Monday, May 12, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-The Reloading Machine (6)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

The Reloading Machine #6
                                                                                                       Kirk Carter@ WGA Copyright 2012

(Back at the house-Sunday-Noon)

(David gets from the seven day a week gun store with new bullet reloading machine. Unpacking it with all the fervor of a child on Christmas morning. Talking to himself and the old Pitt bull mother Becky.)


"Oh, I can't thank you enough Becky...thank you for bringing me those beautiful glorious pups into this world, so that daddy could have his toy...I do believe this calls for a drink."

(Grabbing his bottle of Jim Beam, he looks for his drinking cup, finding it, he see's a dead roach at the bottom.)

"Not to bother, I'm just going to old-school this."

(Taking several large gulps out of the bottle.)


"There ya go Daddy, get this buzz going now!"

(Grabbing thick pamphlet of instructions marked, "How to operate your Model 720 Reloader", he starts to read. About an hour passes and David has passed out in the workshop, bent over onto bench. Becky, feeling self-serving, walks over and pees on his shoe, then exits the workshop. Peggy and the girls return about five p.m., Sandy carrying empty hamster cage, Rebecca carrying foil-wrapped leftover brownies, girls looking tired and dejected for having to leave Nipper at Grandma's.)


"David, you home?"

(Walking down the driveway, she see's the light in the workshop, see's David passed out, with head on bench sideways, mouth open with drool coming out. Then she see's the big Model 720 Reloading box, parts all over the place, big instruction manual, she decides to make a comment.)


"Well, I hope your happy with yourself Mister, you just married a reloading machine...should have brought you some flowers at least...didn't realize she was coming home so join the family!"

(David groggily waking up, coughing up some flem.)


"What's that suppose to mean?"


"Well, since you'll be spending all your time with her...ah, you did give her a name...didn't you?"


"Give what a name, ya mean my reloading machine?"


"Sure kiddo, guys give names to their cars, boats, their man caves, anything and everything that speaks of that social norm of having to comprehend the audacity of what one would call quality family time...for that matter, the simple interaction with your spouse just for instance!"

(David shaking his head.)


"Look Peggy, I know you went to college, being an English major and everything, them Psych classes, but you ain't got me figured out by a long-shot...look it's just a machine that repacks bullets...that's's not my girlfriend or anything!"


"But, it consumes all your time like one, and who am I to say that I could just be bumped out of the picture all together?"


"Hon, your just driving this all out of proportion...making a mountain out of a molehill, chewing me out for a simple thing that brings joy to my heart, making judgments in know what the the Bible says about such stuff?"


"Yea, why don't you tell me where in the Bible it says such stuff?"


"Well, I don't remember the exact passage, but it's in there!"


"Well it probably does, point being, is that we need to focus on some quality time, as in ...together, think that's asking too much?"


"No, your right, look...I'm a fixer-upper, I know I ain't perfect, but I ain't no fool neither, just give me some time and everything will work out perfectly, you'll see!"


"Uh huh, so everything's just gonna fall into place, just like that, right?"


"oh yea,since I made Captain with Security Pros, my salary has went up, I get to set my own schedules, my time with the loading machine can be moved around to fit in time with you and the girls, it'll be great!"


"So, you can actually make time for me...and the girls, too?"


Oh yea, unless I have a large order of shells to reload, but that probably won't happen but once in a blue moon...yea, me and Becky Boy here have a lotta money to make!"

Peggy (laughing)

"Well that's just spiffy, I'm glad to see that you have it all worked out...well, I'm going in and start supper,did you want to join in with the family or should I just make you a plate?"


"Yea, I've got to put Becky Boy together and get through this book of instructions."


"I was right about something."


"What's that?"


"You did already have a name for that thing and you haven't even put it together yet...she's already labeled!"


"Hey, it gives her purpose, status, like part of the family."


"Well, my name is Peggy...I don't have an instruction manual, and you'll just have to figure out how all my moving parts work by good old-fashioned trial and get me, till then, I'll leave you a plate, Love you!"


"Love you too Hon!"

<Scene Close>

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