Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Jay's Bad Day (8)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Jay's Bad Day #8
                                                                                                              Kirk Carter- WGA Copyright 2012
 <Fade In> 

(About an hour later, Jay shows up in "Hippy-Style" van. Jay, a long haired ex-Vietnam vet, mowing yards on the side to supplement his government check, getting out of van, finishing off a Bud and walks back of house toward the barn, seeing Nipper jumping up and down against the inside of window. Jay smiles.)


"Hey buddy, looks like Granny's got herself a new man...let me see if I can get you out for some fresh air!"

(Going into barn, looking into old lock box, he finds the five twenty dollar bills and quickly puts the wad into his pocket. He starts to walk over to prep the tractor, when he hears the muffled barks of Nipper. He doubles back to the house, searching and finding Granny's hidden emergency key under mat. He unlocks door, barely opening it Nipper comes barreling out into back patio, hopping up against Jay's leg.)


"Hey boy...whatcha doing, Granny never told me about you, you got a name...huh?"

(Walking back to barn, Nipper following him along. Going in the barn, Jay pulls out a joint of weed and lights it up, taking a deep inhale, he blows a big cloud of smoke into Nipper's face. Nipper responds, coming toward the smoke.)


"Aw man...eh, there ya go, you like that huh?"

(Finishing off half the joint, he puts it out and walks over to the tractor, checking the gas and oil. Nipper now obviously stoned from the combination of weed smoke and Grandma's overdose from the night before, now having trouble maintaining balance and walking forward.)


"Stuff got you tripped out huh...I'll tell you what...you can be my little weed buddy, whatta ya think of that?"

(Getting on the old vintage John Deer tractor, he starts it on the second turn of the ignition, blowing smoke and carbon deposits all over the barn, smoke pouring out big doors, he backs out, driving down a little ways along fence, then engaging the huge blades below, puts it into drive again, and starts cutting the thick grass. Nipper running along behind the tractor, hitting on the bugs and flies that are coming up from the freshly cut surface.)

(An hour later)

(Now more than half the field has been cut, Jay jumps off, feeling thirsty for a cold beer, he tilts jumping off, everything in his front pocket flies out, including a container of Tic-Tacs which burst open as it falls into blade assembly. Jay not noticing, makes a beeline toward his van. The tractor blade is still engaged, Nipper seeing all the little blue Tic-Tacs starts eating them, reminding him of what appeared as some of Granny's happy pills. Several of the blue mints were to the inside of the debris outlet on the blade enclosure. Nipper sticks his head in to eat the remaining candies, where the blade immediately chops off his front jaw and part of his frontal cortex. Nipper starts bleeding profusely, yelping, spinning around in the grass on his side. Jay opening up beer by van, can't see what's happening from his angle of sight, but he hears faint yelping and squealing over the tractor noise. Walking back towards the tractor, he see's the seriously injured Nipper flopping around, bleeding in the grass.)


"Oh man...this can't be happening dude!"

(Grabbing old Army jacket out of van, he gather's Nipper up in it, cutting tractor off, and jumping into van with Nipper bundled up, he stops. Suddenly realizing that he doesn't know of any veterinarian near by. But then he thinks of Mike. Image appears in his stoned mind.)


"Yea boy, we'll take ya to Mike...he'll know how to fix ya up!"

(Mike was a former second-level platoon medic for the Army in Vietnam, now running a head shop and tattoo parlor just down the street. Mike floors the van, doing a loop through the field, burning rubber as he enters the street. He's quickly over in the back parking lot of Mike's Head Shop and Tattoo Emporium, running in through the back door, dog bundled up in Army jacket, yelling for Mike's attention. Mike in private tattoo room trying to get frisky with a young co-ed.)


"Well, ya know...if you can't pay for the pretty flower I put on your ankle...ah ol' Uncle Mike has some alternative payment options you might want to consider?"

(Jay banging on door, turning door knob, entering private room unannounced.)


"Mike...you gotta help me bra, I was mowing Ethyl's field and my tractor chewed up her new dog...dude come on, ya gotta help me!"


"Chewed up, what got chewed up...her dog...what's the deal man, he's not dead, is he?"

(Mike ushering the girl out the back door.)


"I'll talk to you later, get going."


Man, I can't tell...dog must of stuck his nose into the blade, cause he ain't got no nose...just eyeballs and ears, and he's bleeding something fierce!"

