows which calculates into only two placing you down range, you become the back-up to a possible misfire!"


"Thanks for your intellectual viewpoints Bentley, your quite proper with your could at least give me someone to talk to, I'm bored over here..."


"Sorry chap, body odor speaks for itself, you must squat in your own drool I afraid!"


"Okay, both of you just stop it!"

Talking to himself

"English Asshole!"

(Scene Switch)

Jennifer and Jerry pull to the side of the freight gate. Official of Airport Security notices Jerry's "out of place" BMW and calls in suspicious car to patrols. Suddenly, all binoculars focused on BMW, not knowing the FBI is even on site.

(Scene Switch)

"Grumman comes to stop. Crew unlocks door and pulls step-ramp toward door of plane. Ron Jon waits for all clear. Jennifer watches for Ron Jon. She decides to call him on his phone.


"Ron Jon, you moving out or am I moving in...what?"

Ron Jon

"Bring device to entrance, I not feel safe leaving perimeter, the plain safe, you not enter, you not see me, not bring candles, my assistant bring check, we clear?"

Jennifer"Give me a second, I've got this thing stuck in my boobs, let me wrap it up in something."

Wrapping the Triac up in a scarf, she exits car, walking over to gate.

(Scene Switch)

Airport Security Chief gives order to have Jennifer detained. She see's officer's approaching, reaching under scarf preparing to energize Triac.

(Scene Switch)

Doctor Broach arrives with schematics and the duplicate Triac in coat pocket, see's Jennifer at gate, start's to walk over, not seeing approaching officers from the other side of the fence.

(Scene Switch)

Agent Bentley sets up shot and takes aim at Jennifer's lower body through scope.

(Scene Switch)

Agent Crum takes aim at Doctor Broach. Unforeseen by Crum, another group of officers from the L.A. Sheriff's department, flagged in by Cheif Security and approach Broach.

(Scene Switch)

Seeing what's occuring from inside of Grumman, Ron Jon goes further back into jet and takes his AK-47 and holds it, unlocking safety and securing banana clip.

(Scene Switch)

Officer orders Jennifer to put her hands up. Not saying anything she reverses back to Jerry's BMW, where Bentley shoots crossbow hitting her in the leg. As she falls to her knees, she activates Triac, airport officers with guns aimed at her, blow up in their hands and face.

(Scene Switch)

Doctor Broach activates his Triac as officer's from the Sheriff's Department also are killed instantly when their guns blow up. As he starts to back-track, Agent Crum shoots arrow hitting Broach in the buttocks, where he falls to the ground, active Triac still in hand.

(Scene Switch)

Ron Jon's AK-47 picks up patterns of Triacs and machine gun explodes in his hands, setting off extra clips along with some packages of C-4 explosives, blowing the whole jet up along with a near-by refueling truck. 

(Scene Switch)

As Jennifer crawls, struggling to get back to Jerry's BMW, her Triac cross-patterns and starts to feedback with Broach's Triac, causing both devices to both explode at the same time, killing Jennifer and Broach. Jerry takes off in BMW, but officer shoots through front window killing him too, when he refuses to stop.

(Scene Switch)

Bentley and Ellison stand up from behind cargo containers, looking at carnage, shaking their heads.

(Two Hours Later)

Ellison looking at report

"Well, the preliminary shows 15 dead, including Jennifer, Broach, some dude friend of her's name Jerry Brown, and of course the world smuggler Ron Jon."


By George, good show...seems to me, the crisis has taken care of itself despite the poor chaps who were sacrificed in the Malay...such a terrible loss!"


"That was a 30 million dollar jet that went up, too...crazy stuff!"


"Well, the Triacs are officially off the table...kind of looks like the designs, too...this case sort of closed itself!


"Care to go get a brewsky while we wait for the reports to get finalized, I'm not feeling funny right now, but I will try to be happy that all this is over with!"


"You chaps do a toddy for a closed case like this?"


"We do a toddy before, during, and's a..."


"It's tribute to work well executed, work well done, we are Agents of the Bureau, we are...


"Your all bloody crazy, out of your minds I'd say...professionals for sure, but men just gave their lives here today, and all you want to do is celebrate your case being closed?"


"Yes Bentley...sad but true!"


"Well, for bloody goodness, let's get to the pub, immediately, race to the pints I will!"


"We've turned him into a mad man..."


"We'll never be able to get him back to England now!" 


"Nor would I want to young men need assistance, guidance, courage...I'll show you the tricks of Scotland Yard till I go to my grave I will...


"Looks like we have a new drinking buddy!"


"Pull up a chair, my old chap!"

Everybody Laughing

(Scene Close)

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