Monday, May 12, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Cash And Carry (4)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Cash And Carry #4
                                                                                                     Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

(At the House, Saturday PM)

(Guys Start showing up for the sale, David handing out free beer and wine coolers, walking around, shaking every one's hands)

Jong (Asian Customer)

"How do you manage so many pretty dogs...I like this one, he look at me nice!"


"Well that's a good one, ah Jong...hey where are you from anyway?'


"Eh Bangkok, I immigrate, do computers!"


"Of course you do...what else...I'll get back to you in a second."

(Walking to the next gentleman)


"Afternoon, I'm David, do you see one you like?'


"I'm sorry, I'm Bill, first time over here...just Love these Pitts, ah these two over here are my favorites...thought I'd take them to my ranch up in Lakeland...raise them for security...this looks like a girl and...yep, this is a boy!"


"Well, either way...they're five hundred a works for me if you want to close the sale now, you know...before anyone else makes an offer!"


"Don't worry, here ya go, let's take care of that right now...hey, by the you have anymore of that onion dip...that's got to be homemade if there ever was?"


"Yea, let me check with the little woman, be right back!"

(David walking back toward kitchen, counting one-hundred dollar bills out. David's foot squishes onto the backside of Nipper, who's waddling across hallway. Nipper let's out a terrific yelp. David looks down with a disgusting look on his face, and kicks the dog, who slides across the waxed wooden floor, slamming into he wall)


"You stinking mutt, who invited your sorry ass into the room?"

(Peggy comes running into hallway)


"What in the world is going on...David, did you just kick that dog, or did he just manage to slam himself into that wall by accident?"

(David laughing to himself)


"Who knows, who cares...I just want this dog out of this house by morning...the sooner, the understand me woman?"


"Don't talk to me like that...I have a good mind to..."


"What, what are you going to do with that good mind of yours...what are you going to do now...your just going to have to get use'd to having a real man in the house...cause if it doesn't suit you, it's going to cost you a pretty good coin to have it any other way, you here me?"


"So, we're going to play it like that, huh...mine is yours, yours is yours, so to hell with everybody else!"

(David realising he's drunk, trying to look a little remorseful)


"Hon, it's not like's just that we're...freshly married, I'm not use'd to being with someone just all of a sudden twenty four/ seven...give me me a chance to work my ya-ya's out, it'll all be good, you'll see!"

(Nipper rolls on David's foot...he loses it again)

"But this damn dog has got to go, why don't you send him to your Mom's or something...she's got plenty of space to let him sprawl...the girls can visit him, it's a perfect fit for everyone!"


"Okay, alright...let me see what Mom says...oh, by the way, good luck with your sale...while your at it, why don't you try to sell Becky too...her breeding days aren't over yet...maybe you could do a silent auction or something!"

(David shrugging his shoulders, starts walking back into living room)


"I'm done talking here, I'm gone!"

<Scene Close

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