Saturday, May 31, 2014

Finding Purpose In Yourself

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Finding Purpose Within Yourself

As you sit there reading this, your probably wondering what clinical study I drew this from?

Actually none, just an observation of those who savor a real purpose...toward themselves, hence to mankind...

It's simple really, just think of your favorite thing to do (i.e. preclude watching other's body of work, video games, or just sitting on your butt watching the grass grow), no your looking for real purpose here!

Not to be confused with monetary gain...maybe eventually, but in the mean time focus on the dynamic investment of research, study, and creative expression toward whatever it is that amuses you, floats your boat, or pacifies that inner yearning to be a real somebody to yourself and the rest of us on the planet.

First thing I suggest, is to think outside the box. Find that one thing about a topic or craft that you can bring to fruition, improve upon, or "hey", originate from scratch!

Come on...I believe in you (you get one vote just for reading this), so...anything that's been covered already is fair game, but...what have they missed?

I promised myself not to use comparisons or examples for this thought provoking, but very intrinsic little read of promotional enthusiasm, but come on...motivate yourself out of that hole you've been hiding in and get busy, productive, and proud of your amazing do exists!

Look at it this way...if your driven to boredom with thoughts of "What's The Point", then your only letting the rest of us down with your failure to take part in something productive. Quit messing with my head...nothing to show, just laying there feeling sorry for yourself, sucking up our air?

And on top of that, you'll have no spouse, no friends, you'll be disowned by your pets, and eventually you'll be eaten by Bears, while the Buzzards pick your scraps! 

So, what the hell...piss those predators off and show a little motivation...

If it's the right passion, you won't have enough time in the day for your'll actually be losing sleep at some pace yourself!

It's your move, now make it happen...good luck!

                                                                                                                  Kirk Carter
                                                                                                                  Burbank, Ca.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Of Poets And Playwrights

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Of Poets And Playwrights 

I know not who guides my pen onto the blank page;

Only those in spirit, forbidden in flesh, know what they meant or

forgot to say during their time down here, when they were mortal.

So, I idle till they speak to me, through nerve endings which ultimately

come to life and make their mark of intention.

Through the gallery of thought, deep reasoning requires one to release 

all preclusion to reason, and be flight with expression.

I assume responsibility, as I hold my evidence of origination, pen in hand.

One can only assume, I'm just crazed or have been the drunkard...again!

This doesn't effect or even bother me, 

as I am the one who senses the source of my presumed writing.

It's a special relationship I cherish...that of the spirit world!

                                                                                                                 Kirk Carter

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Soldiers Are Away-A Tribute

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014



Firefight just over the hill, a Casein's appeal;

With quiet returning and bodies lay burning

From a battle of quest, of being one's best;
Being heavy of chest, as we lay our soldier's to rest.

And movement of time, another wall they climb;

To toil deep in battle, they get back in the saddle.

Life, limb, and foe, only the soldier will know;

Carrying his brothers home, he stands all alone.

For protection of country, our freedom they secure;
For those missing in action, their purpose so endure.

Their valor is amazing, while the fire lines are blazing;

Never question how or shall, they never throw in the towel.

Put life on the line, for the sake of mankind;

Provoked by the people, who live under the steeple.

To bring another day, to the American way;
Soldiers to the light, freedom gets to stay.

So, pause for a moment, hand over heart please;
For those of faith, please get on your knees!

They gave their life for you and the red, white, and blue;

We see freedom today, but soldiers have passed away.

A constant role, for every living soul;

They have gone, and we must move on.

Thanks for taking the lead...bless you...Godspeed;

For the soldiers who are away, on this most honored Memorial Day!

                                                                                                            Kirk Carter                               
                                                                                                            Memorial Day 2014               

Monday, May 19, 2014

Algorithms By Google

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Let me first start off by saying that this is not a rant towards Google!
It's amazing what you guys do, and I take great joy in knowing that my whole existence has been reduced to an algorithmic meta-tag! I sleep better at night knowing that I have a product code...

To the political stammer of  my illustrious Governor Jerry Brown who has spouted recently that we can cure global warming by simply making sure that we all pay for our carbon credits...up front and on time...thanks Al Gore, you bastard!

To being told that I need to start waking up at three in the morning to have adequate time to walk to work, instead of driving in...

Let's see...can I Google "Girl's wearing short-shorts from the Czech-Republic?" or
old "Red Skeleton skits?",  or maybe how to grow magic mushrooms from my window garden ways to masturbate? Not much the algorithms of Google can't handle...

