Monday, May 12, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Morning After (5)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Morning After #5
                                                                                                 Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

(At the house : Sunday AM)

(Girls at the table eating eggs and bacon. Nipper waddling around on the floor at their feet, hitting on pieces of bacon scraps, Peggy on phone talking to her Mom)


"Yea Mom, he's a cute little thing, you'd just Love him...and I figure, since Ceasar died, this would give you a little too!"

Mom (Ethyl)

"Well dear, as long as he's not a handful, I would Love to have him guard the old house...haven't heard that old dogie door creaking in some time, are you coming over this morning?"


"As soon as I get the girls dressed, we'll be on our way, okay?"


"All right Dear, I'm doing brownies this morning, so don't keep 'em waiting!"


"Oh, the girls will Love that...Love ya Mom, bye!"

(David waking up, walking down the stairs)


"what...did I miss breakfast again?"


"I left you a plate in the oven...I got to go get the girls dressed, and just to let you know...I decided to take you up on that demand notice, the mandate, keep peace in the house, whatever you want to call it...Nipper's going to Mom's, is that a good thing or what?"


"Well it's for the best, all for the best...down the road you'll see that I was right."

Peggy (sarcastic)

"Of course you are my dear, your always right, guess I'm just a little slow getting the gone it, guess I'll learn one of these days!"

(David eating, looking under table at Nipper)


"Not sure what that dog's gonna look like when he gets big, but he is different...spirited little sucker."

(Peggy going upstairs, talking down)


"The girls tink he's one of a kind, they Love him, that's all that matters...unlike some people!"


"Unlike some what?"


"How much cash it puts in their pocket!"

<Scene Close>

(Girls getting into car, Nipper in a make-shift hamster cage, Peggy turns at front door and comments to David who has already made himself a morning toddy)


"Any last words to Nipper Dave?"

David (laughing)

"Yea, have a nice life, don't drive Granny crazy or anything...I'll see you later Peg."


"Well, it's all day to day from here...that means in the eye of the beholder, it's not one sided, speaking of us. To work, it has to be a shared experience...think about it, see ya later!"

<Scene Switch>

(Arriving at Grandma's Antebellum Civil War period house in North Tampa. It sits on thirty acres and has a one-hundred and twenty foot barn that sits adjacent to the house. There is a wooden picket fence surrounding the property. Grandma sits in a rocker under the long porch veranda. The girls bolt out of the car, Sandy carrying Nipper in the hamster cage)


"Grandma oh, it's so good to see you again...come meet Nipper, come meet Nipper, oh...your just gonna Love him!"

(Pulling Nipper out of cage, putting dog right on Grandma's lap, her eyes light up with the dog's presence)


"Well Nipper...welcome home my dear, you and me are going to become quite the item around here."


"Yea, if you put your finger to his mouth, he nips it...go head, try it!"


"That's how we named him."


"As you can figure, David just about had a fit when he showed up...all he saw was money falling out of his pocket, I just don't know if I did the right thing Mom."


"I told you not to nest up on a rebound...too many emotions, all pent up, and I know it seemed like the cure at the time...but trust me, I'm old, but I've had my share of suitors in my day, some honorable, some worse than got to make a choice in the matter, or drive yourself to drink!"


"Grandma, can we show Nipper the house, we'll be careful?"


"Of course my dear, made you some nice brownies, they're on top of the stove, just cut 'em up, but none for Nipper understand...his system can't take it, it'll make him sick, now you go on girls."


"I don't know about driving me to drink, might have to start taking some sedatives or something if  David and me can't iron itself out."


"Yea, don't get like me, I'm already a walking pharmacy as it is...I swear, if some of those pills didn't have different shapes and colors, I wouldn't know what I was taking!"


"Yea, I worry about you mixing all that stuff up...are you sure the doctor knows what he's giving you?"


"Apparently he does...he is the doctor, and I've been seeing him for an awful long time!"


"I still wish you'd get a second opinion, you know...just to make sure."


"Dear, I feel good (doing a little dance), I'm happy, stop being such a worry-wart, okay?"


"I am kinda of a worry-wart, huh?"


(laughing) "Since you were a little girl, you were my little Savior, and I wouldn't want you any other way...come on, let's see how the girls are doing...sure hope Nipper likes the house!"

<Scene Close>

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