Friday, May 9, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Dogs For Sale (2)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012/ 2014

Dogs for Sale #2
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Dogs for Sale #2

Kirk Carter-WGA Copyright 2012

Opening Scene: Peggy's House-Port Tampa, Florida-Sunday A.M.

(Becky, the prized winning AKC Pitbull is busily in the middle of having a litter of puppies. She's had five so far, all of them perfect. The proud stepfather nervously awaits the sixth to come out. As the puppy is born, the stepfather's expression quickly changes when he notices the dog is a runt, looking nothing like the other dogs)

David (the stepfather)

"What the hell is this...oh for God's sake, old girl, what have you been up to?"

(Peggy, his new wife he just married, who was a widow, with two daughters, and a house)


"What's the problem David?"


"I think Becky's been messing around, she got one that just came out...looks like it came from another planet!"

(Peggy looking at puppy number six)


"I don't know dear, it's definatly different, kinda cute in it's own way."


Cute...what am I suppose to do with this one...I can't sell it, probably can't even give it away!"

(The two daughters come in. Sandy who is ten and Rebecca who is twelve, both taking a look at the runt dog)


"Aw...he is so cute, David can we keep him?"


"Sandy, how many times do I have to tell you, start calling David your father, your Dad...try to keep in practice, okay?"


"Yes mam, ah...can we keep it Dad?"

(Rebecca wiping off dog with a paper towel and turning it over)


"It's a nipples, just a little wienie!"


"I don't know, let me think about it!"

(Getting up, making himself another drink)


"Your just gung-ho on this sale aren't you...anything for a buck...and please try watching your drinking around the girls...won't you?"


"Yea, yea...well these Pits will go for about five-hundred a piece, that would have been like twenty-five I lost what...five-hundred on the runt...hey, what the goes the way Peg, is Saturday okay for the auction?'


"Sure, why not...the sooner you are to going back to being my new husband...look, don't forget, we just got married...I've got needs, too!"

<Scene Close>

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