The problem makes our culture lazy and complacent. It takes away from the creative juices of the artistic community. Why should one bother with original least not anymore, when reality tv let's you witness the natural turmoil (although most are heavily scripted), that develops when a group of people, dripping in overabundance, are challenged by the idea that they will leave "no" legacy! That they are not able to buy happiness, no matter how much cash they have at their disposal, and that even Billionaires have to take out the trash themselves once in a while!

So, if some asteroid doesn't manage to make it through the atmosphere or some group of depressed soul seekers, cult followers, or religious radicals doesn't manage to launch an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse), high into the skies...

Something that would knock out every smartphone, tv, radio, even the computer in you car...along with no running water, sewage all backed-up, and leaving us very very dark at night,,,then back to the stone age we will go, just like that...well at least those that survive the riots! Left unchecked, the algorithms will only progress...taking over any recollection of what creative thought or core point originality was...or even if it ever existed to start with?

Who will be left to question, once common thought has been eliminated?
Can you prove that it even existed?

They say it will be the sixth revival of another civilization on planet Earth...

Maybe I should Google that while everything is still working!

I'll get back to you...

Kirk Carter 
Burbank, Ca.
May 19, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Where's Nipper (9)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Where's Nipper? #9
                                                                                                                          Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright                                                       <Fade In>

(Pan over across freshly mowed field. Right in the middle there is a bloodied patch of dog blood, now soaked into the ground. Grandma, Mom, and the Girls come back from the store, driving up the driveway, admiring the mowed field.)


"Well, it looks like Jay did a nice job on the yard."

"Oh yes he did...for once I don't see beer cans laying all over the place...but I still think a hundred dollars is a lot of money just to get the grass cut...heavens, when I was young, that would have been wages for a month!"

Peggy (laughing)

"Well Mom...that's inflation...the important thing is you finally found someone you can trust to do it...that's saying a lot!"


"Hope Nipper's okay...being all alone by himself."


"New house and everything, he's probably going crazy!"


"I just hope he didn't chew anything up or..."


Or what Grandma...poop all over the place?"

Grandma (laughing)

"Yes, exactly girls...poop all over the place."


"Keep in mind...he's just a puppy, and they'll do what they do!"

(Getting out of car, the girls hurry to the door.)


"Come on Grandma, unlock, unlock, unlock, we wanna see Nipper!
       (The girls huff and start grabbing bags of groceries out of trunk, Grandma unlocks door and goes in.)


"Oh Nipper...where are you boy?"

Rebecca (whistling)

"Oh Nipper, come on, we're home."


"Nipper, are you sleeping?"


"Probably upstairs by my bed, let me go see!"

(This goes on for almost five minutes, as Grandma is putting food in the pantry, she hears a squeak, something she hasn't heard in a long time.)


"I'll be darn...that's either the ghost of Ceasar or somehow..."

(Walking around kitchen counter, she see's doggie door moving.)

"...that Nipper figured out a way to unlock the doggie door!"


"Girls...girls, look around outside, I guess Nipper got loose."

(Girls barrel out back door yelling for Nipper. Looking in the barn, all in the back, coming back up to the front of the house, they spot a pool of blood and teeth fragments. Both girls freeze, just staring.)

Sandy (tearing up)

"Oh no, something...something has happened, no...not!"

(Turning and clutching Rebecca.)

Rebecca (yelling)

"Mom, Grandma...come out here please?"

(Putting down food, they both come running out front door. Walking up, there is total silence, camera frames each participant.)


"Well kids, my little Nipper got out...and probably the hawks got him...I mean, we're all fenced in here, so something came out of the sky and snatched him's God's will, I guess...something you must respect...something you'll have to learn to appreciate, but oh dear, I wish it wouldn't have been him...God speed Nipper, we're going to miss you boy!"

(Girls crying, hugging Mom.)

<Scene Close>

Subpages (1): Nipper's Recovery #10

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Jay's Bad Day (8)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Jay's Bad Day #8
                                                                                                              Kirk Carter- WGA Copyright 2012
 <Fade In> 

(About an hour later, Jay shows up in "Hippy-Style" van. Jay, a long haired ex-Vietnam vet, mowing yards on the side to supplement his government check, getting out of van, finishing off a Bud and walks back of house toward the barn, seeing Nipper jumping up and down against the inside of window. Jay smiles.)


"Hey buddy, looks like Granny's got herself a new man...let me see if I can get you out for some fresh air!"

(Going into barn, looking into old lock box, he finds the five twenty dollar bills and quickly puts the wad into his pocket. He starts to walk over to prep the tractor, when he hears the muffled barks of Nipper. He doubles back to the house, searching and finding Granny's hidden emergency key under mat. He unlocks door, barely opening it Nipper comes barreling out into back patio, hopping up against Jay's leg.)


"Hey boy...whatcha doing, Granny never told me about you, you got a name...huh?"