Mike (laughing)

"Dude, I don't know if I can help you, you should have taken that sucker to a vet or something...but let me take a look."

(Opening up the Army jacket he see's that Nipper's front jaw has been lobbed off with about a tenth of an inch of his frontal skull removed. Seeing some brain matter, he takes some cotton balls and jams them in the skull of the violently shaking dog.)


"Well, whatta ya think man, can you save him?"


"I don't know about this...this is one wounded soldier here. Uh, get me that wine bag up there on the hook, this dog's in shock...might die of cardiac or something...I'm trying to think if I got anything to calm him down without killing him."

(Walking over to his tattoo bin, opens drawer, pulling out a tightly rolled piece of foil exposing a half-smoked black joint.)


"Damn, what's that?


"Some old black tar heroin, while back...maybe if I float this in a solution, it might leech just enough not to take him over there edge."


"No man...ya gonna mess that dog up with that, what else ya got?"


"Look...it's an opiate, it kills the pain, stabilizes the nerves, he's gonna die if you don't do nothing, you want me to help or what...I ain't got nothing else, just leave him here, let me see what I can do."


"All right man, yea I left Ethyl's tractor out in the middle of the field...she's going to know that somethings up!"


"There ya go...go take care of business...cause I've got some serious grafting to do here."


"What's grafting?"


"Like fabrication man...when you replace something that isn't there to something that is. Did it all the time out in the field...not perfect, but gets the job done...now get the hell out of here...go!"


"Alright man, I'm done, check with you later!"

(Jay drives back to Ethyl's to finish off field. Mike looking around, finding old number twenty-five intravenous needle set, use'd for drip medication, he pours some sodium citrate into the wine bag, crumbles up some pieces of the heroin joint, forcing a plastic tube into the nozzle of the wine bag, Sticks the needle in the back of the dog's shoulder, and hangs the bag up on a nail. Adjusting the drip, after about ten minutes the dog stops shaking. Checks for heartbeat, everything is stabilized.)


"Well buddy, looks like God and me are going to have to work some miracles here!"

(Mike starts looking around room, eyes roaming, he spots an old block of aluminum. He envisions in his head cutting the block in half with the band saw he's got sitting in the corner covered in cob webs, then making some indentations for teeth with his Dremel drill, making some holes on an angle through the back of the blocks, and screwing the chopper plates to what's left of the existing jaw. With his game plan, he goes to task, pulling the band saw out, cleaning the webs off, oiling the blade and motor, proceeding to cut the aluminum block in half. He then proceeds to gingerly cut the teeth indention's with the drill for the teeth, briefly sanding  and checking for fit, goes back and takes a little bit more off to fit. Sands again, then by using a combination of Super  and Gorilla glue, he applies it to the backs of the two blocks and pushes them against the existing jowl line. Taking some self-tapping screws, he starts them quickly into the backs of the blocks, then slowly inching them into the bone of the jawline. Dogs pulse is barely noticeable, so he cuts the drip back a bit. The brain tissue is leaking out a bit, so he mixes some Bondo material with some silver with some silver nitrate and lead acetate to create a mesh sealant to seal off the hole in his skull. Looking around the room again, he see's an old Lady and the Tramp  stuffed dog hanging from the ceiling. Taking it down, he lobs off the snout, pulling some of the stuffing out, cutting it into two pieces, putting some glue to the inside, then pressing the material onto and around the aluminum block pieces. To finish off the fit he stitches the back of the material to the dog's existing skin line. Standing back, looking at his handy work, he just shakes his head.)


"Dog, I don't know what I just did to you, but it's better than you were!"

(Wrapping the dog up in bandages, tying them off so he can't scratch himself, he sets Nipper in a big Easter basket, on top of some pink and blue plastic hay, covers him up, opening up the end of the wine bag, he adds about ten drops of some steroid solution to help with the tissue rebuilding, then hangs the wine bag drip by the top handle of the basket. He sets the basket under the bench behind the curtains. He proceeds to clean everything up.)

<Scene Switch>

(Back at Grandma's house, Jay has finished mowing the field. Putting the tractor back, he unlocks the doggy door on the back door to house, thinking it will look like the dog had worked the lock loose and ran off. Rehiding the key under the mat, jumps in the van and takes off.)

<Scene Close>


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