Saturday, May 31, 2014

Finding Purpose In Yourself

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2014

Finding Purpose Within Yourself

As you sit there reading this, your probably wondering what clinical study I drew this from?

Actually none, just an observation of those who savor a real purpose...toward themselves, hence to mankind...

It's simple really, just think of your favorite thing to do (i.e. preclude watching other's body of work, video games, or just sitting on your butt watching the grass grow), no your looking for real purpose here!

Not to be confused with monetary gain...maybe eventually, but in the mean time focus on the dynamic investment of research, study, and creative expression toward whatever it is that amuses you, floats your boat, or pacifies that inner yearning to be a real somebody to yourself and the rest of us on the planet.

First thing I suggest, is to think outside the box. Find that one thing about a topic or craft that you can bring to fruition, improve upon, or "hey", originate from scratch!

Come on...I believe in you (you get one vote just for reading this), so...anything that's been covered already is fair game, but...what have they missed?

I promised myself not to use comparisons or examples for this thought provoking, but very intrinsic little read of promotional enthusiasm, but come on...motivate yourself out of that hole you've been hiding in and get busy, productive, and proud of your amazing do exists!

Look at it this way...if your driven to boredom with thoughts of "What's The Point", then your only letting the rest of us down with your failure to take part in something productive. Quit messing with my head...nothing to show, just laying there feeling sorry for yourself, sucking up our air?

And on top of that, you'll have no spouse, no friends, you'll be disowned by your pets, and eventually you'll be eaten by Bears, while the Buzzards pick your scraps! 

So, what the hell...piss those predators off and show a little motivation...

If it's the right passion, you won't have enough time in the day for your'll actually be losing sleep at some pace yourself!

It's your move, now make it happen...good luck!

                                                                                                                  Kirk Carter
                                                                                                                  Burbank, Ca.

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