(Walking back to barn, Nipper following him along. Going in the barn, Jay pulls out a joint of weed and lights it up, taking a deep inhale, he blows a big cloud of smoke into Nipper's face. Nipper responds, coming toward the smoke.)


"Aw, there ya go, you like that huh?"

(Finishing off half the joint, he puts it out and walks over to the tractor, checking the gas and oil. Nipper now obviously stoned from the combination of weed smoke and Grandma's overdose from the night before, now having trouble maintaining balance and walking forward.)


"Stuff got you tripped out huh...I'll tell you can be my little weed buddy, whatta ya think of that?"

(Getting on the old vintage John Deer tractor, he starts it on the second turn of the ignition, blowing smoke and carbon deposits all over the barn, smoke pouring out big doors, he backs out, driving down a little ways along fence, then engaging the huge blades below, puts it into drive again, and starts cutting the thick grass. Nipper running along behind the tractor, hitting on the bugs and flies that are coming up from the freshly cut surface.)

(An hour later)

(Now more than half the field has been cut, Jay jumps off, feeling thirsty for a cold beer, he tilts jumping off, everything in his front pocket flies out, including a container of Tic-Tacs which burst open as it falls into blade assembly. Jay not noticing, makes a beeline toward his van. The tractor blade is still engaged, Nipper seeing all the little blue Tic-Tacs starts eating them, reminding him of what appeared as some of Granny's happy pills. Several of the blue mints were to the inside of the debris outlet on the blade enclosure. Nipper sticks his head in to eat the remaining candies, where the blade immediately chops off his front jaw and part of his frontal cortex. Nipper starts bleeding profusely, yelping, spinning around in the grass on his side. Jay opening up beer by van, can't see what's happening from his angle of sight, but he hears faint yelping and squealing over the tractor noise. Walking back towards the tractor, he see's the seriously injured Nipper flopping around, bleeding in the grass.)


"Oh man...this can't be happening dude!"

(Grabbing old Army jacket out of van, he gather's Nipper up in it, cutting tractor off, and jumping into van with Nipper bundled up, he stops. Suddenly realizing that he doesn't know of any veterinarian near by. But then he thinks of Mike. Image appears in his stoned mind.)


"Yea boy, we'll take ya to Mike...he'll know how to fix ya up!"

(Mike was a former second-level platoon medic for the Army in Vietnam, now running a head shop and tattoo parlor just down the street. Mike floors the van, doing a loop through the field, burning rubber as he enters the street. He's quickly over in the back parking lot of Mike's Head Shop and Tattoo Emporium, running in through the back door, dog bundled up in Army jacket, yelling for Mike's attention. Mike in private tattoo room trying to get frisky with a young co-ed.)


"Well, ya know...if you can't pay for the pretty flower I put on your ankle...ah ol' Uncle Mike has some alternative payment options you might want to consider?"

(Jay banging on door, turning door knob, entering private room unannounced.)


" gotta help me bra, I was mowing Ethyl's field and my tractor chewed up her new dog...dude come on, ya gotta help me!"


"Chewed up, what got chewed up...her dog...what's the deal man, he's not dead, is he?"

(Mike ushering the girl out the back door.)


"I'll talk to you later, get going."


Man, I can't must of stuck his nose into the blade, cause he ain't got no nose...just eyeballs and ears, and he's bleeding something fierce!"

Mike (laughing)

"Dude, I don't know if I can help you, you should have taken that sucker to a vet or something...but let me take a look."

(Opening up the Army jacket he see's that Nipper's front jaw has been lobbed off with about a tenth of an inch of his frontal skull removed. Seeing some brain matter, he takes some cotton balls and jams them in the skull of the violently shaking dog.)


"Well, whatta ya think man, can you save him?"


"I don't know about this...this is one wounded soldier here. Uh, get me that wine bag up there on the hook, this dog's in shock...might die of cardiac or something...I'm trying to think if I got anything to calm him down without killing him."

(Walking over to his tattoo bin, opens drawer, pulling out a tightly rolled piece of foil exposing a half-smoked black joint.)


"Damn, what's that?


"Some old black tar heroin, while back...maybe if I float this in a solution, it might leech just enough not to take him over there edge."


"No man...ya gonna mess that dog up with that, what else ya got?"


"'s an opiate, it kills the pain, stabilizes the nerves, he's gonna die if you don't do nothing, you want me to help or what...I ain't got nothing else, just leave him here, let me see what I can do."


"All right man, yea I left Ethyl's tractor out in the middle of the field...she's going to know that somethings up!"


"There ya go...go take care of business...cause I've got some serious grafting to do here."


"What's grafting?"


"Like fabrication man...when you replace something that isn't there to something that is. Did it all the time out in the field...not perfect, but gets the job get the hell out of here...go!"


