Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Where's Nipper (9)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Where's Nipper? #9
                                                                                                                          Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright                                                       <Fade In>

(Pan over across freshly mowed field. Right in the middle there is a bloodied patch of dog blood, now soaked into the ground. Grandma, Mom, and the Girls come back from the store, driving up the driveway, admiring the mowed field.)


"Well, it looks like Jay did a nice job on the yard."

"Oh yes he did...for once I don't see beer cans laying all over the place...but I still think a hundred dollars is a lot of money just to get the grass cut...heavens, when I was young, that would have been wages for a month!"

Peggy (laughing)

"Well Mom...that's inflation...the important thing is you finally found someone you can trust to do it...that's saying a lot!"


"Hope Nipper's okay...being all alone by himself."


"New house and everything, he's probably going crazy!"


"I just hope he didn't chew anything up or..."


Or what Grandma...poop all over the place?"

Grandma (laughing)

"Yes, exactly girls...poop all over the place."


"Keep in mind...he's just a puppy, and they'll do what they do!"

(Getting out of car, the girls hurry to the door.)


"Come on Grandma, unlock, unlock, unlock, we wanna see Nipper!
       (The girls huff and start grabbing bags of groceries out of trunk, Grandma unlocks door and goes in.)


"Oh Nipper...where are you boy?"

Rebecca (whistling)

"Oh Nipper, come on, we're home."


"Nipper, are you sleeping?"


"Probably upstairs by my bed, let me go see!"

(This goes on for almost five minutes, as Grandma is putting food in the pantry, she hears a squeak, something she hasn't heard in a long time.)


"I'll be darn...that's either the ghost of Ceasar or somehow..."

(Walking around kitchen counter, she see's doggie door moving.)

"...that Nipper figured out a way to unlock the doggie door!"


"Girls...girls, look around outside, I guess Nipper got loose."

(Girls barrel out back door yelling for Nipper. Looking in the barn, all in the back, coming back up to the front of the house, they spot a pool of blood and teeth fragments. Both girls freeze, just staring.)

Sandy (tearing up)

"Oh no, something...something has happened, no...not!"

(Turning and clutching Rebecca.)

Rebecca (yelling)

"Mom, Grandma...come out here please?"

(Putting down food, they both come running out front door. Walking up, there is total silence, camera frames each participant.)


"Well kids, my little Nipper got out...and probably the hawks got him...I mean, we're all fenced in here, so something came out of the sky and snatched him's God's will, I guess...something you must respect...something you'll have to learn to appreciate, but oh dear, I wish it wouldn't have been him...God speed Nipper, we're going to miss you boy!"

(Girls crying, hugging Mom.)

<Scene Close>

Subpages (1): Nipper's Recovery #10

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