Friday, May 9, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-The Puppy Sale (3)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

The Puppy Sale #3
   Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

One Week Later: David and Peggy Brown's garage-Saturday-9 a.m.

(David is all excited as he sets up view table for puppies. A little altar is established so that Becky the mother can show off her new litter. He's whistling, "Fly Me To The Moon" while he works, Peggy walks in)


"Boy, your certaintly chipper this morning...thought you were going to lay in bead with me and whisper sweet nothings into my ear."


"Sorry Dear, but duty calls...wanna make sure everything is just right for the big day!"


"You know, we ought to use some of that money and start one of those five-seven one programs for the girl's education."


"Well, this particular money's already going toward a good cause."


"And just what is it that you have to have Mister?"


"A multi-gauge bullet reloader...I've been dying to get one of those babies since I can't remember when!"


"You've got to be kidding me, just what is the deal with that?"


"Going into the reloading business, lot's of money to be made reloading your own custom can make a regular bullet kick harder, travel faster, further, and they save money, too!"


"Eh, I don't know David, all these guns, bullets, gun powder laying around, I don't know if I like all this stuff around the girls."


"What's not to like...I can teach them gun safety, safe ways to handle them, how to use them, and best of to defend themselves...I swear, you've got these girls all closeted up, it's ridiculous!"


"Look, these were my girls first, and I've been responsible for them long before you came along...I think I know what's best for them!"


"Where are the girls anyway?"


"Upstairs playing with that dog you didn't want, you know...the one you lost the five-hundred bucks on?"

<Scene Switch>

(In the girl's room upstairs, Sandy and Rebecca play with the yet to be named dog up on the bed)


"You think David...I mean Daddy will let us keep him?"


"Probably not, knowing him, he drinks too much...but just maybe if we can catch him in a good mood."


"When does that happen...I mean, let me know,,,why does he always have to do things for himself?"


"I know, your right, it's always about him, got rules for everybody except himself!"

(Sandy with finger in dog's mouth, suddenly feels a sharp jab)


"Wow, that dog just nipped me!"


"I didn't think puppies had teeth, especially that young,

(Both girls laughing)

just look at how he's trying to chew your finger off!"


"I want to call him Nipper...whatcha think?"


"Yea, that's kinda catchy...but we still don't even know if we can keep him."

(Rebecca yelling downstairs)

"Hey Mom, can we keep the dog...please?"

(Mom yelling upstairs)


"You girls just be patient and not rush here me?"


"But, how does he get to sell all the dogs and we don't even have one for ourselves?"


"You know, for a girl your age, you sure are good with analogies!"


"What's an analogy?"


"A sentence of words use'd to compare one idea with saying an orange is round, like an apple, anyway...getting back to the dog, that dog I swear is pretty cute and friendly, just seems really different, I kinda like him, too!"


"Oh yea Mom, he's really friendly too...I don't care what Dad says, I'm gonna figure out some way where we can keep him!"


"Well now, you've got to consider a few things honey...okay?"


"Please Mom, don't start with a lecture...I know it cost money to have a pet, like a dog or a cat, like a hamster or a horse...all the kids at school say they have to do extra chores, stuff like that!"


"And the kids at school are smart...a lot smarter than I give them credit for...point being, they're right, it's a real cost and it's real think it out girls, just make sure you know what your getting yourselves into...that's all I'm saying here!"

<Scene Close>

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