"Alright man, I'm done, check with you later!"

(Jay drives back to Ethyl's to finish off field. Mike looking around, finding old number twenty-five intravenous needle set, use'd for drip medication, he pours some sodium citrate into the wine bag, crumbles up some pieces of the heroin joint, forcing a plastic tube into the nozzle of the wine bag, Sticks the needle in the back of the dog's shoulder, and hangs the bag up on a nail. Adjusting the drip, after about ten minutes the dog stops shaking. Checks for heartbeat, everything is stabilized.)


"Well buddy, looks like God and me are going to have to work some miracles here!"

(Mike starts looking around room, eyes roaming, he spots an old block of aluminum. He envisions in his head cutting the block in half with the band saw he's got sitting in the corner covered in cob webs, then making some indentations for teeth with his Dremel drill, making some holes on an angle through the back of the blocks, and screwing the chopper plates to what's left of the existing jaw. With his game plan, he goes to task, pulling the band saw out, cleaning the webs off, oiling the blade and motor, proceeding to cut the aluminum block in half. He then proceeds to gingerly cut the teeth indention's with the drill for the teeth, briefly sanding  and checking for fit, goes back and takes a little bit more off to fit. Sands again, then by using a combination of Super  and Gorilla glue, he applies it to the backs of the two blocks and pushes them against the existing jowl line. Taking some self-tapping screws, he starts them quickly into the backs of the blocks, then slowly inching them into the bone of the jawline. Dogs pulse is barely noticeable, so he cuts the drip back a bit. The brain tissue is leaking out a bit, so he mixes some Bondo material with some silver with some silver nitrate and lead acetate to create a mesh sealant to seal off the hole in his skull. Looking around the room again, he see's an old Lady and the Tramp  stuffed dog hanging from the ceiling. Taking it down, he lobs off the snout, pulling some of the stuffing out, cutting it into two pieces, putting some glue to the inside, then pressing the material onto and around the aluminum block pieces. To finish off the fit he stitches the back of the material to the dog's existing skin line. Standing back, looking at his handy work, he just shakes his head.)


"Dog, I don't know what I just did to you, but it's better than you were!"

(Wrapping the dog up in bandages, tying them off so he can't scratch himself, he sets Nipper in a big Easter basket, on top of some pink and blue plastic hay, covers him up, opening up the end of the wine bag, he adds about ten drops of some steroid solution to help with the tissue rebuilding, then hangs the wine bag drip by the top handle of the basket. He sets the basket under the bench behind the curtains. He proceeds to clean everything up.)

<Scene Switch>

(Back at Grandma's house, Jay has finished mowing the field. Putting the tractor back, he unlocks the doggy door on the back door to house, thinking it will look like the dog had worked the lock loose and ran off. Rehiding the key under the mat, jumps in the van and takes off.)

<Scene Close>


Rules Of Nipper-Grandma's House (7)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Grandma's House #7
                                                                                                         Kirk Carter@Wga Copyright 2012

(Grandma's House-9 p.m.)
(Pulling back from kitchen garbage can, you see an empty Alpo can, the lid showing that it's a couple of years expired, leftovers from when her last dog Ceasar was alive. Framed pictures of Ceasar a pure-breed Jack Terrier adorn the walls in the hallway. Looking up the grand stairway to the second-floor, you can see the light in bathroom of theater bedroom where Grandma and Nipper prepare for their first night together. Close in on bathroom, Grandma wearing Duster-style blue night robe, fumbling through the medicine cabinet packed with pharmaceuticals of every type. Some current, some five years expired. She's trying to read the doctor's hand-written night-time dosages. As she hunts and pulls pills from each bottle, several fall to the floor. Nipper see's them as snacks and quickly gobbles up the different colored pills. By the time bedtime comes, Nipper has already passed out on the floor by Grandma's bed.)


""Oh dear, Nipper? You poor thing, you were plum exhausted...I can't blame you for needing a good rest!"

(Grandma now buzzing on her own mediation


"You are in Ethyl's Palace protect me, I'll protect a team, we will conquer the world outside, lay haste to those that get in out way, good night my little friend...sleep well!"

<Scene Close>

Grandma'a House-Monday 7AM

(Grandma, "Out of habit" making eggs and bacon for herself and all the other wildlife who have become accustomed to the bounty of leftovers she throws out to the back of the house. They wait all along the side, like a wildlife soup line. Nipper finally makes his way down the grand stairway, still foggy from his drugged condition, bumping into walls, rolling down a few steps sideways, finally finding a solid footing on the first floor. He attempts to run, then walks, as Grandma tosses him a piece of bacon.)


"Here ya go boy!"

