Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rules Of Nipper-Grandma's House (7)

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2012-2014

Grandma's House #7
                                                                                                         Kirk Carter@Wga Copyright 2012

(Grandma's House-9 p.m.)
(Pulling back from kitchen garbage can, you see an empty Alpo can, the lid showing that it's a couple of years expired, leftovers from when her last dog Ceasar was alive. Framed pictures of Ceasar a pure-breed Jack Terrier adorn the walls in the hallway. Looking up the grand stairway to the second-floor, you can see the light in bathroom of theater bedroom where Grandma and Nipper prepare for their first night together. Close in on bathroom, Grandma wearing Duster-style blue night robe, fumbling through the medicine cabinet packed with pharmaceuticals of every type. Some current, some five years expired. She's trying to read the doctor's hand-written night-time dosages. As she hunts and pulls pills from each bottle, several fall to the floor. Nipper see's them as snacks and quickly gobbles up the different colored pills. By the time bedtime comes, Nipper has already passed out on the floor by Grandma's bed.)


""Oh dear, Nipper? You poor thing, you were plum exhausted...I can't blame you for needing a good rest!"

(Grandma now buzzing on her own mediation


"You are in Ethyl's Palace now...you protect me, I'll protect you...as a team, we will conquer the world outside, lay haste to those that get in out way, good night my little friend...sleep well!"

<Scene Close>

Grandma'a House-Monday 7AM

(Grandma, "Out of habit" making eggs and bacon for herself and all the other wildlife who have become accustomed to the bounty of leftovers she throws out to the back of the house. They wait all along the side, like a wildlife soup line. Nipper finally makes his way down the grand stairway, still foggy from his drugged condition, bumping into walls, rolling down a few steps sideways, finally finding a solid footing on the first floor. He attempts to run, then walks, as Grandma tosses him a piece of bacon.)


"Here ya go boy!"

(Nipper attempts to run again but starts to slide onto the waxed wood floor and slams into wall, "Bam!")


"Now Nipper...you be careful there...here I'll just put thee goodies into Ceasar's old bowl, Ceasar would like that!"

Back at Peggy's House-Monday 9 AM

(Peggy getting girls ready for going out shopping with Grandma. It's July second, X'ed out on the calender on the fridge door, summer break from school in full swing. Girls squabbling about getting new swimsuits and a leash for Nipper. David has already left for work at the security company.)


"Girls, come on...decide on something, put something on for heaven's sake, Grandma is expecting us for ten-thirty!"


"Okay Mom, Rebecca's holding up the show, she keeps falling asleep on the toilet, what's the deal?"

Peggy (laughing)

"I don't know what she's doing, she's doing some heavy thinking I guess?"

(Sandy banging on bathroom door.)


"Come on turd for brains, get your butt up and let me in!"


"I'm working, I'm working on it, nothings moving...leave me alone!"


"Come on, Nipper's waiting!"

(Suddenly, with that thought, she has a bowel movement, pull back to a smile on her face, moments later she exits the bathroom.)


"Bout time...whew eh, whew it stinks in here, somebody open a window, call the stink patrol!"


"It'll go away, it's not anything you can't produce, Miss Farty-fart, let me finish getting dressed...I won't take long."


"Girls would you please hurry up, we've got to get across town before Tuesday if you don't mind?


"Okay Mom we're ready."

(Everyone piling into car.)

<Scene Switch> 

(Peggy and girls arriving at Grandma's house. Grandma in huge barn in the back putting four twenty dollar bills in old tender box on worktable, talking to Nipper, he's running around between her legs.)


"Let's see, Jay's going to come and run the tractor, and get that big old yard all nice and mowed. It'll be all ready for you to run and play in Nipper. You stay inside and don't give him any trouble now, Grandma's going to go get you some fresh food to eat!"

(Peggy see's barn door open, walks down to the back of the house.)


"Hey Mom, you back there?"

(Grandma and Nipper come out of barn.)


"Yes dear, coming...I think Nipper thinks he's coming, but I told him to stayhere and guard the house!"

(Nipper barking in a frenzy.)


"Well at least he'll be learning how to earn his keep around here."

(Nipper turns and stares at Grandma.)


"Now you behave yourself, Grandma will be back in a little while."

(Everybody getting into car and leaving, Nipper inside house.)

<Scene Close>

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