Monday, May 19, 2014

Algorithms By Google

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014


Let me first start off by saying that this is not a rant towards Google!
It's amazing what you guys do, and I take great joy in knowing that my whole existence has been reduced to an algorithmic meta-tag! I sleep better at night knowing that I have a product code...

To the political stammer of  my illustrious Governor Jerry Brown who has spouted recently that we can cure global warming by simply making sure that we all pay for our carbon credits...up front and on time...thanks Al Gore, you bastard!

To being told that I need to start waking up at three in the morning to have adequate time to walk to work, instead of driving in...

Let's see...can I Google "Girl's wearing short-shorts from the Czech-Republic?" or
old "Red Skeleton skits?",  or maybe how to grow magic mushrooms from my window garden ways to masturbate? Not much the algorithms of Google can't handle...

The problem makes our culture lazy and complacent. It takes away from the creative juices of the artistic community. Why should one bother with original least not anymore, when reality tv let's you witness the natural turmoil (although most are heavily scripted), that develops when a group of people, dripping in overabundance, are challenged by the idea that they will leave "no" legacy! That they are not able to buy happiness, no matter how much cash they have at their disposal, and that even Billionaires have to take out the trash themselves once in a while!

So, if some asteroid doesn't manage to make it through the atmosphere or some group of depressed soul seekers, cult followers, or religious radicals doesn't manage to launch an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse), high into the skies...

Something that would knock out every smartphone, tv, radio, even the computer in you car...along with no running water, sewage all backed-up, and leaving us very very dark at night,,,then back to the stone age we will go, just like that...well at least those that survive the riots! Left unchecked, the algorithms will only progress...taking over any recollection of what creative thought or core point originality was...or even if it ever existed to start with?

Who will be left to question, once common thought has been eliminated?
Can you prove that it even existed?

They say it will be the sixth revival of another civilization on planet Earth...

Maybe I should Google that while everything is still working!

I'll get back to you...

Kirk Carter 
Burbank, Ca.
May 19, 2014

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