(Nipper attempts to run again but starts to slide onto the waxed wood floor and slams into wall, "Bam!")


"Now be careful I'll just put thee goodies into Ceasar's old bowl, Ceasar would like that!"

Back at Peggy's House-Monday 9 AM

(Peggy getting girls ready for going out shopping with Grandma. It's July second, X'ed out on the calender on the fridge door, summer break from school in full swing. Girls squabbling about getting new swimsuits and a leash for Nipper. David has already left for work at the security company.)


"Girls, come on...decide on something, put something on for heaven's sake, Grandma is expecting us for ten-thirty!"


"Okay Mom, Rebecca's holding up the show, she keeps falling asleep on the toilet, what's the deal?"

Peggy (laughing)

"I don't know what she's doing, she's doing some heavy thinking I guess?"

(Sandy banging on bathroom door.)


"Come on turd for brains, get your butt up and let me in!"


"I'm working, I'm working on it, nothings moving...leave me alone!"


"Come on, Nipper's waiting!"

(Suddenly, with that thought, she has a bowel movement, pull back to a smile on her face, moments later she exits the bathroom.)


"Bout time...whew eh, whew it stinks in here, somebody open a window, call the stink patrol!"


"It'll go away, it's not anything you can't produce, Miss Farty-fart, let me finish getting dressed...I won't take long."


"Girls would you please hurry up, we've got to get across town before Tuesday if you don't mind?


"Okay Mom we're ready."

(Everyone piling into car.)

<Scene Switch> 

(Peggy and girls arriving at Grandma's house. Grandma in huge barn in the back putting four twenty dollar bills in old tender box on worktable, talking to Nipper, he's running around between her legs.)


"Let's see, Jay's going to come and run the tractor, and get that big old yard all nice and mowed. It'll be all ready for you to run and play in Nipper. You stay inside and don't give him any trouble now, Grandma's going to go get you some fresh food to eat!"

(Peggy see's barn door open, walks down to the back of the house.)


"Hey Mom, you back there?"

(Grandma and Nipper come out of barn.)


"Yes dear, coming...I think Nipper thinks he's coming, but I told him to stayhere and guard the house!"

(Nipper barking in a frenzy.)


"Well at least he'll be learning how to earn his keep around here."

(Nipper turns and stares at Grandma.)


"Now you behave yourself, Grandma will be back in a little while."

(Everybody getting into car and leaving, Nipper inside house.)

<Scene Close>

Monday, May 12, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-The Reloading Machine (6)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

The Reloading Machine #6
                                                                                                       Kirk Carter@ WGA Copyright 2012

(Back at the house-Sunday-Noon)

(David gets from the seven day a week gun store with new bullet reloading machine. Unpacking it with all the fervor of a child on Christmas morning. Talking to himself and the old Pitt bull mother Becky.)


"Oh, I can't thank you enough Becky...thank you for bringing me those beautiful glorious pups into this world, so that daddy could have his toy...I do believe this calls for a drink."

(Grabbing his bottle of Jim Beam, he looks for his drinking cup, finding it, he see's a dead roach at the bottom.)

"Not to bother, I'm just going to old-school this."

(Taking several large gulps out of the bottle.)


"There ya go Daddy, get this buzz going now!"

(Grabbing thick pamphlet of instructions marked, "How to operate your Model 720 Reloader", he starts to read. About an hour passes and David has passed out in the workshop, bent over onto bench. Becky, feeling self-serving, walks over and pees on his shoe, then exits the workshop. Peggy and the girls return about five p.m., Sandy carrying empty hamster cage, Rebecca carrying foil-wrapped leftover brownies, girls looking tired and dejected for having to leave Nipper at Grandma's.)


"David, you home?"

(Walking down the driveway, she see's the light in the workshop, see's David passed out, with head on bench sideways, mouth open with drool coming out. Then she see's the big Model 720 Reloading box, parts all over the place, big instruction manual, she decides to make a comment.)


"Well, I hope your happy with yourself Mister, you just married a reloading machine...should have brought you some flowers at least...didn't realize she was coming home so join the family!"

(David groggily waking up, coughing up some flem.)


"What's that suppose to mean?"


"Well, since you'll be spending all your time with her...ah, you did give her a name...didn't you?"


"Give what a name, ya mean my reloading machine?"


"Sure kiddo, guys give names to their cars, boats, their man caves, anything and everything that speaks of that social norm of having to comprehend the audacity of what one would call quality family time...for that matter, the simple interaction with your spouse just for instance!"

(David shaking his head.)


"Look Peggy, I know you went to college, being an English major and everything, them Psych classes, but you ain't got me figured out by a long-shot...look it's just a machine that repacks bullets...that's's not my girlfriend or anything!"


"But, it consumes all your time like one, and who am I to say that I could just be bumped out of the picture all together?"


"Hon, your just driving this all out of proportion...making a mountain out of a molehill, chewing me out for a simple thing that brings joy to my heart, making judgments in know what the the Bible says about such stuff?"


"Yea, why don't you tell me where in the Bible it says such stuff?"


"Well, I don't remember the exact passage, but it's in there!"


"Well it probably does, point being, is that we need to focus on some quality time, as in ...together, think that's asking too much?"


"No, your right, look...I'm a fixer-upper, I know I ain't perfect, but I ain't no fool neither, just give me some time and everything will work out perfectly, you'll see!"


"Uh huh, so everything's just gonna fall into place, just like that, right?"


"oh yea,since I made Captain with Security Pros, my salary has went up, I get to set my own schedules, my time with the loading machine can be moved around to fit in time with you and the girls, it'll be great!"


"So, you can actually make time for me...and the girls, too?"


Oh yea, unless I have a large order of shells to reload, but that probably won't happen but once in a blue moon...yea, me and Becky Boy here have a lotta money to make!"

Peggy (laughing)

"Well that's just spiffy, I'm glad to see that you have it all worked out...well, I'm going in and start supper,did you want to join in with the family or should I just make you a plate?"


"Yea, I've got to put Becky Boy together and get through this book of instructions."


"I was right about something."


"What's that?"


"You did already have a name for that thing and you haven't even put it together yet...she's already labeled!"


"Hey, it gives her purpose, status, like part of the family."


"Well, my name is Peggy...I don't have an instruction manual, and you'll just have to figure out how all my moving parts work by good old-fashioned trial and get me, till then, I'll leave you a plate, Love you!"


"Love you too Hon!"

<Scene Close>

Rules Of Nipper-Morning After (5)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Morning After #5
                                                                                                 Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

(At the house : Sunday AM)

(Girls at the table eating eggs and bacon. Nipper waddling around on the floor at their feet, hitting on pieces of bacon scraps, Peggy on phone talking to her Mom)


"Yea Mom, he's a cute little thing, you'd just Love him...and I figure, since Ceasar died, this would give you a little too!"

Mom (Ethyl)

"Well dear, as long as he's not a handful, I would Love to have him guard the old house...haven't heard that old dogie door creaking in some time, are you coming over this morning?"


"As soon as I get the girls dressed, we'll be on our way, okay?"


"All right Dear, I'm doing brownies this morning, so don't keep 'em waiting!"


"Oh, the girls will Love that...Love ya Mom, bye!"

(David waking up, walking down the stairs)


"what...did I miss breakfast again?"


"I left you a plate in the oven...I got to go get the girls dressed, and just to let you know...I decided to take you up on that demand notice, the mandate, keep peace in the house, whatever you want to call it...Nipper's going to Mom's, is that a good thing or what?"


"Well it's for the best, all for the best...down the road you'll see that I was right."

Peggy (sarcastic)

"Of course you are my dear, your always right, guess I'm just a little slow getting the gone it, guess I'll learn one of these days!"

(David eating, looking under table at Nipper)


"Not sure what that dog's gonna look like when he gets big, but he is different...spirited little sucker."

(Peggy going upstairs, talking down)


"The girls tink he's one of a kind, they Love him, that's all that matters...unlike some people!"


"Unlike some what?"


"How much cash it puts in their pocket!"

<Scene Close>

(Girls getting into car, Nipper in a make-shift hamster cage, Peggy turns at front door and comments to David who has already made himself a morning toddy)


"Any last words to Nipper Dave?"

David (laughing)

"Yea, have a nice life, don't drive Granny crazy or anything...I'll see you later Peg."


"Well, it's all day to day from here...that means in the eye of the beholder, it's not one sided, speaking of us. To work, it has to be a shared experience...think about it, see ya later!"

<Scene Switch>

(Arriving at Grandma's Antebellum Civil War period house in North Tampa. It sits on thirty acres and has a one-hundred and twenty foot barn that sits adjacent to the house. There is a wooden picket fence surrounding the property. Grandma sits in a rocker under the long porch veranda. The girls bolt out of the car, Sandy carrying Nipper in the hamster cage)


"Grandma oh, it's so good to see you again...come meet Nipper, come meet Nipper, oh...your just gonna Love him!"

(Pulling Nipper out of cage, putting dog right on Grandma's lap, her eyes light up with the dog's presence)


"Well Nipper...welcome home my dear, you and me are going to become quite the item around here."


"Yea, if you put your finger to his mouth, he nips it...go head, try it!"


"That's how we named him."


"As you can figure, David just about had a fit when he showed up...all he saw was money falling out of his pocket, I just don't know if I did the right thing Mom."


"I told you not to nest up on a rebound...too many emotions, all pent up, and I know it seemed like the cure at the time...but trust me, I'm old, but I've had my share of suitors in my day, some honorable, some worse than got to make a choice in the matter, or drive yourself to drink!"


"Grandma, can we show Nipper the house, we'll be careful?"


"Of course my dear, made you some nice brownies, they're on top of the stove, just cut 'em up, but none for Nipper understand...his system can't take it, it'll make him sick, now you go on girls."


"I don't know about driving me to drink, might have to start taking some sedatives or something if  David and me can't iron itself out."


"Yea, don't get like me, I'm already a walking pharmacy as it is...I swear, if some of those pills didn't have different shapes and colors, I wouldn't know what I was taking!"


"Yea, I worry about you mixing all that stuff up...are you sure the doctor knows what he's giving you?"


"Apparently he does...he is the doctor, and I've been seeing him for an awful long time!"


"I still wish you'd get a second opinion, you know...just to make sure."


"Dear, I feel good (doing a little dance), I'm happy, stop being such a worry-wart, okay?"


"I am kinda of a worry-wart, huh?"


(laughing) "Since you were a little girl, you were my little Savior, and I wouldn't want you any other way...come on, let's see how the girls are doing...sure hope Nipper likes the house!"

<Scene Close>

Rules Of Nipper-Cash And Carry (4)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Cash And Carry #4
                                                                                                     Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

(At the House, Saturday PM)

(Guys Start showing up for the sale, David handing out free beer and wine coolers, walking around, shaking every one's hands)

Jong (Asian Customer)

"How do you manage so many pretty dogs...I like this one, he look at me nice!"


"Well that's a good one, ah Jong...hey where are you from anyway?'


"Eh Bangkok, I immigrate, do computers!"


"Of course you do...what else...I'll get back to you in a second."

(Walking to the next gentleman)


"Afternoon, I'm David, do you see one you like?'


"I'm sorry, I'm Bill, first time over here...just Love these Pitts, ah these two over here are my favorites...thought I'd take them to my ranch up in Lakeland...raise them for security...this looks like a girl and...yep, this is a boy!"


"Well, either way...they're five hundred a works for me if you want to close the sale now, you know...before anyone else makes an offer!"


"Don't worry, here ya go, let's take care of that right now...hey, by the you have anymore of that onion dip...that's got to be homemade if there ever was?"


"Yea, let me check with the little woman, be right back!"

(David walking back toward kitchen, counting one-hundred dollar bills out. David's foot squishes onto the backside of Nipper, who's waddling across hallway. Nipper let's out a terrific yelp. David looks down with a disgusting look on his face, and kicks the dog, who slides across the waxed wooden floor, slamming into he wall)


"You stinking mutt, who invited your sorry ass into the room?"

(Peggy comes running into hallway)


"What in the world is going on...David, did you just kick that dog, or did he just manage to slam himself into that wall by accident?"

(David laughing to himself)


"Who knows, who cares...I just want this dog out of this house by morning...the sooner, the understand me woman?"


"Don't talk to me like that...I have a good mind to..."


"What, what are you going to do with that good mind of yours...what are you going to do now...your just going to have to get use'd to having a real man in the house...cause if it doesn't suit you, it's going to cost you a pretty good coin to have it any other way, you here me?"


"So, we're going to play it like that, huh...mine is yours, yours is yours, so to hell with everybody else!"

(David realising he's drunk, trying to look a little remorseful)


"Hon, it's not like's just that we're...freshly married, I'm not use'd to being with someone just all of a sudden twenty four/ seven...give me me a chance to work my ya-ya's out, it'll all be good, you'll see!"

(Nipper rolls on David's foot...he loses it again)

"But this damn dog has got to go, why don't you send him to your Mom's or something...she's got plenty of space to let him sprawl...the girls can visit him, it's a perfect fit for everyone!"


"Okay, alright...let me see what Mom says...oh, by the way, good luck with your sale...while your at it, why don't you try to sell Becky too...her breeding days aren't over yet...maybe you could do a silent auction or something!"

(David shrugging his shoulders, starts walking back into living room)


"I'm done talking here, I'm gone!"

<Scene Close

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Memories on Mother's Day

Memories On Mother's Day

Hey Mom...can you hear me?
I'm calling to you...

You passed to the light, hope I'm getting through;
Did you know I moved to L.A.?
So many things to do!

But your up there, I still feel your care;
Your hugs and touch, I miss that share.

Just wanted to say how much I miss you;
Looking down from above...

Happy Mother's Day, Kat and Me send our Love!


I was born in Baptist Hospital in August 1936. Attended L.S. Rugg Grammar School and graduated Bolton High School in 1954. My Dad worked at Paramount movie theater, Saenger Movie Theater (which sat between Schwartzberg's and Paramount Theater, across from Kresses and Lerner's. He later worked at the Don Theater.

Rapides Parish Courthouse, Alexandria, Louisiana
He was an elected Police Juror at the time the new Court House was built and his name is inscribed on the original plaque.

My Mother was Ethel Welch Flowers now deceased. She worked for many years at Modern Appliance Mart located on Third Street a block down from Hotel Bentley and Weiss & Goldrings.

Thank you so much for bringing back so many fond memories of my home town. I left Alexandria after marriage and moved to Florida, back to Alexandria where my daughter was born at St. Francis Cabrini Hospital. Moved to New Orleans in 1970. I met my husband when he was stationed at England Air Force Base. He later worked for Texas & Pacific Railroad which was merged with Missouri Pacific which was then merged with Union Pacific. After my husband's death, I moved to Las Vegas, NV in 1987 and after I retired moved to Henderson, NV in 2002.

I am going to look through a lot of old photos that I have somewhere in a box and if I find anything of significance I will be sure to submit them to you. I will be returning to Alexandria the end of April for my 50th High School Reunion and look forward to the visit.

Like a lot of other people, Alexandria will always be home to me no matter where I roam.

Bette June (Flowers) Carter
January 11, 2004

Friday, May 9, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-The Puppy Sale (3)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

The Puppy Sale #3
   Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

One Week Later: David and Peggy Brown's garage-Saturday-9 a.m.

(David is all excited as he sets up view table for puppies. A little altar is established so that Becky the mother can show off her new litter. He's whistling, "Fly Me To The Moon" while he works, Peggy walks in)


"Boy, your certaintly chipper this morning...thought you were going to lay in bead with me and whisper sweet nothings into my ear."


"Sorry Dear, but duty calls...wanna make sure everything is just right for the big day!"


"You know, we ought to use some of that money and start one of those five-seven one programs for the girl's education."


"Well, this particular money's already going toward a good cause."


"And just what is it that you have to have Mister?"


"A multi-gauge bullet reloader...I've been dying to get one of those babies since I can't remember when!"


"You've got to be kidding me, just what is the deal with that?"


"Going into the reloading business, lot's of money to be made reloading your own custom can make a regular bullet kick harder, travel faster, further, and they save money, too!"


"Eh, I don't know David, all these guns, bullets, gun powder laying around, I don't know if I like all this stuff around the girls."


"What's not to like...I can teach them gun safety, safe ways to handle them, how to use them, and best of to defend themselves...I swear, you've got these girls all closeted up, it's ridiculous!"


"Look, these were my girls first, and I've been responsible for them long before you came along...I think I know what's best for them!"


"Where are the girls anyway?"


"Upstairs playing with that dog you didn't want, you know...the one you lost the five-hundred bucks on?"

<Scene Switch>

(In the girl's room upstairs, Sandy and Rebecca play with the yet to be named dog up on the bed)


"You think David...I mean Daddy will let us keep him?"


"Probably not, knowing him, he drinks too much...but just maybe if we can catch him in a good mood."


"When does that happen...I mean, let me know,,,why does he always have to do things for himself?"


"I know, your right, it's always about him, got rules for everybody except himself!"

(Sandy with finger in dog's mouth, suddenly feels a sharp jab)


"Wow, that dog just nipped me!"


"I didn't think puppies had teeth, especially that young,

(Both girls laughing)

just look at how he's trying to chew your finger off!"


"I want to call him Nipper...whatcha think?"


"Yea, that's kinda catchy...but we still don't even know if we can keep him."

(Rebecca yelling downstairs)

"Hey Mom, can we keep the dog...please?"

(Mom yelling upstairs)


"You girls just be patient and not rush here me?"


"But, how does he get to sell all the dogs and we don't even have one for ourselves?"


"You know, for a girl your age, you sure are good with analogies!"


"What's an analogy?"


"A sentence of words use'd to compare one idea with saying an orange is round, like an apple, anyway...getting back to the dog, that dog I swear is pretty cute and friendly, just seems really different, I kinda like him, too!"


"Oh yea Mom, he's really friendly too...I don't care what Dad says, I'm gonna figure out some way where we can keep him!"


"Well now, you've got to consider a few things honey...okay?"


"Please Mom, don't start with a lecture...I know it cost money to have a pet, like a dog or a cat, like a hamster or a horse...all the kids at school say they have to do extra chores, stuff like that!"


"And the kids at school are smart...a lot smarter than I give them credit for...point being, they're right, it's a real cost and it's real think it out girls, just make sure you know what your getting yourselves into...that's all I'm saying here!"

<Scene Close>